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“No problem!”

Qin Nan said a word, his body suddenly changed.

“Fist of Demon.”

When Qin Nan hits, it is a killing move.

Endless power and Demon Intent burst out from the tip of his fist.


Cang seems to have expected it, and his body disappeared from the place directly to the middle of the training field.

“Blade Secret Art!”

Qin Nan immediately exhibited Cross the Heavens Strikes and came to the side of Cang. Within the body, other Asking Dao Techniques also simultaneously operated. Various wills broke out at the same time, condensing into a long knife, The front was cut off, and the momentum was extraordinary.


The magic seal of the Cang knot, countless rays of light, shone on him, and even condensed into an illusory shadow of an ancient turtle, covering the whole body.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One after another exploded loudly.

The shape of the entire ancient tortoise, although shaking violently, was not broken.

Qin Nan turned the hole-empty pupil to the extreme, constantly scanning the ancient turtle illusory shadow. Suddenly he noticed that, to a little extent, 30 different blade intents broke out from it. On that Dao Lines.

The shape of the ancient tortoise suddenly shattered and exploded into numerous light spots.

Cang still had a smile on his face, his figure flickered, avoiding the aftermath, and his hands constantly changed into a magic seal, a majestic majestic, rising from his body.


Fully 33 light glow, behind the Cang, shines, making Cang’s whole momentum, will and so on, have undergone a tremendous transformation.

If we say Cang just now, this dao intent idea just makes people feel extraordinary.

So now, it can make people feel tremendous pressure and feel a sense of knowledge allegiance.

“Heavenly Emperor Arts!”

The surprise look in Qin Nan’s eyes, Immortal Upper Demon True Arts within the body, started to work even more amazingly, making all directions sound a lot of roaring voices of Demon God, Demon Intent raging, and court resistance.

“Scarlet Sovereign Blade Arts!”

Qin Nan is like a sword, cutting forward.

There are ten different kinds of rays of light, which explode in mid-air, like a peerless flood of light, which will be flooded to the whole world.

Cang Shi exhibited a peerless movement technique, his steps were shaking, and he backed up again and again. After a few breaths, his body was suddenly stopped. The 33 dao light point behind him rose into the sky, like a sword of legend, and Qin Nan ’s blade intent, to cut into pieces.

“High Demon Boundary, crush me!”

Qin Nan was approaching, and the Mysterious Demon Realm behind it, like the same ancient Ominous Beast, rolled down.

Those 33 dao light points, felt the crisis in them, and instantly merged together, and evolved into a Mysterious ancient map, suspended in the air.


The entire ancient map, being hit back and forth.

Cang’s body is the same, constantly regressing.

Although Cang is very horrible today, there is a huge gap between Qin Nan and him, but no matter what, Cang Nan left a dao intent in advance. Of course, Qin Nan can easily handle it.

“Didn’t expect, the battle strength of the Fellow Daoist is so powerful that it can persuade me to this dao intent. Of course, you do not have to be disappointed with the Fellow Daoist, when you suppress my Dao Intent When it does, it will trigger the means I stay ahead of time. “

Cang suddenly smiled, and printed with one hand.

“Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth!”

A light shout, countless runes of purple color, floated out of his hand and flew into the entire training field at an amazing speed.

Amazing scenes appeared, the entire training field, roaring tremor, every one piece of big stone, amazing transformation occurred.

Within a short period of time, the training field turned into a purple color, releasing one after another amazing momentum.

At this time, Cang’s body shook slightly, and then his whole momentum and the aura of this training field all merged into one, and it climbed up to another height in an instant.

Qin Nan’s eyes became extremely sharp.

Cang’s method is really terrifying!

With just this one hand, Cang’s dao intent thought made him feel a great sense of oppression.

“Nine Heavens Sword Secret Art!”

Cang started to shoot, and a handful of Nihility’s Sword condensed in his hand, and moved towards Qin Nan.

For a long time, the natural phenomenon came together, a sword of nothingness and immortality, continually condensed above Qin Nan, a total of 33, each momentum is extremely amazing, and among them, also formed A peerless sword formation, drowning towards Qin Nan.


Qin Nan didn’t shrink back in the slightest, the endless momentum, all accumulated on top of his fist, and blasted upward.

The explosion of one after another resounded.

The entire Nine Heavens Sword Secret Art formation was forcibly resisted by Qin Nan.

At this time, Cang was in a state of momentum, just like Heaven and Earth ’s sole king, walking step by step towards Qin Nan, each step of the fall, there would be a peerless technique, released and attacked Qin Nan, infinite Endless.

Qin Nan but released all Mind Strength, covering all directions, and fighting against it.


The entire training field was trembling violently.

Countless astral qi, and will, swept across all directions.

Ji Xuan, as a bystander, had been helpless, and had already retreated to the corner, and took out an ancient Asking Dao Item to protect his whole body.

“Little Brother Lin …”

Ji Xuan watched the thrilling confrontation between the two people, and his brows gradually frowned.

He has been with Lin Xiaozhi for several years, having killed many enemies together and escaped many dangers.

Therefore, he can now feel that when Lin Xiaozhi is fighting with his big brother’s ideas, the state of the whole person seems a little bit wrong.

This is not what it feels like after fighting a strong enemy. The fighting intent is full of excitement, but it is a bit like meeting the enemy of life.

“The enemy of life …”

The rays of light flashes in Ji Xuan’s eyes.

Just at this moment, he saw the war situation in front of him and reversed again. Qin Nan used many Asking Dao Techniques to completely resolve Cang’s various killing moves, and used Mind Strength to impact the entire training field, making Cang Get blessing and start getting less and less.

Cang began to regress, and was already in a disadvantage.

“The battle strength of the Fellow Daoist is really amazing. Didn’t expect that after using this move, I was suppressed by the Fellow Daoist so quickly.”

Clan full of praise.

“Is it?”

Qin Nan didn’t even hear a word.

Cang designed these praise words in advance, all he wanted was to influence his mind between those invisible things.

“Fellow daoist, that’s it, my dao intent thought can’t support it for how long. So, next, I’m going to perform the last trick. Fellow daoist, how much you can learn from it, it depends on your own creation Now. “

Cang said resolutely.

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