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Chapter 421 Monster Beast

This little beast, looks like a cat, has 5 golden marks on his forehead, and is aura, not enough for Monster King.

It is taking a lazy step, and under the gaze of the dozens of Martial Grandmaster Realm Monster Beast, it slowly moves forward, and sometimes suddenly grinds its teeth and makes a growl, then it martially heads a Martial Grandmaster Realm Monster Beast, scaring the soul flew away and Scattered, and scrambled in 4 places. Seeing this scene, his dark eyes revealed his pride.

The beast continued to move forward until it was outside the scarlet hill, and then he stopped and narrowed his eyes.



cavern interior.

“Qin Nan, didn’t expect your pump technique to reach such a Boundary!”

Zhou Liqing took the lead in opening his mouth, showing admiration on his face. This is indeed not acceptable.

Yan Zihan lips slightly moving, I wanted to say something, but when I reached the lips, I couldn’t say it, and snorted for a while, and the savage pretty face was reddish, and sui was cute.

“This is all significant skill.” Qin Nan shook the head, his face was serious, and said: “2 people, other treasures, I’m not interested, I don’t know if I can give all the Yuan Stone to me? These Yuan Stone, to me Very important!”

“no problem!”

Zhou Liqing and Yan Zihan shook the head, they came for treasure, even more how This trip to the Flood Flood Dragon Cave was basically Qin Nan alone.

“many thanks !”

Qin Nan seriously said thank you, and you are welcome. After taking away the more than 600 Yuan Stones, I sat aside.

“Start Dividing!”

Sima Kong was so excited that she started to divide.

But at half-sound, a smile appeared on the faces of all 3 people, even Yan Zihan, no exception. This bloody Cave Mansion trip, their gains were extremely rich.

None of the 3 people were in a hurry to leave. From the roar of the beast outside the cavern just now, it can be determined that a lot of Monster Beasts have been attracted. Now it is better to refining some spiritual medicine and so on here to improve the cultivation level.

“I don’t know if these 600 Yuan Stones can upgrade War God’s Spirit …”

Qin Nan glanced at the three of them, secretly thought, took a deep breath, his hands stretched out like lightning, and drew the pieces of Yuan Stone in his mouth, swallowing them all.

This scene shocked all three of Sima Kong. The faces of all three were dull.

They saw this for the first time. Someone actually swallowed Yuan Stone like this.




When Qin Nan swallowed a full 300, an unexpected change suddenly occurred. War God’s Spirit within the body, slightly trembled, a mysterious and mysterious feeling, rose from Qin Nan’s brain.


Qin Nan once again came to the vast darkness, an ancient World, quietly suspended.


In that Archaic World, a ray of Chaos Energy flew out, like spanning thousands of years and getting into Qin Nan’s within the body.

“It finally appeared!”

Qin Nan was happy.

Chaos Energy is infinitely useful. If it is integrated into the 7 dragon golden marks Nascent Soul, it can also improve his cultivation level!

“It seems that after War God’s Spirit reached Xuan level 10-Rank, it changed. It takes 300 Yuan Stone to give birth to a strand of Chaos Energy! Now I have more than 300 Yuan Stones left and can continue to be born! These 2 strands of Chaos Energy must be able to make itself Nascent Soul a lot stronger … “

Qin Nan’s eyes heated up.

Now without the slightest hesitation, reaching out again, like crazy, swallowing the Yuan Stone into his mouth.

However, at this moment, a black silhouette, like lightning, flew in from the hole, and the speed was very fast. Qin Nan had not responded yet, and the 300 Yuan Stones in front of him disappeared.

It’s not just him. The black medicine whiz whiz whiz, the spiritual medicine in front of Sima Kong, Yan Zihan, and Zhou Liqing were all looted.


At this moment, Qin Nan 4 people, all complexion greatly changed, look at it.

The four of them immediately saw that a black kitten ransacked everything, raised the corner of his mouth, and made a sneer, twisted his buttocks, kicked his heels, and rushed out like electricity.

Monster Beast?

Martial King Realm Monster Beast?

How did it come in?

Countless doubts instantly rose into the minds of Qin Nan and the others.

“I still want to escape?”

Qin Nan put aside countless doubts, the left pupil flashed electric light, and his face was filled with anger. As soon as he stepped on it, the flames burst out and he chased out quickly.

Sima Kong, Yan Zihan, and Zhou Liqing were also furious.

Possible !

Monster Beast, came to rob them, and mocked them?

All of a sudden, the figures of 4 people simultaneously rushed out of the cave.

However, the speed of this small Martial King Realm Peak beast is surprisingly fast. Even the four of them cannot catch up. Dozens of breathing times, this black beast, put them 4 Man, let’s go far away!

“Thunder Tribulation left pupil!”

Qin Nan shouted loudly, locking the shape of the black beast. The electric light surged in the pupils of his eyes, striding over a mile, and descending directly above his head.

The black beast was frightened by this sudden attack. The rays of light flashed on his body, the speed soared, and the ears avoided it.

Sima Kong, Yan Zihan, and Zhou Liqing also shot instantly, hit one after another killing move, or magic treasure, and simultaneously landed.

The black beast stunned immediately.

It has realized that this time I’m afraid I have kicked the iron plate.

“~ Mu Mu ~~~ Mu Mu ~~~ Mu Mu ~~”

The black beast kept dodging from the attack, and also kept opening his mouth, making a one after another cry.


The sky above Qin Nan and the others suddenly darkened. A big bird with a Monster Grandmaster peak came from the sky and drove countless winds. The big bird discovered the existence of the beast, hissing, and suddenly He dived down, grabbed the beast with his two claws, and flew away.

This shocking change made Sima Kong 3 tremble physically and mentally.

Martial King Realm Peak, at such a fast speed, it can also drive Monster Beast from the Monster Grandmaster to the rescue. The origin of this black beast is extremely difficult!

The little beast was out of danger, and a ridiculous smile appeared on his face again, very proud.

“courting death !”

Qin Nan’s anger broke out!

This is 300 Yuan Stone. I don’t know how much work it will take to get it!

How dare it grab it?

I care who you are!

“Give me down!”

Qin Nan shouted loudly. Under the dull eyes of the 3 people in Sima Kong, Nascent Soul was spit out. The whole Nascent Soul was full of flames, as if turned into a fireball outside the sky, and flew away. On wings.

The big bird made a cry of pain, his claws could not help but loose, the black beast from the sky fell, the original full of sarcasm, stiffened to the face, and his black eyes were cyanotic.

ps: 4 chapters today. Stabilize in Chapter 4 first, then start paying off the remaining chapters ~

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