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Chapter 400 22 Monster Beast Rush

Obviously, it didn’t expect at all, a Monster Beast that only had Martial King Realm Peak and the others, could snipe Martial Grandmaster Realm peak!

A long-lost sense of crisis exploded from its heart, making its little face appear panic, rays of light bloomed, and evolved a pair of incomplete wings, pu chi pu chi fanned, wanting to fly go.

The big bird of the Martial Grandmaster Realm peak also came back to his senses. With a long howl, the feathers shook off, turning into a heavy rain, covering Qin Nan.

“Give me down!”

Qin Nan’s Thunder Flame exploded suddenly. The cloak of several ten zhang was rolled up into the sky. All the feathers were immediately shredded. The black beast that kept running was also involved. Fiercely pulled it. He was pulled in front of Qin Nan.

“Spit it all out!”

Qin Nan stretched out his hand and pinched it around the black beast’s neck. His eyes were spitting fire, and the murderous aura was sky-high, just like Thor!

The big bird of the Martial Grandmaster peak in the sky was very angry and wanted to run down, but was taken by Qin Nan’s momentum, and he did not dare to attack rashly, so as not to hurt the black beast.

The Sima Kong 3 people were dull, and they saw it for the first time. Qin Nan looked so angry.

“~ Mu Mu ~~~ Mu Mu ~~~ Mu Mu ~~”

The black beast regained his composure, without fear, but raised his toes, and a pair of small claws kept gesticulating, telling Qin Nan that it was impossible for me to spit it out, and you don’t want to be arrogant, there are people behind me!

“Someone behind me? I don’t think you can vomit!”

The anger in Qin Nan’s heart exploded.

Have a background?

Grab me Medicine Pill?

I care who you are!

His big fist flew in an instant, the flame burst, and fiercely fell.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

A loud noise rang through the forest.

The big bird hovering in the sky that day was crippled, and the black beast was slain.

This human … does he really dare to do it?

“~ Mu Mu ~!”

In the pain, the black beast erupted with a towering anger, and issued a harsh howling.


The entire ancient forest, at this moment, the momentum became solidified, and the land in all directions began to tremble continuously.

“Not good !”

Sima Kong 3 people complexion greatly changed.

They guessed right, this black beast has a long history.


Just listening to the loud noise, the sky above them suddenly darkened, a big bird with a length of 4 ten zhang, wings like fire, swirling around, a terrifying Sovereign Might pressure, moved towards all around, Crazy sweeping!

This Monster Beast is a Monster Sovereign, and it is also a Monster Sovereign peak!

“Flame Wings Bird, it’s Flame Wings Bird!”

Sima Kong’s three people’s faces were shocked.

Flame Wings Bird, Azure Dragon Secret Realm Monster Beast ranked 2nd, has Phoenix bloodline, the most Powerhouse in the family, and has reached Half-Step Martial Venerable!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of explosive explosions, simultaneously resounded through the void, and Flame Wings Bird, head after head, seemed to come across from a distant place, and simultaneously descended, so that the sky within 8 miles was dyed with a fiery red, like the end arrival.

In a blink of an eye, 8 Flame Wings Birds came!

The 8 Flame Wings Birds all looked down, and immediately saw Qin Nan holding the black beast. They all looked so angry that they looked up and made an angry roar.


The void in all directions is trembling with this terrible roar, and the vibrations continue to tremble, as if it will be broken at any time.

At this moment, the entire ancient forest trembled, and the Monster Beast of Martial Grandmaster Realm, as if it had been summoned, all made heavens-frightening growl, and the simultaneously of whiz whiz whiz came out of the air , Flooding this piece of Heaven and Earth.

In a blink of an eye, within ten miles, there were 8 Flame Wings Birds and more than 40 Monster Grandmasters!

“Who is so bold!”

It’s far from over. A cold drink exploded in the depths of the void. Above the 8 Flame Wings Birds and many Monster Beasts, a huge dark cloud suddenly surged and shrouded the thirteen li!

A giant beast born with four stout limbs, shaped like a cow, and a blue color fur, came, opened a pair of pupils with infinite lightning, and moved towards Qin Nan.

At this moment, the 3 people at Sima Kong stayed completely.

Stars Thunder Beast?

Isn’t this Stars Thunder Beast, it has arrived!

Stars Thunder Beast, Azure Dragon Secret Realm First Monster Beast, master Starry Sky Thunder, terrifying matchless!

Now Stars Thunder Beast takes the lead, 8 heads of Flame Wings Bird, and these 40 heads of Monster Grandmaster peak. Such a lineup, even the ordinary Martial Venerable Powerhouse, dare not offend!

This line-up is only due to the arrival of the black beast!


The Stars Thunder Beast spit out a thunder blast from the sky, the speed is terrible, and Qin Nan must be completely hacked.

“I dare, die together!”

In the initial shock, Qin Nan quickly recovered, and threw up a Thunder Flame of one after another with both hands, stuck the black beast’s neck tightly.

He is very clear, and now only by the black beast can he save his life.

“En? Venerable Thunder? Thunder Flame?”

The Stars Thunder Beast flashed a little surprise in his eyes. When the idea moved, he would explode the sky and burst directly.

Qin Nan is not wrong, they dare not act rashly.


Qin Nan turned his head abruptly, shouted loudly at the 3 people in Sima Kong.


Sima Kong 3 people are still in shock and have not came back to his senses.

“No one can go!”

Stars Thunder Beast’s eyes flashed through the thunder light, and Heaven and Earth in all directions were instantly blocked.

“Everyone should do things alone, and you don’t want me to perish with it, just let them go!”

Qin Nan black hair is dancing wildly, even in the face of this mammoth tide, not timid!

“No one who can offend Saint Child can go!” Stars Thunder Beast did not budge, and still blocked all around the void. The 8 Flame Wings Birds and the 40-plus Monster Grandmaster were all cold-eyed and aggressive, and it was possible at any time. The heavens-frightening attack broke out, and this dozens of several dozen li were wiped out.

“Is it?”

Qin Nan didn’t hesitate at all, a pair of big hands, His Majesty Fiercely, the black beast also made a painful cry.

“and many more……”

Stars Thunder Beast complexion slightly changed.

It never thought that this weak man like an ant in front of him was really so crazy. Judging from the cricket look just now, it had no doubt that Qin Nan would kill Saint Child!

“I promise you!”

Stars Thunder Beast resisted the rage and said, the blocking power of all around disappeared instantly.


Qin Nan turned back again.

“Qin Nan, we …”

Sima Kong, Yan Zihan, and Zhou Liqing are all stiff footsteps, as if poured into the mud!


Qin Nan roared sharply.

“We … OK … let’s go!”

Sima Kong saw Qin Nan’s expression, and gritted his teeth, turned his head, and quickly left.

Yan Zihan and Zhou Liqing, both holding back a 100-like mentality, left quickly.

Their three people ran all the way, left a full two miles away, turned around and saw Qin Nan’s silhouette. In front of the giant beast, despite being very weak, it was straight and loose.

Somehow, both Sima Kong and Zhou Liqing clenched their palms subconsciously. Yan Zihan, who had always been cold, had red eyes.

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