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Chapter 400 40 Chapter 4


Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao under Heavenly Thunder, immediately noticed the abnormal shape, and looked in unison.

At this glance, two people simultaneously look changes.

“How come these people? And that’s …”

Qin Nan saw Zhou Xuan and 7 Saint Child’s candidates who were once Azure Dragon Sacred Land, as well as Jiang Bilan and 2 youths.

These two youths, aura, are all overbearing. One of them is equivalent to Zhou Xuan, and the other is aura who has to surpass Zhou Xuan. Even Martial Spirit has reached Earth level 2-Rank!

“Earth level 1-Rank Martial Spirit? Who is this? Could it be that is Xiao Zhonghuang? Isn’t he Half Step Earth level?”

Qin Nan was shocked.

He soon realized that this person was Xiao Zhonghuang, but he only hid the Martial Spirit level. Otherwise, if he looked at the entire lower territory, no one would have Earth level 1-Rank Martial Spirit. Even Zhou Xuan was only Xuan level 8-Rank Martial. Spirit.

“Very powerful Thunder Tribulation!”

Xiao Zhonghuang entire group, the surprise look flashed in his eyes.

They didn’t notice anything in Reflecting the Heavens Divine Mirror, and now they came to the scene to know the horror of this Thunder Tribulation.

“Qin Nan!” Jiang Bilan phoenix eyes revealed the cold murderous intention, shouted: “This time you can never escape again! Lu Tiangang, Zhou Xuan, do it together!”

“it is good!”

At the same time, Lu Tiangang and Zhou Xuan were nodded, and the figures of two people were transformed into two streams of light.

As the Saint Child of Flying Upwards Sacred Land and Azure Dragon Sacred Land, their two people and cultivation level have reached the level of Martial Sovereign Realm 3-layer, and they have mastered a variety of methods. Now the two people join forces and flash an infinite number of moments. Different light is very scary.

“Qin Nan, be my enemy, today is your death!”

Xiao Zhonghuang stood with his hands on his back, standing there, aloof and remote, overlooking Qin Nan.

The 7 Saint Child’s candidates of Jiang Bilan and Azure Dragon Sacred Land beside him all broke out the aura of themselves according to the plan and poured into Xiao Zhonghuang’s body.

Xiao Zhonghuang, with both hands, quickly condensed, actually united 8 people in cultivation level and performed a killing move!

“Not good !”

Qin Nan complexion changed.

The plan of this group of people is very simple. They want to drag him with Zhou Xuan two people, and then let Xiao Zhonghuang release the killing move.

If in the past, he would not be afraid at all, but now, Princess Miaomiao has reached the critical moment of Transcending Tribulation!

“Princess, hold on for a while, I’ll get these people out quickly!”

There was a hint of murderous intention in Qin Nan’s eyes.

Originally, he thought that it would take 6 months before he could run into this group of people. Didn’t expect that only 3 days had passed, and this group of people would not hesitate to cross the void to specifically kill him!

could it be that


Qin Nan screamed loudly, covered with Phoenix Fire, erupted completely, rolled up the Heavenly Flame, struck on Zhou Xuan and Lu Tiangang.

“Very powerful cultivation level!”

Zhou Xuan and Lu Tiangang are both complexion greatly changed.

How can it be!

Qin Nan isn’t the battle strength of Martial Grandmaster peak, how can it be so scary now!

The two people, as Saint Child, reacted with transcendence and immediately yelled, hitting various treasures, wrapping their figures, so much so. In the face of the fierce power of Qin Nan, the two people’s figures were both simultaneously hit Back and forth.

“How could this be!”

Jiang Bilan and 7 Saint Child’s candidates at Azure Dragon Sacred Land have all changed their faces.

They clearly remember that 3 days ago, Qin Nan’s cultivation level was not as powerful as Ah!

Especially Jiang Bilan, when she faced Qin Nan last time, both sides were just Martial King Realm. Now more than a month later, with the full support of the Business Alliance, her cultivation level has only reached the Martial Grandmaster Realm 5-layer, but Qin Nan was even more powerful than Zhou Xuan and Lu Tiangang in the hunt for the sky. !!

How fast is this terrifying promotion?

“En? Very powerful battle strength, can’t keep you!”

Xiao Zhonghuang’s eyes revealed an amazing murderous intention.

Lower territory Peerless Supreme Talent, can only leave him one!

“Primal beginning 4 demon, 10000 1000 negative, kill across Kongzhou, the kings fall!”

Xiao Zhonghuang uttered a long howl, both of his hands swallowed up the monstrous demon light, sucked the Azure Dragon Sacred Land 7 Saint Child’s candidate and Jiang Bilan’s cultivation level all out, leaving his hand slowly A black skeleton floated.

With a push of the palm of his hand, the black skeleton appeared to be in the void and instantly appeared in front of Qin Nan. Before Qin Nan had time to respond, the black skeleton broke into his eyebrow.


Qin Nan’s footsteps were stiff, the black skeleton broke into his Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the explosion turned into a boundless killing force, killing all his strength of life and Soul Strength.


Xiao Zhonghuang laughed out loud.

The trick he used was his strongest Cultivation Technique, the beginning of the curse. When it was cast, the curse came, even if it was 2 or 3 levels higher than his cultivation level. As long as he was hit, he would be cursed. Power to kill, extremely overbearing.

