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Chapter 800 70 Chapter Martial Ancestor’s Tree Released!

At this moment, in the valley.

Lin Miaoke and the others, all heard the loud noise coming from the door, and the expressions were suddenly different.

Lin Miaoke and Xian Yue had their hearts in their throats, and the corners of Ding Buhui and the others evoked a smile.

“Hum, ready to perform mystery!”

The middle age person of Scarlet Condor flashed cold light in his eyes, sound transmission said.

To this day, even if it costs a great deal, all the treasures will be robbed.

At the next moment, the eight people of Scarlet Condor all laughed, folded their hands together, and changed continuously. The ancient seal was revealed, and the body was shining with intense blood light. Aura, it was climbing, blinking, Just doubled.

“this is–“

Lin Miaoke and Ding Buhui and the others, seeing this scene, their breath is stagnant.

This group of people has actually mastered this evil power!

At the same time, there was a great hall in the gate.

Although Yang Song’s words didn’t go on, the terrible murderous aura had already explained everything. If Qin Nan didn’t hand over anything today, he would definitely let Qin Nan fall here.

“Oh,” Qin Nan said, looking still, with a sarcastic expression on the corners of his mouth, saying, “You can’t sit still now? Before you came, didn’t you say that everything depends on means?”

“Hahaha, now also rely on the strength Ah! Qin Nan, give me nonsense! Give you one last chance, can these treasures be delivered?” Yang Song laughed heartily, a momentum of Martial Ancestor 3-layer, exudes , Aggressive.

On his side, Xia Hao, covered with skeleton, also started to crackle, astral qi 4 overflow.

“Do not pay!”

Qin Nan didn’t hesitate, said directly indifferently.

“Qin Nan, give you a chance you are not sure, give me death now! Xia Hao, let’s go together and kill him directly with Martial Ancestor’s Tree!” Yang Song pupils slightly shrink, and then he sighed and sang on top of him. Above, a 30-foot-long dark-green Martial Ancestor’s Tree rises into the sky in an instant.

Xia Hao’s head, Martial Ancestor’s Tree, also floated out.

When these two people were promoted to Martial Ancestor, they were all invincible Martial Saint levels, and they also learned a lot of Emperor Techniques, so their Martial Ancestor’s Tree for two people is much more powerful than the ordinary Martial Ancestor 3-layer.

“Give me the suppression!”

Two people are loudly roared at the same time, 2 ancient Martial Ancestor’s Trees, one left and one right, and countless shares of Emperor Technique will will burst out, as if they evolved a Taikoo Emperor Mountain, moved towards Qin Nan, suppressed.

“Finally, we can show the cultivation level and have a good fight!”

Seeing this scene, Qin Nan’s face did not change, but in his eyes, there was a touch of excitement.

At this moment, he waited too long!

“Martial Ancestor’s Tree, show me!”

With the move of Qin Nan spiritual thought, the first weakest Martial Ancestor’s Tree came into the sky, bursting into a powerful momentum, and moved towards these 2 Martial Ancestor’s Trees, as if to forcibly support a piece of Heaven and Earth.

“En? Very powerful Martial Ancestor’s Tree, but just Martial Ancestor 1-layer, do you want to fight against our Martial Ancestor 3-layer …” Yang Song and Xia Hao two people’s eyes flashed with surprise, Then a sneer sneered at the corners of their mouths, as if they had already seen the scene where Qin Nan, this Martial Ancestor’s Tree, was broken by them.

“A tree supports the sky, 2 trees town, 3 trees break the sky!”

Before the words of the two people were finished, Qin Nan suddenly made a howl.

2 Martial Ancestor’s Trees exuding a thick War God will, suddenly floating out, with an unrivaled momentum, moved towards the 2 big 3 zhang high Martial Ancestor’s Trees, fiercely rushed away, magnificent , Majestic vastness.

Hong long!

A loud noise!

Beneath these 3 Martial Ancestor’s Trees, the Martial Ancestor’s Tree of Yang Song Xia Hao two people was actually blocked forcibly in midair and could not move any further.

Of course, this is mainly because Qin Nan’s 3 Martial Ancestor’s Trees are all extraordinary. Two of them are still under the power of War God, far exceeding the ordinary Martial Ancestor’s Tree.

“This this……”

When Yang Song and Xia Hao saw this scene, it was as if was struck by lightening, and they almost did not believe their eyes.

3 Martial Ancestor’s Tree Ah!

Qin Nan actually released 3 Martial Ancestor’s Tree!

And, this one after another Martial Ancestor’s Tree is very scary!


Not at all common sense Ah!

Looking at the entire Central Region, countless Cultivators, including which Martial Emperor, Martial God-level Powerhouses, and their former Martial Ancestor’s Tree are just one!

“How? Didn’t you just kill me? Now these 3 Martial Ancestor’s Trees are scaring you?” Qin Nan looked at the expressions of two people, and coldly opened the mouth and said.

Yang Song and Xia Hao were both in shock, and came back to his senses.

“Qin Nan, didn’t expect that you actually have 3 Martial Ancestor’s Trees, and each one is so powerful! But how about that, you are still just a Martial Ancestor 1-layer, it is not our opponent at all!” Yang Song took a deep breath, with amazing rays of light in his eyes, and shouted, “Junior Brother, cast Martial Spirit, blade technique, kill him! He must have the secret of heavens-frightening!”


Xia Hao’s expression was exactly the same, even with a little madness.

You know, this kind of incredible thing is beyond the rules of martial arts. Qin Nan doesn’t do it out of thin air. Qin Nan must have some kind of big secret. If they get it, then they will also make 3 Martial Ancestor’s Trees. So the future is impossible to imagine!

Even more how, as Yang Song said, 3 Martial Ancestor’s Trees, although heaven-defying, are still not their opponents!

Bang! Bang!

Behind the two people, 3 red lights shone, 2 peculiar Martial Spirits, simultaneously suspended, exuding a strong Martial Spirit coercion, sweeping the audience.


The ancient blade behind the two people suddenly emerged from the sheath. A terrifying blade technique was applied. In conjunction with the self Martial Spirit, the formidable power of this blade technique was exercised to the peak. It looks like 2 too ancient blade dragons, moved towards Qin. Nan, fiercely hit.

The might ability of this blow is more terrifying than the 2 Martial Ancestor’s Tree!

“It’s a good blow, it is indeed Heaven level 3-Rank Martial Spirit! In that case, I can do my best!” Qin Nan saw this scene, his eyes flashed with no hesitation, spiritual thought prompted move.


Just at this moment, the fourth Martial Ancestor’s Tree rose into the sky.

“what happened?”

2 The geniuses who carried the killing move with horror were all shocked and looked at this scene with dull faces.

No. 4th Martial Ancestor’s Tree?

Qin Nan also made 4?


At this moment, there was another explosion. The fifth and sixth Martial Ancestor’s Tree were suspended at the same time and stood quietly in this world. Even if no style was released, there was a momentum of terrifying, permeating here. All directions, Space-Time seems to be silent.

6 Martial Ancestor’s Tree!

All released!

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