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Chapter 300 73 Threatening Venerable

The whole loose cultivator was completely cold.

They had never expected that the appearance of Demon Pill Venerable turned out to be devouring Qin Nan, but this also made them relaxed. If it was devouring Qin Nan, it had nothing to do with them.


These loose cultivators are looking at each other and preparing to leave quickly.

“Want to go?”

Unexpectedly, Demon Pill Venerable’s cold eyes suddenly looked over and said, “You ants, all of them, stand here obediently and let me devour, otherwise, you will die as soon as possible!”

The faces of these loose cultivator changed suddenly.

Demon Pill Venerable, should they devour them all?

“Qin Nan Senior Brother, you run away!”

Just then, the five people in Liang Kai suddenly shouted loudly, blocking Qin Nan’s figure in front of him, expressing firmness.

They stabbed Qin Nan, and also dragged Qin Nan. Qin Nan has never blame. They are now willing to sacrifice themselves for Qin Nan’s vitality.

Qin Nan Senior Brother is a real genius. If he survives, in the lower territory in the future, it will be rays of light ten thousand zhang.

“You ants!”

Demon Pill Venerable expression got angry.

He was dignified Venerable and had a lower territory for countless years. When did a group of Martial King Realm Peak dare to impudent in front of him?


When he extended the hand, he was ready to kill all of them.


Qin Nan issued shouting loudly, Demon Pill Venerable’s action froze slightly, his eyes looked towards him.

“Demon Pill Venerable, the person you are going to devour is me. It has nothing to do with them, let them go.” Qin Nan said indifferently, “I know you want to get my body, so if you let it go, then sorry , At worst Self-destruction! “

As he spoke, Qin Nan expression became stunned, as if becoming a lunatic.

“Qin Nan!”

“Qin Nan Senior Brother!”

5 people like Princess Miaomiao and Liang Kai have changed.

The group of loose cultivator is a happy face, this Qin Nan, good character, actually let them go.

“Is it?”

Demon Pill Venerable sneered.


If you want Self-destruction, it takes a lot of courage to do it.

Because every Martial Artist’s cultivation level is hard-won and won’t be destroyed easily, especially the genius like Qin Nan.

He was now without the slightest hesitation, and in the palm of his hand, a terrorist force broke out and was about to be photographed.


Qin Nan’s Dragon-Marked Golden Core trembled violently, and all kinds of aura inside it began to collapse quickly. He really wanted Self-destruction!

“You …” Demon Pill Venerable expression changed, and quickly put his hands back, gritted his teeth: “You’re ruthless, you all get me out!”

Five people, including Princess Miaomiao and Liang Kai, were extremely ugly.

Let them go?

Qin Nan stay?

How could they do such shameless injustice!

The group of loose cultivators, however, had been pardoned and left without a look at Qin Nan.

Qin Nan glanced at Princess Miaomiao 5 people, lips slightly moving, and passed a spiritual thought to Princess Miaomiao.

Princess Miaomiao the eyes shines, at the moment opened the mouth and said: “Liang Kai, if you follow me, you can’t hurt Qin Nan with this Demon Pill Venerable!”

Liang Kai 5 people look for a moment.

Can’t hurt Qin Nan?

What kind of joke?

This is Demon Pill Venerable. Although not in its heyday, even the Martial Sovereign Peak Powerhouse is not an opponent!

Princess Miaomiao naturally did not explain that many. At the moment, five fingers stretched out, grabbing all of the Liang Kai 5 people and forcibly taking them away, without giving the latter any reaction time.

Before leaving, Princess Miaomiao also gave a pity glance at Demon Pill Venerable.

This guy, in order to escape the pursuit of Two Great Sacred Land, did not hesitate to seal himself. Later, Avatar prepared for 100 years for Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm, but now it is hard to recover, but he met Qin Nan.

“What look?”

Demon Pill Venerable was in his heart.

This little girl looked at him with pitying eyes?

Could it be that she thinks that Qin Nan, a Martial King Realm Peak with no battle strength, can’t handle it?

What a joke!

“I remember that group of people who shot at you and killed them. You should have no opinion!”

