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Chapter 858 The Dean Visits

Qin Nan was full of sweat and exploded instantly, like a falling ice cave.

Even though the power of Monster Emperor can’t shake him in the slightest, the coercion of the Mysterious woman in Bronze Mirror is still terrifying.

“This one……”

Qin Nan reacted in an instant, and was speechless, not knowing how to speak.

Bronze Mirror until now, rarely shows up, except for just starting to ask for Chaos Energy. He didn’t understand why she was directly angry when she was crazy. In Qin Nan’s opinion, the word lunatic is sometimes derogatory and sometimes praised.

“Care for me later!”

Mysterious woman was coldly, leaving Bronze Mirror calm again.


Qin Nan wiped the sweat from his forehead and was quite speechless, and then shook the head. In any case, what Martial Fate Pavilion said today was an eye-opener, and he gradually realized that he was inside the body. The two Supreme Treasures, Bronze Mirror and Golden Seal, are not a deterrent, but they have a specific role.

“As the saying goes well, there is no pie in the sky. I have harvested these two Supreme Treasures. Over time, I will definitely take some responsibility.” Qin Nan’s eyes flashed over the rays of light.

Martial Fate Pavilion mentioned that the Three Lives Tribulation is related to the Mysterious woman in Bronze Mirror.

He now uses Bronze Mirror and Golden Seal, like a fish back in water, to resolve the crisis many times, so when the so-called Three Lives Tribulation comes, he will definitely play a part.

“Now I don’t want this anymore. Mysterious Golden Seal can absorb world’s strength and self-created Thunder Tribulation. When that happens, I have to think of a way to mix it into the Divine Dragon Space while someone is Transcending Tribulation.” Qin Nan sorted out his thoughts , Immediately settled the lord intent.

Divine Dragon Space, is the major disciplines of the Dragon Emperor Institution, dedicated to Transcending Tribulation.

However, in general, many disciplines immediately went to Transcending Tribulation after being promoted to Martial Ancestor. Most of the new recruits this year have been passed, leaving only a small portion. Therefore, this matter cannot be rushed, it can only wait.

As long as you can Transcending Tribulation, that’s a good thing.

“Dao Source Crystal Stone, thanks to your help this time, this strand of Primordial Chaos Energy is a gift for you.” Before Qin Nan left, shoots a finger, and will be within the body of the last strand of Primordial Chaos Energy, Break into within the body of Dao Source Crystal Stone.

Dao Source Crystal Stone trembled suddenly, countless purple lights, flickering up and down.

As if to say, this strand of Primordial Chaos Energy is very important to it!

Qin Nan faintly smiled, then went out, and just came out, a few bursts of sou sou suddenly sounded. It sounds like 2 dogs and a mouse, and Xian Yue is full of anger.

“Ah! Qin Nan, Ah! Qin Nan Young Master Ah! How do you accept him as a mount? You accept us 2 brothers as your mount! We only need ten strands of Primordial Chaos Energy, and more Affordable— “Big Yellow and Big Black both wailed.

Heavens Secret Mouse landed on Qin Nan’s shoulders, looked at the two dogs, and looked scornful.

What about doggies and dignity as Heaven’s Secret Dog?

The corner of Xian Yue’s mouth was also twitching. He had never seen such a cheap two dogs, but he was still dead-faced and begged others to accept him as a mount! Forget about it, why do you still scold him?

Big Yellow and Big Black are unaware.

What shit doggie and dignity Ah!

Rich experience tells them that Primordial Chaos Energy is the most important Ah!


Qin Nan scolded angrily and kicked out.

Although he lacked a mount, he never thought that he would ride around with two dogs.

“Qin Nan, this is 5000 Emperor Crystal.”

Xian Yue lifted his mouth, for some reason, seeing the two dogs asking for nothing, feeling better. Is he still a wolf? Even a hybrid wolf is better than your two dogs!

