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Chapter 391: Pill within Pill

you win?

Didn’t even reach Star level 1-Rank, you said you won?

Everyone was dumbfounded, unexpectedly, Qin Nan would answer like that.

Chen Ying and Zheng Kun froze for a moment, then their faces became cold.

Qin Nan What does this mean?

could it be that

Before waiting for the two people to attack, Qin Nan suddenly moved towards Tie Mu, walked over, and took the dark Medicine Pill into his hands, in the eyes of the other man’s hair.

“Qin Nan, you are …”

Somehow Tie Mu had a strange feeling in his heart.

Qin Nan didn’t answer him, stood in front of the assessment hall, facing the audience, said differently: “When Zheng Kun and Chen Ying Dan Dou, I was ridiculed and mocked by you. Here, I want Thank you for your spur, you have let me break through the limit and reached another height. Also, I am very skeptical of your Pill Refining level of Vegetation Peak, could it be that you have not even heard of Pill within Pill ? “

Pill within Pill!

These three words come out as much as heavens-frightening.

Alchemist Masters above Star level 6-Rank, when they are Pill Refining, they will use the remaining spiritual liquid to coat them with a dandelion shell when the Medicine Pill condenses. This is to avoid the formation of Medicine Pill. Because the medical power is too powerful and emits too much fluctuations, it has attracted countless Powerhouses, and some Medicine Pills will lose medical power if they come into contact with the air after refining.

This kind of Medicine Pill is called Pill within Pill!

However, this Pill within Pill, the low-level Alchemist Master, cannot be controlled at all!

“Now you all see me with wide eyes!”

Qin Nan was full of momentum, suddenly erupted, like a big sword, soared into the sky, word by word, blasting the audience.

He lifted his left hand, made a big fist, and banged directly at the dark palm-sized Medicine Pill.


A loud noise!

Everyone only saw that the entire Medicine Pill kept shaking, and cracks on the surface cracked one after another. These cracks gradually spread, covering the whole body quickly, and clicking a light sound, and the crack fell instantly.


I do not know from where a crisp tremor sounded and fell into the hearts of everyone. A light green Medicine Pill appeared in front of everyone. The medical power was strong, just like the lake, and there were 5 clouds above it.


At this moment, everyone is greatly changed, and accidentally sucks in a cold breath of air.

How can it be!

How can this be!

This is really Pill within Pill, the Medicine Pill refined from it, and Star Level 5-Rank!

If it is the genius of Vegetation Peak, it has refined the Medicine Pill of Star level 5-Rank. There is no shock at all, but the person in front of it is Duanmu Feng’s discipline. Never learned Pill Refining at their Vegetation Peak. !!


Chen Ying and Zheng Kun, two people, seemed to be slapped, and the whole person was directly snored.

They two people never dreamed of it. They were constantly despised and ridiculed by them, and they actually made a stronger Medicine Pill than them!

“Sorry, it’s not its true appearance yet!”

At this moment, Qin Nan suddenly opened his mouth, and saw that he had a mouth, exhaled a flame at the Medicine Pill, and burned for 2 breaths. From the light green Medicine Pill, it actually floated out. A scent.

This scent, as if coming from the mountain stream, is extremely fresh, flowing into my heart, making people relaxed and joyful, and energizing.

At this moment, Tie Mu was stunned, Chen Ying Zheng Kun was stunned, and all the disciplines in the audience were stunned.


Is this actually a strange fragrance?

Qin Nan actually made Star Level 5-Rank’s fragrant Medicine Pill?

You should know that Medicine Pill of the same level is divided into 3 Boundary of exotic incense, natural phenomenon, and spirit. Chen Ying refined the exotic incense Medicine Pill of Star level 4-Rank, which is enough to shock everyone. Now Qin Nan refining The fragrant Medicine Pill of Star level 5-Rank!

What is this concept?

This level of Medicine Pill, even the average Star level 7-Rank Pill Refining Grandmaster, cannot be done at all!

Looking at the entire Vegetation Peak, there is very little supreme talent that can reach this level, and it will definitely not exceed 50 people!

The most important thing is that the person who made this pill is Qin Nan, a discipline of Vegetation Peak!

“I want to tell you one thing now. It’s not just people who are on Peak Peak. It can be Pill Refining. We at Duanmu Feng can do the same. I’m sorry. In order to let you continue to shock, I have concealed a fact. Rong! “

The last few words, Qin Nan’s intonation, suddenly rose.

From the palm of his hand holding Medicine Pill, a bang, the flame burst, and continued to burn this Medicine Pill. What is strange is that the entire Medicine Pill has not been affected in the slightest, and it continues to tremble, and the amplitude of the tremor is increasing. Bigger, as if there is something, to break through from it.


Above that Medicine Pill, a splendid rays of light rises into the sky. Among the rays of light, there is a full moon faintly, condensing out, emitting countless soft rays of light, instantly filling the entire assessment The field makes Chen Ying, Zheng Kun, etc. evaluate the disciple in the field, and a warm feeling emerges from their bodies.


At this moment, thunder was rolling in everyone’s brain!

natural phenomenon!

This is actually a natural phenomenon!

Qin Nan actually developed the natural phenomenon Medicine Pill of Star level 5-Rank!

What a joke!

Looking at the entire Duanmu Feng, at this age, there will be no more than ten people who can make Star level 5-Rank natural phenomenon Medicine Pill, and these people are all supreme talents among the supreme talents. presence!

Qin Nan, a martial arts genius, did it?

At the same time, at this instant, great characters near the assessment site were all alarmed.

“How is this going?”

“So volatile, this is the natural phenomenon Medicine Pill of Star level 5-Rank!”

“Fuck !, this direction is the Star level 4-Rank test site, could it be that means we have another Super Pill Refining genius at Vegetation Peak?”

“Go, hurry up!”


In an instant, countless characters have dispatched, like a tide, moved towards the assessment field.

This is a small bucket of Dan because of the arrival of Chen Ying, but now because of Pin Refining by Qin Nan, it continues to ferment and gradually forms a big storm!

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