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Chapter 320 The Great Competition Begins

This Jiao Zhe, a cultivation level, has reached Half Step Martial Grandmaster Realm, it’s Martial Spirit of self, and even Xuan level 7-Rank.

Regardless of the cultivation level, only the Martial Spirit level. Among these 100 supreme talents, except for Jiang Bilan and Sima Kong, which Qin Nan cannot see through, this Martial Spirit level is already very powerful.


Jiao Shisan complexion slightly changed, like a mouse encountering a cat and a murderous aura, all quickly stopped and did not dare to move.

“I’ll pack you up later!”

Jiao Zhe glared at him, and then looked towards fatty and Qin Nan, with a serious expression, a sincere tone, and archery: “2 fellow daoist, my younger brother, impulsive, don’t blame. If there is anything offending, I Come and apologize for him, I hope the two fellow daoist can understand! “

Sima Kong’s expression eased, coldly snorted, and no more words.

The nodded of Qin Nan expressionless.

Although he didn’t have any good feelings for this Jiao Shisan and didn’t mind taking any lessons, Jiao Zhe’s apology was very sincere and he would not pursue it again.

A storm, so calmed down.

At this moment, on this Comparing Martial Arts Stage, Jiang Bilan, Jiao Shisan, Sima Kong, Jiao Zhe 4 Peak Lord appointed geniuses, especially Jiao Zhe, have brought the 100 from Jiang Huang City. The supreme talents all feel that the pressure is multiplied, and the expression is serious, like being close to the enemy.

At this time, from the distance, some Cultivators came one after another, but these Powerhouses of these all are Martial Grandmaster Realm also came to participate in Holy Land disciple Selection.

There are more than 600 disciples participating in the assessment.

Fang Jian saw that the timing was almost the same, and now the body shape rose into the air, glanced around, and shouted out loudly: “This competition is divided into 2 levels. The first pass is a battle competition, everyone will fight once, although they will not lose out However, only the winners can participate in the second pass assessment! In this assessment, the 6 Peak Lords and 100 Envoys are paying attention throughout the process, and we hope that everyone will try their best!

After saying this, Fang Jian turned around suddenly, moved towards the towering Duanmu Feng, shouted out, “Greetings to Duanmu Peak Lord!”

With that said, the audience was supreme talent, simultaneously changes countenance, and extremely excited.

This is Duanmu Peak Lord!

Among the Azure Dragon Sacred Land, the top 6 Peak Lords, Duanmu Peak Lord are ranked first, status, strength level, second only to today’s Azure Dragon Sacred Land Saint Lord, in the lower territory, it is called Peak Giant!

They didn’t expect, and this time the great great competition, they were able to see the legendary Duanmu Peak Lord.


The void above the Comparing Martial Arts Stage suddenly collapsed and turned into darkness. In the darkness, a crane made an old man and walked out of it. It was Duanmu Peak Lord.

Duanmu Peak Lord glanced at the disciple below. After glancing casually over Qin Nan, he said with a smile: “Welcome young, talented people, come to my Duanmu Feng to take the assessment. Before the assessment, in accordance with the rules, I will You will arrange the illusion, you cannot see the outside, but outside, you can see anything inside. “

He shoots a finger, pops a brilliance, and turns it into a huge light curtain, covering the whole huge Comparing Martial Arts Stage.

All the supreme talents in the audience were shaken, this is Duanmu Peak Lord, between the fingers, the world changes colors!

“Illusion world arranged, open the first ceremony, welcome you Peak Lord and Envoy, enter Duanmu Feng and watch this assessment!” Duanmu Peak Lord said aloud.

whiz whiz whiz whiz… even if the entire audience was in a fantasy, but still felt that one after another powerful aura came from afar and landed all around on the Comparing Martial Arts Stage, no less than 100 people.

Although I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, as long as I think of it, there are 6 Peak lords and 100 Envoys watching outside of the illusion. Their whole body can not help but be enthusiastic.

These people are all prestigious giants in lower territory!

“Shooting 1000!” Duanmu Peak Lord’s robe fluttered.

From this towering Duanmu Feng towering into the clouds, several thousand dao light beams suddenly burst into the sky, simultaneously exploded in the sky, and turned into a bright sky, covering the entire Azure Dragon Sacred Land. The scene was grand and very shocking.

“Azure Dragon welcomes you!” Duanmu Feng whispered.


This in an instant, if you look down from that high altitude, these ten or six seats meander continuously, like the main peak of a huge Azure Dragon, as if simultaneously bounced, and at the same time trembled, sending out a heavens-frightening moving dragon The howling sounds like an archaic giant dragon recovering from it.

Countless people in the entire Azure Dragon Sacred Land were not shocked. The dragon roar was so clear that it seemed to explode in their hearts.

“Etiquette is over, great competition is starting!”

Duanmu Peak Lord shoots a finger, popped a number of 100 light glow, fell in front of each disciple, forming an azure color number, followed by Duanmu Peak Lord slightly smiled, the figure stepped back into the void, the broken void , Slowly closing, like a cut did not happen.

The only disciple in the audience is still full of shock, and has not returned.

1000 guns fired!

Howling Azure Dragon!

No matter which one, they have a huge impact on their hearts.

You know, this is just a disciple selection great competition. Etiquette alone is so grand!

Fang Jian looked at the people in shock and couldn’t help but smile lightly, thinking that when he came to participate in the Disciple Selection Trial, he looked like this. He waited for a while, and then shouted out loudly, “Dear everyone, in front of you A number! Next, we ’ll fight against each other according to Martial Grandmaster, Martial King, and Innate! Martial Grandmaster battle now! ”

Behind Fang Jian, I don’t know when, 30 disciples came in, but this is the assessment officer.

Fang Jian grabbed the left hand in the void, grabbed a piece of paper, and then read aloud: “No. 2 to No. 3, No. 9 to No. 4, No. 8 to No. 1 …”

“Hey, it’s my turn, this Grandmaster too!”

Dragon Tiger Monster Sect to be cocky smiled, jumped in shape, and landed on the Comparing Martial Arts Stage.

“Well? It’s been a long time since I played!”

Princess Miaomiao is 7 19º. After she read the name, a smile arose from the corners of her mouth. In the eyes of those bright and intelligent, be eager to have a try, there is a certain kind of fire light, like a star, shining unusually.

Seeing this scene, Qin Nan couldn’t help but blushed with shame, and didn’t know who would be so bad luck, and met Princess Miaomiao.

Looking at her posture, she definitely wants to exercise muscles and bones.

“Didn’t expect she’s pretty violent …” Qin Nan secretly thought, then shook the head and sat cross-legged.

He didn’t have any interest in this battle. Princess Miaomiao and Dragon Tiger Monster Sect will definitely abuse their opponents, so it’s better to take a look at your inner core while taking advantage of this time.


Qin Nan frowned when he saw his inner core.

I saw the dead inner core suddenly buzzing and shaking, as if something was about to break out of the shell.

“This could it be that …”

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