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Chapter 400 40 3 Purple Clouds Thunder tribulation

“Reflecting the Heavens Divine Mirror, crossing Heaven and Earth!”

Yang Peak Lord’s raised hand, the Reflecting the Heavens Divine Mirror, rose up, spit out a divine light, immersed in the void, and after a while, in the Reflecting the Heavens Divine Mirror, Demon King Valley evolved, and in Demon King In the valley, the figures of Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao are clear.

“Everyone, let’s shoot together and cover Heavens Secret!”

Yang Peak Lord shouting loudly, the eighteen Peak Lords all responded at the same time, simultaneously shot and hit the Reflecting the Heavens Divine Mirror.

At this moment, aura above Demon King Valley suddenly twisted, and then calmed down again, as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Bilan’s mouth sneered.

This is her plan!

Send the Peak Lord to cover the aura of Demon King Valley, and then transfer them these Supreme talents to Demon King Valley to launch a lore against Qin Nan.

It’s so cumbersome, just because today’s Azure Dragon Saint Lord is still in Azure Dragon Sacred Land.

Even if the Azure Dragon Saint Lord is near death, but he is still a Death Sea divine object, a cultivation level, terrifying, even the giant in upper territory, or Flying Upwards Saint Lord in lower territory, dare not Move in the slightest.

If the major Peak Lords come to Demon King Valley, aura is too powerful, even if it covers Heavens Secret, it will definitely be detected instantly.

It is for this reason that it is necessary for the major Peak Lords to use the means of covering Heavens Secret, and then transmit them to these supreme talents, even if the Azure Dragon Saint Lord cultivation level reaches the sky, and it needs at least 2.5 minutes to detect abnormalities. !!

“Using such a huge means, I shot it myself, and this Qin Nan is also honored to die!”

Xiao Zhonghuang’s face was full of contempt.

Peak Lords agreed with Jiang Bilan’s plan because Qin Nan would pose a threat to them when they were afraid of the Death Sea. Xiao Zhonghuang disagreed, Qin Nan is just Xuan level 10-Rank Martial Spirit, which can’t be compared with him at all!

There is a gap between Xuan level Martial Spirit and Earth level Martial Spirit!

He did it by himself, just because he had been watching Qin Nan for a long time and was extremely unhappy, which caused him Second Brother and Third Brother, and he also didn’t get Jiang Bilan for a long time!

Without Qin Nan, it will be difficult for him to relieve his hatred!

“The void is broken, move Dafa!”

At this time, the Murder Blood City City’s Lord shot, and the tip of his fist burst out of countless blood light, smashing onto the void, spreading a formation of blood-colored lines, the middle of the formation, rolling and twisting, just like vortex.


Xiao Zhonghuang was shouted, with arrogance like rainbow, first to step into the formation.

Behind him, Jiang Bilan, Zhou Xuan, Lu Tiangang, and the others looked at each other and quickly entered into it.



Demon King Valley.

Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao are equivalent to all this happening to the outside world, naturally without notice.

“The monsters here can’t be killed!”

Qin Nan secretly thought.

In the all around of Demon King Valley, there is a demonized Cultivator, which rushes continuously, like a locust, and the cultivation level of these Cultivator is still increasing. Now it has reached Martial Grandmaster Realm 1- layer around.

Qin Nan also tried to use the War God left pupil to penetrate the bottom of the Demon King Valley, but the aura in it was too Mysterious to see through.

“I am the Lost Herb Garden princess. Since 10000 years, I have been in harmony with the heavens. I have suffered a great calamity, and I have not died. Now I return to the throne. , I will come back to Peak in my life and be promoted to Divine Medicine.

Princess Miaomiao was so imposing that she folded her hands and sang one after another in her mouth.

At this moment, all over her, the soft and white rays of light emanated from her. In all directions of Demon Qi, she looked extraordinarily dazzling, like a fairy, holy Leisureless, and invincible.

With her chanting, there was a wave of fluctuations in the void.


Qin Nan kicked the monsters of the 8 Martial Grandmaster Realm 3-layer in one kick, noticed it, looked up, and at this point, he couldn’t help but change the expression slightly.

In the sky, a rippling atmosphere opened up, a cloud of light purple color, I do not know where it came from, ignored the monstrous Demon Qi in the Demon King Valley, slowly drifting.

“Purple color Thundercloud?”

Qin Nan took a deep breath, this was the first time I saw it.

Then, more and more purple color clouds are growing, just like Princess Miaomiao’s head, there is a vortex, which attracts the purple color clouds in that world.

In the blink of an eye, the purple color cloud covered 3300 3 thirteen li, completely enveloping the peaks on the side of Demon King Valley 2.

In the purple color clouds, one after another seems to be thunderbolt from Swire Great Desolate, constantly roaring, making this Heaven and Earth instantly become a horrible explosion, and the ears of people shivering.

Qin Nan complexion greatly changed.

This horrible Thunder Tribulation, even his cultivation level, will be instantly chopped to death!

“Sealing Spirits Formation!”

With a long howl, Princess Miaomiao stretched out her left hand and gathered all the evolved spiritual medicine, spiritual grass, and so on, gathered in the palm of her hand, forming a kind of illusive 6-color flower, moved towards the ground, hit it and stretched .


The ancient chanting sounded, an ancient formation evolved on this training field.

Rao is this purple clouds thunder tribulation, terrifying, this aura emanating from this formation is completely fearless.


Princess Miaomiao is a little bit, the ancient Boss formation, soaring into the sky, the 3300 3 thirteen li’s purple clouds thunder tribulation, instantly enveloped, countless mysterious rays of light, quickly intertwined, as if transformed into an ancient Divine Dragon, suppressed The center of the Thunder Tribulation makes the aura emitted by this Thunder Tribulation fall quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the aura of Thunder Tribulation dropped dozens of times.

“Qin Nan, come and help me!”

Princess Miaomiao shouted loudly.

“it is good!”

Qin Nan spit out a Phoenix Fire, burned the monster, jumped into shape, and landed on the training field.

Even if it is purple clouds thunder tribulation, the power is blocked a lot. Standing below this, Qin Nan still feels scalp tingling.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The 3300 3 thirteen li ’s purple clouds thunder tribulation seems to have spiritual wisdom. After being aware of being sealed, the Heavenly Thunder is like a flood. It ’s like a flood, and it ’s crazy. Snow white!

“War God left pupil, Starry Sky Thunder!”

Qin Nan suddenly issued a long howl, 21 dragon golden marks Nascent Soul went crazy, and the whole left pupil rays of light erupts, in this void, evolved directly into a starry sky, the thunderbolt rolled in the sky, and resisted this purple clouds thunder tribulation!


Princess Miaomiao raised her head, not only erupting the boundless sword aura, but also countless magic treasures, shining with rays of light of various colors, rising to the sky, thunderbolt, constantly breaking.

However, at this moment mutation emerged!

In the Demon King Valley, one after another bloodline texture spread quickly, and then in the center of this bloodline texture, the void was broken, and from there, jumped out of the aura domineering silhouette of each and everyone!

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