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Chapter 800 70 Demonic Dao Skill Bead

Yang Song and Xia Hao, absolutely did not expect that Qin Nan would come.

is it possible that this guy, want to enter with them?

Isn’t this death?

“Go ahead.”

Qin Nan glanced at the two of them and pushed straight through the door to enter.

“This guy …” Xia Hao looked at Qin Nan’s back, still a little unbelievable, yet came back to his senses.

“Well a Qin Nan, Martial Ancestor 1-layer, dare to challenge us! Today i would like to see, is it because he has a strong hand or our means are great, let’s go!” Yang Song responded Complexion changes were extremely gloomy. He knew that Qin Nan had some confidence, so he dared to fight against them.

However, he did not believe that they existed more than 2 in the inner sect disciple of the Martial Ancestor 3-layer, which was more than one Qin Nan!

Two people quickly stepped inside the door.

I only saw that there was a trail in the gate, which was shaped by bones, and there were dark red spots on it, which seemed to be formed by blood coagulation.

“This bone road is covered with restraints, and it’s not easy …” Yang Song’s face was dignified, and among his pupils, there was a glimmer of blade light, which was his knife pupil.

“” Senior Brother, look … “

Xia Hao’s voice was a little faint.

Yang Song looked up, his eyes widened immediately, only to see Qin Nan’s body shape, like walking in the afternoon, neither fast nor slow, walking forward, where he settled, just avoided the prohibition.

Yang Song has a pupil, and he knows best how powerful the prohibition here is. If he is, he must also cautiously move forward.

“Follow him!”

Yang Song took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and opened his mouth.

With the pupil, watching the trajectory of Qin Nan, the figure of the two people is also closely closely from behind, but it is much slower than Qin Nan.

“That is……”

Qin Nan has his footsteps and looks forward.

I just saw that at the end of the road, it suddenly opened up. There was a palace more than 30 feet long. The palace was all painted in black, and beside it, there were several blue-colored flames. Under the light of the fire, middle A dark red coffin, faintly discernible, looks like a ghost and is captivating.

“In this ancient coffin, aura is not weak, all the treasures are in it.” Qin Nan left pupil blinked purple light, and he stepped on his left hand, and his left hand was caught in the right coffin of ancient coffin, moved towards the top, Pulling it straight, just listening to the crunching sound, spreading all over the four sides, the coffin lid was lifted.


Seeing this scene, Yang Song and Xia Hao couldn’t sit still, speeded up, and hurried forward.

In ancient coffin, there is no corpse, but there is a kind of blood water mixed with golden. At the bottom of the blood water, there is a palm-sized box. In the center of the box, a round body is displayed, showing pure white beads. .

One after another evil spirit emanated from this white bead, and it was heartbreaking.

“This is a power bead! It is rumored that it was Demon Dao overhaul. When he was dying, he would learn all he had, as well as itself Martial Spirit, a strange bead formed from all the strength of his body! Just get this pearl, just It is possible to heaven-defying changes the fate, soaring skills and gaining memories! “Yang Song and Xia Hao’s faces were shocked.

Such power beads, even in the Central Region, are extremely rare.

Moreover, according to the Aura of this Bone Valley, the opponent must be a Demon Dao overhaul, and the cultivation level has reached at least the Demon Ancestor peak!

Even if the other person ’s Martial Spirit was just Heaven level 1-Rank, they could n’t have them heaven-defying changes the fate, and the skills contained in it, as well as the memory of martial arts, would be of great benefit to them.

And, 10000 Master of this bead, was an unparalleled talent before his death, and possessed Heaven level 5-Rank Martial Spirit?

The eyes of the two people became almost fierce almost instantaneously.

“This Gongzhu is mine!”

Yang Song yelled and stepped like lightning, but he had not completely lost his mind, but instead pulled out the ancient blade behind him, first moved towards Qin Nan, then slammed his hands, then ancient blade moved towards the blood in the coffin Cut it in.