Even more how, his primary beginning curse killing skill, also gathered 7 Saint Child’s candidates and Jiang Bilan’s cultivation level, Martial Sovereign Realm 5-layer, must be cursed.


Suddenly, the Bronze Mirror in Qin Nan Sea of ​​Consciousness trembled suddenly, bursting out of boundless might ability, swallowing all the power of the curse.

“so close!”

Qin Nan screamed a cold sweat. If it were not for the Sea of ​​Consciousness guarded by Bronze Mirror, this primary beginning curse would kill him.

Xiao Zhonghuang Seeing this scene, the smile on his face instantly froze.

It’s not just him, Lu Tiangang, Zhou Xuan, Jiang Bilan, and the 7 Saint Child’s candidates are all stiffened.

Actually useless?

This is the primary beginning curse killing, but it has no effect on Qin Nan?

What a joke!

“Since you did not hesitate to cross ten thousand li, and came to kill me collectively, then today, I happen to solve all of you!”

Qin Nan is covered by Phoenix Fire, rising violently, turning into a smashing Heavenly Flame movie, moved towards Xiao Zhonghuang to kill!

His battle strength is already extraordinary now, let alone a pair of 5, even if it is a pair of ten, there is no problem!

“Not good, the plan is ruined. Primal beginning curse has no effect on Qin Nan. Now Qin Nan ’s battle strength is so powerful that within 2.5 minutes, he ca n’t be solved at all. I could n’t get it this time. Back? If Qin Nan can’t be killed this time, and wait for him to return to Azure Dragon Sacred Land, then within six months, he can’t be solved … “Jiang Bilan’s mind flashed endless thoughts. When she saw the distance, she immediately clicked. Princess Miaomiao was under the horrible Thunder Tribulation, struggling to support her, her pretty face was pale, and now in her heart, she gave birth to a trick of poison, which was passed into Xiao Zhonghuang’s mind. in.

“Qin Nan, today I will let you know who the true Peerless Supreme Talent is!”

Xiao Zhonghuang gave out a long howling now, and there was boundless momentum on his body, like an emperor, who came to earth, and his hand seal re-formed, forming another stroke of primary beginning curse killing!

“En? This technique obviously does not work for me, they dare to show it? Could it be that …”

Qin Nan immediately noticed that something was wrong. Xiao Zhonghuang was arrogant and overbearing. No one in his eyes, but he would not rush so stupidly. Obviously, he had another purpose!

“Not good, it’s Princess Miaomiao!”

Qin Nan complexion changed, purple clouds thunder tribulation, extremely powerful, Princess Miaomiao is alone, and is already on the verge of danger. If you take the opportunity at this time, it will inevitably hurt it.

What a poisonous plan!

“Give me a roll!”

Among the Qin Nan left pupil, the stars that are currently evolving, boundless thunderbolt, erupted in that starry sky, intertwined into a sea of ​​thunder, and drowned Xiao Zhonghuang’s body completely.

Xiao Zhonghuang complexion changed, didn’t expect Qin Nan battle strength so arrogant, this kind of thunderbolt made him numb to his scalp.

“Cast this charm!”

Jiang Bilan had long anticipated this scene, when the next scream, took out an ancient and thick Talisman.

The 7 Saint Child’s candidates were all aware, and strode quickly, simultaneously released Martial Spirit, and put the power of the whole body into Talisman, so that this Talisman began to burn violently, spraying a Profound Light, enveloped in Xiao Zhonghuang.

Xiao Zhonghuang’s figure disappeared in an instant under Heavenly Thunder, and appeared behind Qin Nan.

It turns out that this ancient symbol is called Form Displacement Shadow. If you want to cast it, you must use Martial Sovereign Realm 5-layer. Once you cast it, you can achieve the effect of teleportation.

Qin Nan’s hair exploded immediately, he just turned around and was about to make a killing move.

That Xiao Zhonghuang, showing a cruel smile to him, looked at the thunder sea, the small Princess Miaomiao aura, the black skeleton in his hand, hit now, turned into a black light, submerged in Princess Miaomiao within the body.

“Do not!”

Qin Nan hissed, his face paled instantly!


Jiang Bilan’s face was also whitish, and with a gesture, he urged Talisman to teleport Xiao Zhonghuang’s figure back.

Now half an hour has passed and many supreme talents are exhausting. Lu Tiangang, Zhou Xuan and the others, and 7 Saint Child’s candidates have all jumped into the blood channel.

Jiang Bilan and Xiao Zhonghuang also stepped in one after another.

It ’s just that Xiao Zhonghuang walked to the extreme and did not forget to send out a harsh laugh: “hahahaha, Qin Nan, I did not expect that your strength is so arrogant, but what about that? This girl is your important person, right? She is now I curse, not only can’t get through the Thunder Tribulation, but I must die completely, even if Lord Saint Lord can’t save him! Hahahaha —— “

With a wild laugh, his figure disappeared, and the bloody channel was completely closed.

I saw that among the purple color thunderbolt, the aura who had been bombarded by one after another thunderbolt was deprived of princess. After being attacked by the primary beginning curse, a pale complexion instantly climbed into the black, her whole cultivation Level, like being swallowed, could not be released in the slightest, and the many magic treasures surrounding her all faded and fell to the ground.

That sky full of purple color thunderbolt, roaring wildly, like a demon with ears, to engulf her little silhouette completely!

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