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Chapter 390 Extreme Fire Control


“Limit, this is not the limit!”

“Faster, faster, faster!”


In Qin Nan’s heart, a burst of roar rang out.

He enters the inborn infatuated for martial arts state, and is in the heart of Crafty Pill Great Manual. He is roaring, combining the experience of 2 Pill Refining failures and Demon Pill Venerable experience, merging into one to form his own perception!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The speed of Qin Nan’s hands increased again, and kept falling, as if jumping in the sky. He couldn’t see the shadow of his hands, but only the flames, which spread out in the sky. medicine incineration.

An extreme mysterious texture, fiercely impacts everyone’s mind.

Controlling fire flow, although it is only the most basic method, but when it reaches the extreme, or even surpasses it, it will have countless incredible found mystery, reaching a unimaginable situation.

At this moment, whether it is Chen Ying, Zheng Kun, or Tie Mu and the entire audience, they are shocked.

They no longer look like people looking at Pill Refining, but are watching a magnificent feast!

“Control the fire, the flames are mysterious!”

Qin Nan suddenly issued a howling, the flame of the flame of both of his hands, directly exploded, and exploded into countless flames, flooding the entire examination room instantly, making it like Flame World.

The burnt drop of pure spiritual liquid fell from the void and fell into Pill Stove, making a sound of zi zi zi.

“Get up!”

Qin Nan’s entire Essence, Qi, and Spirit, at this moment, seemed to burst to the limit, flooding the countless flames of the entire examination site, as if it came from the suction, all flew into the Pill Refining Stove, suddenly gathered, Turn into a surging flame, and incinerate in Pill Stove.


There was a crisp sound like a long sword coming out of Pill Refining Stove. All the flames burst out suddenly. The entire Pill Stove was exploded again, but it was different from the previous 2 times. In this explosion, a slap The large and dark Medicine Pill rises from it.

Medicine Pill!

“at last……”

Qin Nan pulled out of the martial arts state, strained to the extreme of his mind, and instantly relaxed, which brought a feeling of exhaustion to his body.

The highly concentrated Pill Refining just now, no matter how strong the cultivation level is, the load is huge.

However, despite his physical exhaustion, Qin Nan’s heart gave birth to a hard to describe joy.

This is his unremitting efforts, and in the rumors and gossip of the sky, finally completed the results, a great sense of accomplishment.

At this moment, everyone is still shocked, not came back to his senses at all.

How is this going?

Is this still a controlling fire flow?

Qin Nan How can a person who has not studied Pill Refining perform such a shocking technique?

You know, just like that horrible tactics, like Zheng Kun’s water and fire two flows, Chen Ying’s arms Martial Spirit, in comparison, it is one heaven one earth!


A bronze bell rang, ringing everyone from the shock.

An hour has come!

“Qin Nan, you …”

Tie Mu trembled and couldn’t even speak in excitement.

As a Star level 5-Rank Alchemist Master, his eyes are so spicy, it can be seen that Qin Nan has just performed controlling fire flow, but this basic technique was practiced by Qin Nan to another extreme!

An unheard-of, the ultimate of unprecedented!


The contempt on the faces of Chen Ying and Zheng Kun two people ceased to exist, replaced by paleness.

They two people never dreamed of it. The first two times were like a layman Qin Nan, and suddenly such an incredible technique broke out!

Could it be that this Pin Refining level of Qin Nan surpassed them?

“Senior, this is my Medicine Pill!”

Qin Nan settled down and passed the Medicine Pill to Tie Mu.

“it is good!”

Tie Mu couldn’t say anything else, but his eyes were full of great expectations.

What kind of Medicine Pill will be produced by such amazing Pill Refining? Will Qin Nan work wonders?

Tie Mu quickly looked down, spiritual thought swept away, the expectation in his eyes froze instantly.

How could this be?

Why not even a cloud?

At this moment, Chen Ying and Zheng Kun, as well as the audience disciple, couldn’t help but watch it.

At the first glance they looked dumb.

The entire Medicine Pill is the size of a palm, dark, and even has many edges and corners. It is not round, there is no cloud, and there is no fluctuation in even the medical power!

as everyone knows, Medicine Pill is rated by the number of clouds.

Today, there is no cloud in this Medicine Pill, that is, Medicine Pill has not reached the level of Star level 1-Rank!

How could this be?

That horrible Pill Refining technique, actually only made this kind of Medicine Pill?

“Hahaha!” Zheng Kun laughed loudly, and the laughter was extremely harsh: “Qin Nan Junior Brother, what kind of Medicine Pill are you practicing? Didn’t expect your Pill Refining technique, so amazing, the result is just a flower shelf, nothing at all A little use! “


Chen Ying coldly smiled.

When Qin Nan used this Pill Refining technique just now, the horrible scene caused a tremendous impact on the hearts of the two people, even thinking that he would fail! But who knows, this Pill Refining technique looks horrible, but it has no use for Pill Refining!

“This … oh!”

Tie Mu sighed deeply.

He looked forward to it very much and thought that Qin Nan would work wonders. Who knew that the final result turned out to be this way, which made his mind feel as if he had been poured into a pot of cold water and was disappointed.

The entire audience also came back to his senses at this time, and burst into a huge grin!

“Fuck, I thought what fuck was going to make Medicine Pill, but the shit wasn’t Yes!”

“Hahaha, this Qin Nan is really pretentious. What’s the use of the cool scene? Medicine Pill can’t practice it!”


Each of them was shocked, and they all thought that there would be a miracle. As a result, they all felt a sense of being deceived, and they were naturally more unhappy about Qin Nan!

“Qin Nan, you are completely defeated. Now is the time for you to live up to your promises. Give me a kneel!”

Chen Ying At this moment, there is no woman who looks cute, shouted sharply, and the momentum rises!

“Qin Nan Junior Brother, as early as just now, I advised you to cancel this fight. As a result, you still do n’t listen. If you have to compare with me, then you do n’t blame Senior Brother. Just a click! “

Zheng Kun laughed.

He couldn’t wait now, and wanted to see Qin Nan kneeling down and scratching his head!

“Is it?”

Qin Nan expressionless, the words are astonishingly endless: “Who said I lost? This game, I won!”

ps: 9pm-1:1 pm, with updates.

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