Demon Pill Venerable was upset and did not wait for Qin Nan to answer. Looking at the fleeing loose cultivator, he was not polite. He stretched out his hands and sprayed out countless rays of light to penetrate the body of the loose cultivator.

The joy on those loose cultivator faces froze.

Don’t you let them escape?

Just before they thought about it, their bodies exploded into a blood mist, all inhaled into Demon Pill Venerable within the body.

Demon Pill Venerable made a satisfying voice, a pair of pupils, slightly reddish, staring at Qin Nan, and fangs smiled: “haha, boy, can be the respect for the new born flesh body, it is also your luck! Now! The deities let you— “

Before he could finish, Qin Nan suddenly coldly said.

“Demon Pill Venerable, for the sake of helping me just once, then I advise you, it is best not to have any thoughts about my flesh body, otherwise, you have suffered for the past 100 years. All the hardships will be ruined once you think about it yourself! “

Demon Pill Venerable stayed where he was.

What’s happening here?

Shouldn’t this guy be scared by him and start begging?

Why is this guy justified and threatened him in turn?

could it be that ……

Demon Pill Venerable thought of a possibility.

The heaven-defying genius of Qin Nan must be followed by Two Great Sacred Land. There are countless Powerhouses staring at the safety of Qin Nan. I am afraid that Qin Nan also used some means to notify Holy Land.

“Oh!” Demon Pill Venerable sneered, and said, “What kind of little trick you could have been thinking that I didn’t know? Zhou Tiancaohua, Tianwaihuamo, shadowless interestless, 4 party Heavens Secret, cover me up! “

He shoots a finger, a mysterious rays of light, soaring into the sky, enveloping the entire island.

If you look at it from the outside, the entire island seems to have disappeared out of thin air. There is no existence at all, and you will not notice the slightest aura.

“Now, even the Peak Lord of Two Great Sacred Land can’t detect you!”

Demon Pill Venerable flashed a smirk.

Still want Powerhouse in Holy Land to save you?

It’s a delusion!

“Demon Pill Venerable ……” Qin Nan sighed, he knew Demon Pill Venerable’s idea, but he had already spread the news to Tang Qingshan very early, I am afraid it won’t take long, Tang Qingshan will come down in person, even if aura is covered, by virtue of Tang Qingshan’s cultivation level, I found that here, it doesn’t matter.

It is for this reason that Qin Nan said that to Demon Pill Venerable.

Now Qin Nan wants to deal with Jiang Bilan, he and Demon Pill Venerable, lacking hatred and enmity, but Demon Pill Venerable also helped him, so he hoped that Demon Pill Venerable had better not do stupid things.

“I’m telling you one more time now, you’d better not hit me, because the people who are waiting for you are more horrible than you think, and you can’t afford it at all.” Qin Nan took a deep Breath, facing Demon Pill Venerable seriously said: “You let me go now, and I will continue to chase the person of the Business Alliance. I will not reveal anything about you!”

With that said, Demon Pill Venerable was dumbfounded.

This kid, did you take the wrong medicine?

You are still threatening yourself, you want to let him go?

This is Martial King Realm, where is this so confident!

It’s like, a cricket ant, leaning his hips, facing a giant, he said that you better be careful, I’m not bullying!

“Well, I still want to see and see. In this lower territory, besides the 2 Saint Lords, are there any horrible people!” Demon Pill Venerable coldly snorted: “Just give me nonsense, and refine your flesh body now , Devour me! “

He stretched out his big hand at the moment, and from his palm, a black flame burst out. This black flame is not the flame of Four Demons Destruction Formation, but a soul magic fire, which is used to burn the soul.

Once Demon Pill Venerable, the reason why he was hunted down by Two Great Sacred Land is because every time he shot, he would burn the human soul, leaving no vitality at all!

He threw a big hand at the moment, and two soul magic fires fell on Qin Nan, turning into a surging flame and burning.

ps: The more you write, the more you earn, and the more the readers praise, why not write more? I’m already doing my best, rest assured, the past few days guarantee 4 more every day, and when there is an opportunity, it will definitely erupt! There will be 22 chapters after the meeting 00-23.

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