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Chapter 320: Willing To Be Used By Her

I saw a meaty hu hu fatty, holding the chicken leg in his left hand, constantly eating and eating, full of luster, no worries.

Fat fiercely took a bite of the chicken leg, looked towards Qin Nan, and said with emotion: “This man is really very good, so good! This Jiang Bilan is just a river slut. Torii. If I have enough cultivation level for Fat Brother, if I do n’t hit her with a few hundred slaps, it will be hard to dispel my hatred. ”

Jiang Bilan expression changed slightly.

all around disciple is also full of sorrow.

Where did this fatty come from, and how could he swear at Saintess?

At this moment, suddenly, there is another afterimage, coming across the air, 5 official fuzzy, opened the mouth and said: “Fang Jian, this child is called Fat Ball, but this person is an appointed person. You can Take care of him. “

After that, the afterimage disappeared.

The faces of all the people in the audience were all changed. Didn’t expect this sloppy fatty, which was actually Peak Lord appointed.

Fang Jian expression Wei Wei, because this Peak Lord is a Peak Lord of Azure Dragon Sacred Land. He does not show up all year round. He was seen rarely. Didn’t expect today to be an Appointed supreme talent. I am afraid that this is within 5 years. the first time.

“Fat Ball? The name Interesting.”

Qin Nan left pupil golden light flickered, glanced at the fatty, didn’t expect, and his expression became weird.

Where is this Fat Ball? There are 5 black marks in the eyebrows.

How could this guy Sima Kong come to participate in the Two Great Sacred Land Selection Great Competition, and how can this guy be appointed by the Peak Lord?

Sima Kong glanced at Qin Nan if she noticed it.

At that time, Jiang Bilan spoke, with a flat tone, saying, “This Fat Ball fellow daoist, Bilan doesn’t seem to have a holiday with you, why should you say something to humiliate me?”

“Hey, why?” Fat Ball chuckled and said, “Fat brother, I always do things with my heart. You business guys are wicked, who doesn’t know? You are from Business Alliance, and naturally nothing is good stuff!”

The audience supreme talent, hearing this sentence, could not help but twitch his lips.

Business Alliance?

Among the lower territories, the Business Alliance is notoriously fair and fair, but in the mouth of this guy, it has changed another look.

This caused a lot of supreme talents to have a bit of compassion for Jiang Bilan. Obviously Jiang Bilan did nothing, but attracted such abuse. However, loving and returning to love, they did not rush to speak like they did to Qin Nan last time. After all, this fatty is a person appointed by the Peak Lord and must be a powerful genius.


Jiang Bilan bumped into a wall at Qin Nan and was already in a bad mood. Now she is provoked for no reason, even if it is her cultivation, she can’t help being angry.

But she could not get angry in the future, just then, a shouted suddenly sounded, like a thunderstorm!


The drink did not fall, but I heard a breaking sound from the air. A white clothed young man holding a long sword and cold light 4 overflowed. From that distance, he moved directly towards the Fat Ball and killed, murderous aura.


In this amazing mutation, everyone had time to react in the future, Fang Jian screamed angrily, stretched out his big hand, transfigured from a giant hand, grabbed the powerful sword aura into his hands, making it impossible to move.

Just listen to Fang Jian icily said: “In Azure Dragon Sacred Land, you can compete with each other, but you ca n’t use killing move! I ’m thinking of your first offense, spare you once, and if you have the next time, kill it directly on the spot!”

“hmph! ”

The white clothed youth stood with a negative sword, his face was sharpened, and his lines were clear. Although the killing move was closed, the killing intent in his eyes was undisguised.

At the same time, it was an afterimage that crossed the void, with a loud voice: “This child is my appointed person!”

Every major talent in the audience couldn’t help but change his face again.

Again Peak Lord!

This white clothed young man who was suddenly killed is actually Peak Lord appointed!

“Shit !, Peak Lord appointed is great? Fat brother doesn’t know you, you actually want to kill me, you are the opposite!” Sima Kong was furious, chubby palms, and burst of strength, he The chicken leg in that hand seemed to be a sharp weapon of Divine Weapon anytime, anywhere.

“I don’t know you!” The white clothed youth said indifferently: “But you dare to humiliate Bilan by killing you 100 times without exaggerating! Also, your name is Qin Nan, right? As far as I know you also Insult Bilan! Then come with this fatty, I will seal the cultivation level and fight you! “

The eyes of the white clothed youth fell on Qin Nan’s body, with layers of killing.

Qin Nan’s eyes grew sharper.

Just packed one up, and now another?

Although this white clothed youth has Xuan level 6-Rank Martial Spirit, but still want to challenge him and Sima Kong at the same cultivation level?

Qin Nan didn’t say much. Sima Kong is a man with 5 black marks. Even the War God left pupil cannot see all the details. I am afraid it is more than enough to pack this white clothed youth.

all around supreme talent, with a trembling heart, this white clothed youth, really domineering, just playing, they will fight 2 people.

“Shit !, for a broken woman, you actually want to challenge us two people? Are you really a fat brother who grew up vegetarian? Seal cultivation level forget about it. What can I do to help the fat brother, see how Use this chicken leg to pump you! “Sima Kong was so angry that she jumped up and down, and she was shaking with fat.

You know, when did Sima Kong cross the lower territory for so many years, when did he suffer?

Do you think you are Qin Nan Ah!

“To break a woman?” The white clothed youth seemed to have been stepped on Reverse Scales, a murderous aura, rushing up and screaming, “I Jiao Shiyi, no matter if she offends you, or if you bother her. But no matter what As long as you dare to humiliate her, I will definitely kill you! “

all around genius, everything.

They now finally understand that Jiao Shiyi must be the pursuer of Saintess, and it is for this reason that he will fight directly regardless of the fact.

“Jiao Shiyi, have you made enough trouble?”

However, at this time, a loud anger rang out.

I saw a white clothed young man with a long sword, full of anger and stepping forward. Looking closely, his face was slightly similar to Jiao Shiyi.

Apart from this, behind this young man, there is still a tall human figure who is a Peak Lord!

“Jiao Zhe?”

Among the many geniuses, there was a disciple, and suddenly the complexion changed greatly, shouted out loud.

Other supreme talents moved instantly when they heard the name.

“What? It’s Jiao Zhe?”

“He actually came to participate in this Disciple Selection Great Competition?”

“That’s bad! Supreme Talent King must be him! We’re fighting too far!”


Qin Nan looked at Jiao Zhe with a slight glance.

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