Zi zi zi ……

At this moment, an amazing scene happened. The seemingly uncharacteristic blood and water burst out with amazing corrosive ability. The ancient blade was corroded layer by layer. The blade of the blade was destroyed within a short breath The melt is gone.


Yang Song feels refreshed. To know that his ancient blade is the existence of Half Step Emperor Item, it was actually corroded by with no difficulty, showing how strong this blood is!

“Senior Brother, let me do it!”

The rear Xia Hao, vision flashes, and an Emperor Technique, unfolded, transformed into a large hand wrapped with purple fire, moved towards the entire ancient coffin, he actually wanted to take this ancient coffin, including this blood water And all taken away.


The big palm fell, ancient coffin completely motionless, but a force of backlash shook the big hand.

“This coffin also seems to be a good treasure!”

Standing by the side of Qin Nan, the eyes slightly shines. This ancient coffin and bloody water were passive in his life. When he looked at the War God left pupil, he was blocked by a force, so at first, he did n’t. Get started.

“what happened?”

This time, Yang Song and Xia Hao two people have changed their faces.

Although this trip did not encounter any danger, if the treasure could not be taken away, what’s the significance of their trip?

The two people quickly suppressed the doubt in their hearts, biting their teeth and showing all kinds of methods.

For example, Emperor Technique transforms the palm and probes into the blood, or wraps a certain defense treasure with the Emperor Technique, sinks in the blood, or directly attacks the blood, and flies the blood, etc. No effect.

Bloody blood completely motionless, Myriad Laws Does Not Invade, extremely corrosive!

“That’s enough, don’t have to waste any effort!” Qin Nan immediately saw Bai Yi cut it, and said lightly.

“Shut me up!” Yang Song and Xia Hao, seeing treasure here, but couldn’t take it away, they were breathless in their hearts, heard Qin Nan’s mouth, and immediately broke out, especially Yang Song, a pair of Eyes, extremely cold, said: “Qin Nan, at the beginning of The Skies Mountain Range, you teased us everywhere, now we will charge this account with you-“

Before he could finish speaking, Qin Nan didn’t even look at him, his left arm stretched out, moved towards the blood in the coffin, and stretched out.

“You are–“

When Yang Song and Xia Hao saw this scene, their faces were dull for a moment.

What is this guy going to do?

Blood empty water?

Even the Half Step Emperor Item couldn’t stop the corrosion. He wanted to grab it for nothing?

This is not courting death!

However, when Qin Nan’s left arm penetrated into the blood, a strange scene took place. Despite the sound of zi zi zi’s corrosion, his left arm was still not in the least trauma. With no difficulty, he would use that skill. Beads caught in his hands.

“This this……”

Both Yang Song and Xia Hao’s eyes were shocked.

Qin Nan caught it?

How is this going?

“I have obtained the power beads, inheritance belongs to me, you are treasure, all have spirits, are you not with me now?”

Qin Nan’s face went down, moved towards ancient coffin and bloody water, and whispered.

buzzzz ~ ……

I just saw this peculiar ancient coffin, and immediately trembled. The blood in the coffin was constantly rippling, as if responding to Qin Nan.


Qin Nan expression.

He does n’t have much interest in Gonglizhu, because the other party is Demon Dao overhaul, which is totally inconsistent with everything he has learned, and he does n’t need heaven-defying changes the fate, nor does he need other skills, etc., more What interested him was, instead, ancient coffin and blood.


Qin Nan grabbed it with a big hand, and with no difficulty grabbed this weird and put it in the Storage Bag.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this moment, the whole great hall began to shake violently, and the cracks of one after another spread, the ancient restraints of to arrange, shaking the rays of light, everything here must be completely destroyed.

The two big geniuses who were in shock were also awakened at this moment.

“Hahaha! Qin Nan, thank you so much Ah! Didn’t expect you to take out the treasure! Yes, yes, it is really good, today it opened my eyes!”

Yang Song frowned, and the greed in his eyes was undisguised, saying, “Give me all these treasures now! Otherwise-“

The sound came to a halt, the terrible murderous aura, surging.

ps: Send the 3rd more. It’s gone tonight.

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