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Qin Nan’s figure was immediately served.

I can only see that Cang’s figure rises and floats in the air.

“Supreme Heavenly Emperor, the order of the rules, Grand Dao, Myriad Laws. Today, in the name of Cang, order this way!”

Cang’s face became more blurred, and he could not see any expression at all, but the majesty emanating from him became even more amazing, word by word, like the voice of Heavenly Law, deafening.

It seems that at this moment, he really became Heavenly Emperor.


Cang Yiyin landed.

At this moment, both Qin Nan and Ji Xuan saw an astonishing scene, only to see the training field where they are standing now, as well as the bright rays of light all around, all gone.

Instead, they stood on a vast expanse of land where all kinds of exotic trees grew, the sky was azure, all kinds of Monster Beasts, and the souls, passed by the sky, or in Playful on the ground.

Originally Qin Nan and Ji Xuan were in a small independent space, but now they have come to an infinite world.


Qin Nan worked his eyes to the extreme.

However, he did not see any weak spot.

All kinds of sounds and various feelings of the body are extremely real.

Even if this is an illusion, it is also a pretty amazing illusion.

“End of life, for destruction!”

“Extinction, make a living!”

“Endless, endless.”

“The years are endless, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields.”

“Heaven and Earth Samsara, destiny is great, all beings here are quicksand!”

Cang’s body disappeared, but his voice resounded through the entire world.

Immediately afterwards, the ground under Qin Nan’s feet suddenly burst apart, and the endless energy that stirred up seemed to tear Qin Nan apart.

Qin Nan immediately became the demon Ancestor, Motionless As Mountains, without any influence.

Suddenly, the howling wind became fierce, like a large blade.

The azure sky suddenly became dark, countless stars, and flashed, while there were countless thunderbolts, flames, snow and ice, descending from it, like a pouring rain coming to the world.

Not only that, the void began to shatter, the endless tsunami, and I don’t know where it was set off. The many Monster Beasts and creatures, like being trapped in a magic wand, launched a peerless fight.


A more terrifying scene appeared. The incomparable gigantic Immortal Stone, like coming across the infinite void, rolled up layers of fire waves, dropping from the sky, hit the ground, and issued a heavens-frightening explosion.

And, one after another.

The entire world is like losing order, losing everything, and falling into a kind of unknown catastrophe!

At this moment, Qin Nan’s heart exploded coldly, and he felt an unprecedented sense of crisis instinctively, whether it was his body or his will, in this world within the realm, like a boat, anytime, anywhere, would be drowned Become a crush.

Apart from this, in Qin Nan’s mind, there was a wonderful feeling.

He seemed to be on the sidelines, watching this world evolve, and beings being the Tao.

“Even so, it won’t drown me!”

Qin Nan closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, no matter how shocked he came, he wouldn’t avoid it, he would not retreat, Motionless As Mountains.

Time passed by bit by bit. I do n’t know how long it has passed. In this infinite calamity, Qin Nan began to emit rays of light, and it became more and more bright, and finally, like the ancient days, it shone everything.


It’s like the tea cup fell to the ground, like the strings were broken.

In Qin Nan’s mind, there was an instant feeling, a clear comprehension.


Qin Nan’s eyes opened suddenly, erupting into the sky with a peerless divide glow.


Qin Nan shouted in a low voice, echoing the entire world.

At this moment, all the catastrophes, all the evolutions, etc., are gone.

Everything, all returned to its original state, Qin Nan and Ji Xuan two people, came back to the training field.

Cang’s figure, suspended in midair.

Everything just now, like a big dream, is not real.

“Cang is really horrible. Just one move really made me break through.”

Qin Nan looked at Cang, secretly said in one’s heart.

The realization of this time is not extraordinary.

He already had an idea on how to solve the imbalance between Immortal Upper Demon True Arts and the other Asking Dao Techniques within the body, and even reach a point of integration.

“Congratulations for the Fellow Daoist, I have learned something, and I hope to meet Fellow Daoist among the future martial arts.”

The pale lightly said with a smile, the figure began to break apart inch by inch, but at this time, a ray of blade intent towering penetrated the figure of Cang, making his figure shattered into a shatter in advance.

“I will definitely meet you in the future.”

Qin Nan indifferently said.

Although Cang benefited him a lot this time, his mind was not confused by Cang.

The grudges between them cannot be resolved.

“Uh, Little Brother Lin, you seem very upset with this Cang?”

At this time, Ji Xuan came over, and he tentatively asked what he said for a few days.

“It’s not uncomfortable, but because of various reasons, Cang is my deadly enemy, and I will definitely have a war with Cang, either he died or I died.”

Qin Nan did not hide.

“Uh, can you ask, is it for any reason?”

Ji Xuan continues Asking Dao.

“What do you ask? Sorry, I didn’t tell you, but there were some things that I couldn’t say.”

Qin Nan shook the head.

“By the way, Cang has made a lot of gains for me this time. I plan to find a place to retreat. You … uh? Ji Xuan?”

Qin Nan said a while, and suddenly found that Ji Xuan was standing in place, with a serious heart, and he didn’t hear a word at all.

“Ah … you call me?”

Ji Xuan suddenly responded.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Qin Nan noticed something was wrong and frowned Asking Dao: “Are you hiding something from me?”

Ji Xuan complexion changed. After a while, he took a soft breath and said, “Little Brother Lin, there is one thing I have to tell you. But before I say that, I hope you can understand.”

“I have been following you after God Black Tortoise, one is because there is nothing else, and the other is that I am very curious about you and have no other purpose.”

“I have always treated you as a close friend. There is absolutely no falsehood.”

He calmed down and said, “There is one thing that I haven’t told you before. Actually, Cang is my big brother and we are half-brothers. However, you can rest assured that my idea of ​​him is completely I don’t agree with him at all, and he’s very shameless. “

“So until now, I hate him very much, even in secret, often against him.”

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