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Chapter 374 Killing Sovereign

“Not good !”

Qin Nan expression changed.

This soul fire is immeasurable and invisible, even the power of Dragon-Marked Golden Core cannot be resisted.

“Ah! ”

Qin Nan’s face suddenly changed, and he screamed, screaming.

This soul fire has burned into his soul, and the sharp pain is far more painful than the heart being cut off with a knife!

“Haha, let your kid threaten the deity!”

Demon Pill Venerable laughed.

Aren’t you very arrogant just now?

How dare you not speak now!

“Take your flesh body first!”

Demon Pill Venerable sneered.

He is now a Venerable cultivation level, and wants to forcibly lose his house. Natural cultivation level is not enough. He can only choose to devour Qin Nan’s flesh body. The so-called devour, First Step, deprive flesh body, Second Step, deprive Sea of ​​Consciousness, Third Step, deprive the soul, you can completely kill the “Qin Nan” will.

By then, he will use all the magic skills to occupy Qin Nan.

“No Phase!”

Demon Pill Venerable The whole stone statue body spread one after another bloody veins, and finally converged on the pupils, erupted suddenly, and shot into the inside of Qin Nan.


Qin Nan’s flame was extinguished instantly, and the flesh body full of blood holes suddenly became stiff and seemed to lose consciousness.


Qin Nan’s bitter complexion froze, and he couldn’t move. The painful voice in his throat was only half of it.

In other words, his current flesh body has nothing to do with Qin Nan.

“Depriving your Sea of ​​Consciousness!”

The smirk on Demon Pill Venerable’s face is getting bigger and bigger. In a pair of eyes, 2 blood lights are sprayed again and shot into Qin Nan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

I saw a bloody silhouette in Qin Nan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, which slowly emerged, and it was Demon Pill Venerable.

“Fuck! Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth? Did you practice some kind of Spiritual Consciousness Cultivation Technique?”

Demon Pill Venerable was startled.

When he was Martial King Realm Peak, he didn’t have such a strong Spiritual Consciousness.

“en? What is this?”

Demon Pill Venerable suddenly saw that in the middle of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, one piece of Bronze Mirror was still floating.

“It must be a treasure!”

Demon Pill Venerable found this Bronze Mirror, and he couldn’t even see through it. At the moment expression was a joy, this Qin Nan simply gave him too many surprises. Not only was the flesh body strong, but the Spiritual Consciousness was so powerful, it also had a treasure!

“I will be the lower territory Supreme by then, no, I will go to the upper territory!”

Demon Pill Venerable was excited. Now he no longer hesitates. He stretched out his hands and turned it into a decisive decision.

Oh la la !

Countless black chains erupted from him, like a void snake, moved towards that Sea of ​​Consciousness submerged.


Suddenly, a terrifying coercion erupted on the Bronze Mirror of the Sea of ​​Consciousness middle, and the cold voice of a girl, like the ancient Nine Heavens thunder blasted: “So brave!”

Demon Pill Venerable’s face suddenly changed.

This coercion even made him feel a sense of palpitations!

could it be that this Bronze Mirror, is it some kind of Supreme Treasure?

At this moment, Demon Pill Venerable, like an enemy, but after dozens of breaths, the Bronze Mirror had no response, as if the ancient power was being completely blocked by some force.

“Haha, I can’t use formidable power!”

Demon Pill Venerable naturally saw this scene. At the moment, she was overjoyed, without the slightest hesitation, and quickly urged to lock the Divine Technique. The countless chains quickly spread, blocking the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness!

The ancient Bronze Mirror was also blocked, and there was no response, which also made Demon Pill Venerable relaxed. The aura emitted by this Bronze Mirror was too powerful. Even him, he could not see the slightest found mystery.

“The flesh body, Spiritual Consciousness, has all been blocked, so let’s destroy the soul completely!”

Demon Pill Venerable looked at Qin Nan at this time, and expression couldn’t help showing excitement.

This is Peerless Supreme Talent Ah!

This natural talent treasure, etc., all belong to him!

“Soul Fiery Fire, forging 9 emptiness, burn me!”

Demon Pill Venerable loudly roared. His entire body turned out to be a flame, burning.

He was hunted down by two Venerables several hundred years ago, and he sealed himself. Although he has recovered a lot now, it is far from enough to perform this soul-burning technique, so he needs to burn the strength of life in exchange for strength!


From the stone statue of Demon Pill Venerable’s body, a majestic fire of spirits surged, which was dozens of times of the two flames at the beginning, all rushing out, completely covering Qin Nan’s body.

I saw from Qin Nan within the body, a light illusion like Qin Nan of illusory shadow, slowly floating out of flesh body, expression pain.

This Qin Nan is truly the soul of Qin Nan, his will will.

“Magic … Magic Dan … Van … Venable … You … Best … Best … otherwise …” Qin Nan also intermittently sent out a Dao Intent while he was crying.

“Shit! At this time, you dare to threaten me! Burn me!”

Demon Pill Venerable is furious.

This guy, although the natural talent is good, his brain is sick!

Dare to threaten him now?

With his anger, the tumult of fiery fire, burning more fiercely, Qin Nan’s silhouette, rays of light, became thinner and lighter, as if it would disappear completely anytime, anywhere.

Demon Pill Venerable Seeing this is another joy, can’t help but laugh wildly: “haha, Qin Nan, did you see that, until your soul is burned by me, then you will not exist in this world, and I will have yours in the future day–“

Suddenly, his laughter came to a halt, and the expression on his face suddenly froze.

buzzzz ~ weng!

I saw the fiercely trembling above the sky of the island, a kind of disturbing invisible coercion, began to float.


A burst of air burst, suddenly burst.

A black blade, as if across an endless void, suddenly appeared over the island, a kind of murderous aura that came from nowhere, like a flood of floodgates, rushing into Heaven and Earth!

“this is–“

Demon Pill Venerable complexion changed.

Why is this black blade so familiar? Where does he seem to have seen it?

Just don’t know why, he kind of wants to do not raise.


The void above the island suddenly collapsed and cracked, and in the crack, slowly came out an old man.

The old man slowly held the broken black blade in his hand, a pair of deep eyes, looked down, and landed directly on the island.

“Who is this guy? He actually broke my restraint!”

Demon Pill Venerable’s expression is white.

He could feel it, the old man’s cultivation level was very scary, and now he found that the major event is not good!

“Burnt me!”

Demon Pill Venerable went crazy in no time, but Qin Nan was merged before talking.

If this guy is Powerhouse, one of Two Great Sacred Land, after discovering that Qin Nan has been merged, he will definitely not shoot at him, instead he will read about his natural talent and let him join Holy Land!

As long as Qin Nan is dead, then Qin Nan is worthless, and he won’t get revenge!

old man expression Indifferent, did not step forward to stop, but simply said differentially: “Who is your Excellency? Next, Tang Qingshan!”


There seemed to be a thunderbolt, which exploded in Demon Pill Venerable’s head, and his movements were stiff.

Don … Tang Qingshan?

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