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Chapter 859 The Shock of Dragon Emperor

In an instant, the whole great hall was covered with a thin layer of ice crystals, one after another, the wind came, and I didn’t know why it came, blowing all directions, extremely piercing.

One look, the world changes colors!

The profound meaning of this sentence is self-evident.

Qin Nan expression didn’t move, but his eyes became indifferent, saying: “Master Dean, the original Purple Purple War Dragon Senior was not thin to me, so I joined the Dragon Emperor Institution. In addition, the purpose of your Monster Race, I It’s not clear, could it be that after you asked me to destroy the World, I would have to destroy the World? And why would I have to participate in this assessment? “

To get the support of the entire Monster Race, the price to pay is bound to be great. What’s more, Dragon Emperor is completely threatening him. If Qin Nan does not follow his will, Dragon Emperor will kill him.

What Qin Nan hates most is this threat.

Even the original horrors such as Martial Fate Pavilion, Mysterious Bronze Mirror, and Golden Seal did not threaten Qin Nan.

Dragon Emperor has not moved, a pair of eyes, as if in the dark, shines with amazing rays of light, indifferently said: “The matter of Monster Race is more involved, even if you pass the assessment, your cultivation level is too weak I do n’t know at the moment! In addition, you do n’t have to participate in this assessment, you have to participate. In front of me, you have no other way to choose! ”

After a while, the domineering is stronger.

“Is it?”

Qin Nan’s eyes froze slightly, and Spiritual Consciousness moved instantly, landing on the Golden Seal.

Both Bronze Mirror and Golden Seal have a great relationship with Monster Race. By using these two Supreme Treasures, they will be able to leave the Dragon Emperor Institution safely.

As for the assessment?

This kind of unfathomable mystery is also forcibly tested, and he will never participate!

Not even Dragon Emperor!

However, at this moment, the Bronze Mirror in Qin Nan’s mind flashed a faint brilliance, and the cold voice of the Mysterious woman resounded, saying: “This assessment can be participated. For you, there is nothing harm.”


Qin Nan startled, didn’t expect Bronze Mirror would speak at this time.

“It ’s true that there is a relationship between Monster Race and me, but what I do is different from what they do in Monster Race, so if you take the assessment this time, it ’s up to you Will not come forward to prove your identity. “Bronze Mirror coldly dropped the sentence, and then calmed down.

“Prove my identity?”

Qin Nan hesitated. He sounded a bit unfathomable mystery.

However, Dragon Emperor has seen Qin Nan for a long time, and an amazing dragon’s prestige rises on him, like a towering Great Mountain, with a sound like a thunderbolt, “Qin Nan, nonsense! Now you start to be assessed! I know you are like this Compulsion, my heart is very upset, but if you can pass the assessment, this Emperor apologizes to you, it will be nothing! “

How spiteful he was, he could see Qin Nan’s resistance.

However, as long as the assessment is passed, why not apologize?

He Dragon Emperor, only respects Powerhouse!

“Apologies in person? Are you telling the truth?”

Qin Nan came back to his senses, his eyes narrowed.

“Of course, I am a dignified Dragon Emperor, Antique Purple Gold War Dragon Clan, how can you make a joke?” Dragon Emperor stands crossing the hands behind the back, with a sense of pride.

“All right, I’ll take the assessment!”

Qin Nan did not hesitate, nodded agreed.

Now that Bronze Mirror has said that there is no harm in this assessment, it is no harm. What’s more, Dragon Emperor can make an apology in person, and it’s okay to participate in this assessment.

“Very good!” Dragon Emperor’s expression suddenly became serious, saying: “This assessment is very simple. In front of me, whether it is Cultivation Technique, Martial Spirit, magic treasure, cultivation level, etc., as long as you think Unusual things can be exhibited to prove your worth! “

“Prove my worth?”

Qin Nan froze, then frowned, and said, “could it be that I was innovative on the practice, and it was no problem to show it?”


Dragon Emperor gave him a slight glance, and said, “I have to remind you that there are few things that can move me. In the Central Region, there are very few. So you only have one chance, of course, I am not not. Reasonable person, I swear by Dragon God and Heaven and Earth that anything you do today will never be disclosed. “

Raising his big hand, he made two vicious vows.

“It seems that this Dragon Emperor really cares about this assessment, hesitate to apologize, and hesitate to take the Heaven and Earth vow, but in this case, that is the best!” Qin Nan’s eyes flashed with a sperm Mang, if Dragon Emperor did not do this, his things would not be easily displayed.

“Then please dean see clearly.”

Qin Nan arched his hand, and the Spiritual Consciousness moved. On top of his head, a mysterious rays of light shone. A long, one-foot, crystal-green Martial Ancestor’s Tree rose to the sky, exuding a thick Wu Dao Intent Chi.

“Yes, Martial Ancestor’s Tree transformed from heaven-defying Martial Saint, compared with fewer and fewer people who can do this step in the Central Region.” Dragon Emperor watched this scene, lightly nodded, and immediately looked In the middle, the coldness was revealed, “But, Qin Nan, do you only have this thing? This alone is not enough!”

What is strange about a Martial Ancestor’s Tree transformed by a heaven-defying Martial Saint?

could it be that this Qin Nan, was it fool him?

“Master Dean, it’s not over yet.”

Qin Nan’s face paled, and his spiritual thought moved again.

Dragon Emperor sneered at the corner of his mouth. If Qin Nan could not prove his worth today, he would not kill Qin Nan, but he would abandon Qin Nan, but he would not be indifferent.

Just then, a loud noise, a bright purple light, shone above Qin Nan’s head.


Dragon Emperor’s eyes were surprised, and he looked at it with a look, and his face suddenly changed.

I only saw a full-color purple Martial Ancestor’s Tree hanging in the air, exuding a domineering will, which will smash the momentum of the other 5 ancestral trees instantly. Go on, no one can match.

“This… this is…”

Dragon Emperor’s pupils suddenly widened, and in his eyes, he showed a rare shock for decades.

2 Martial Ancestor’s Tree!

Qin Nan actually created 2 Martial Ancestor’s Tree!

How is this possible?

He’s just the existence of a Heaven level 1-Rank Martial Spirit Ah!

Throughout the ages, countless supreme talents, with the exception of the adult 8,000 years ago, even the Breaking Heavens Great Emperor 1000 years ago, have never done it!

Although Qin Nan could not see the face of Dragon Emperor, he could feel the emotional fluctuations of Dragon Emperor, and he simply withdrew the spiritual thought.

Since 2 Martial Ancestor’s Tree is enough, the remaining 4 will not be released.

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