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Today Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain is located in a Danger Land in the first Small Immortal Territory.

After Qin Nan and Beginning Blade Lord emerged, it didn’t take long to arrive at Southern Battlefield in Era Battlefield.

To this day, the major forces of all parties still don’t know. Qin Nan entered the Asking Dao Land long ago and came out of the extreme west land. Therefore, no one was sent to stay here during the period of time.

“Mengyao, it’s all right here.”

Qin Nan stood deep in a restricted area and said.

“Little husband, remember to miss me.”

Beginning Blade Lord blinked without saying a word, turning and falling into the void.

“She is really …”

Qin Nan shook the head, be that as it may, but he did not at all feel disgusted with Beginning Blade Lord’s approach. Instead, he had begun to get used to it unconsciously.

Qin Nan converged aura and shuttled forward, one day later, he came to the extremely dark, dead sea.

A light glow came together and turned into an ancient ship.

Qin Nan moved and landed on the most broken boat.

“It’s time to get your first bill!”

Qin Nan whispered a gleam in his eyes.

This time, although all the major forces have fallen to the Powerhouse of Young Master, it can be said that the losses are heavy, but Qin Nan feels that this is not enough.

If he is not bad, presumably some time ago, all major forces sent a Cultivator to bring the news to Asking Dao Land, let the group of Nine Heavens Supreme, Peak genius to deal with him.

So good, his Breaking Heavens Blade hasn’t been drinking blood for a long time.

At this moment, 9 Heavenly Immortal Realm, 32nd Small Immortal Territory, in a Mysterious Land.

Antique Taboo stood in front of one piece of stone tablet, listening to a report of bones behind him, and finally could n’t help but burst out an amazing murderous aura. He gave greetings to Bai Zongsheng ’s ancestor eighteen generations, even though it ’s almost every day Greetings.

“Now the men and women of various forces have already entered the stadium, and they have also brought out a lot of benefits. They have bought the loose cultivator of all parties and let them stare at all kinds of movements.”

Antique Taboo expression gloomy and uncertain.

The current situation is really terrible.

Because, in the ten-month long period of time, other natural phenomena will appear in the months before the natural phenomena such as the present life of Zhubao.

By that time, once the major forces of all parties find out, they will have more time to prepare for the plan.

“What should I do when My Lord reincarnation appears completely? With so many great forces, and Qin Nan and Bai Zongsheng, if you want to fight hard, it must be the dead end, and you can only escape. However, how to escape ? “

“Should you take out that thing and join the people over there?”

Antique Taboo is lost in thought.

9 Heavenly Immortal Realm, 2nd Small Immortal Territory, in the clan of an Ancient Great Race.

I just saw that the sky above the hundreds of thousands of li has completely turned into a dark, a towering cloud, a towering cloud of immortal mountains, an extremely horrible wave, like the breath of Ancient Beast, let it go Shake 8 squares.

A ruler whose face is still pale, aura is extremely weak, and there are also Powerhouses of Ancient Clan, who are a person, all standing outside the mountain ten thousand li, the expression is full of tension and hesitation.

If they fail, their losses will be too great.

I don’t know how long, all of a sudden, all the darkness, like a strong suction, fell into the depths of Xianshan, Heaven and Earth returned to clear.

After counting the interest, a tall silhouette came out of it, and expression was cold.

This is the only Heavenly Venerable in the Great Upper Realm today, Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable!

At the last critical moment of the last battle of Eternal Night Immortal Island, he used an ancient method to escape.

After all, when he was able to save his life when the horrific war broke out, it was naturally different from the ordinary Heavenly Venerable.

However, in the end, the trauma he suffered was very huge. The giant dragon transformed by the Eternal Army, I don’t know why, could directly break his rules of the night.

Even in this period of time, he spent not knowing how much heavenly material treasure, and healed all his injuries, but now he just barely recovered a little, and his battle strength is probably less than it’s peak 50%.

“See Island Lord!”

The Powerhouses of Ruler and Ancient Clan were quickly saluted.

“Island Lord? Oh, the island has already been sunk. What kind of Island Lord am I?”

With a sneer, Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable ignited anger in his eyes, and he has never been so humiliated for 10000 years.

9 Heavenly Immortal domain, inside Small Immortal Territory, Cuts Cang Sect.

A few months ago, Cuts Cang Sect has announced the closure of the sect, and no one has seen it, even if this terrifying storm has set off in the entire 9 Heavenly Immortal domain, it is still silent, and many original forces with some ideas came Xun, without exception, ate a cold shoulder.

Many giants have guessed that the All Immortals traitor may be planning something very important.

They were indeed right, in the depths of Cuts Cang Sect, a small world hidden in the ancient Danger Land.

Hundred thousand kinds of ancient natural phenomena, constantly evolving between Heaven and Earth, wind, fire, lightning, rain and other forces, turned into a variety of Calamity Tribulation, the impact raged all directions, sounded one after another heavens-frightening Dynamic explosion.

In the middle of all this, Xiang Hun sits cross-legged on a Great Mountain made of Ancient Saint stone, within the body is undergoing a major transformation between Heaven and Earth that has only occurred once since ancient times.

One after another’s saint light, shining round and round behind him, illuminating the 4 sides, as if in this boundless chaos, opened up a pure land for one side, without being affected by the slightest.

In the distance, the 2 old Ruler-level Powerhouses and the Lord Realm Powerhouses who are a person at the core of Cuts Cang Sect are all intently, motionless, staring closely at the scene, like a sculpture.

Even in this state, they have been maintained for several months now, but there is no trace of tiredness in their hearts, and they have not been partly divine.

Because they are waiting, waiting for the existence of a shaking era.


Suddenly, a sound of explosion rang out, and the saint light blooming from Xiang Hun suddenly became 1000 times to 10000 times stronger. The whole portrait was like an ancient big day, shining on the entire Small World.

The many natural phenomena, wind, lightning, rain, Calamity Tribulation, etc., disappeared in no time.

Not only that, the sky and the earth, everything in this Small World has been transformed into the color of saint light, giving people an extremely pure, leisureless and supreme side, the Supreme Saint within the realm.

“coming soon!”

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