“5000 Emperor Crystal?”

Qin Nan the eyes shines, glancing at the practice great hall on the mountainside, in each and everyone practice room, there are already full of disciplines, and they are absorbing Dao Source Energy and closing the practice.

“Master Qin Nan Ah! We two people have faithfully followed you for a long time! Witness your story from a little disciple to a Legendary story of Human Race Peak Peak Lord. If you do n’t accept us as a mount, let us go to practice great Hall cultivation— “The two dogs struck a carp and turned it over again, their tails trembling, and Tian was shameless.

“Chengchengcheng, you go …”

Qin Nan waved his hands with a headache. The two guys thickened their cheeks, and he was okay.

Big Yellow and Big Black were so happy that they rushed to kiss Qin Nan, and they ran away without a silhouette. They quickly found a place to practice. Heavens Secret Mouse coldly snorted, flickering, sitting on Big Black’s head and walking away from the dog.

Xian Yue’s aura was approaching Monster Ancestor, greeted Qin Nan, and the silhouette was gone.

“Swallow this Emperor Crystal and go to Divine Dragon Space!”

Without any slackness, Qin Nan stepped into a great hall.

This great hall, named Human Race Palace, was deliberately built by Six Spirits Dragon Vein. Today, Human Race Peak is no less than that year, and it can recruit 50 disciples each year. It thinks that the future Human Race Peak will grow. This great hall As Peak Lord great hall, used for deliberations and so on.

Just stepping into the great hall, Qin Nan’s face changed dramatically.

Because in the great hall, I don’t know when, there is actually a silhouette.


Qin Nan ran the left pupil in an instant, and the endless purple light bloomed. Looking forward, his face suddenly changed.

Because he couldn’t even see the five officials of this silhouette.

It’s as if this person doesn’t exist at all.

“Good pump technique, but it doesn’t work for me.” Silhouette indifferently said: “Introduce yourself, others call me Dragon Emperor.”

“Dragon Emperor?”

Qin Nan expression startled, suddenly reacted.

In the world, except for Mysterious’ Demigod’s Country, there is only one person who can be called Dragon Emperor.

That person is the dean of the Dragon Emperor Institution!

“Under Qin Nan, met the Dean!”

Qin Nan reacted, arching his hand, expressing doubt in his expression.

Now this silhouette is obviously the dean’s deity, but what did his deity come to this Human Race Peak?

“Let’s make a long story short.” Dragon Emperor’s tone is still ancient, and he even feels aloof and remote, saying: “At the age of 7, I will give you Reverse Scales, Dragon Blood will wash your body for you and let you come to Dragon Emperor Institution That’s because he was instructed by Heavens Secret School to find someone who is very important to us at Monster Race. “

“Heavens Secret School? Monster Race?”

Qin Nan froze.

“Don’t talk about Heavens Secret School. The so-called Monster Race refers not only to the Dragon Emperor Institution, but to all Monster Beasts with a powerful Bloodline in the entire Cang Lan Continent! Including Monster God in the Monster God Restricted Area in Demigod’s Country Lineage is also part of Monster Race. “

As soon as this word came out, Qin Nan was shocked.

If it is the Monster Race of Cang Lan Continent, and the Monster God in Dragon Emperor’s mouth is probably a Martial God level, then the thing involved in this matter is far beyond his imagination!

Dragon Emperor Despite the blurry silhouette, Qin Nan clearly felt that his within both eyes seemed to light up the rays of light that could illuminate the endless darkness: “Qin Nan, I don’t believe in Heavens Secret Lineage, we do n’t have much time for Monster Race I ca n’t wait. So today, this Emperor will evaluate you in person! “

With that said, Dragon Emperor’s voice, paused.

“After the assessment, the Dragon Emperor Institution is your backing. If you can, the entire Monster Race is your backing!”

“If the assessment has not passed …”

Dragon Emperor’s eyes suddenly flashed cold light.

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