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Empress Fei Yue did not have the slightest expression and no emotion in his tone, saying: “This time the big brother and some people died for me. I will use the spell to resurrect them and give their descendants something.”

Qin Nan was silent, and said, “Sorry, I’m late–“

Before he finished speaking, he felt the pump light of Empress Fei Yue, and the rest was stuck.

Her thoughts, what she wanted to say, Qin Nan knew immediately.

Beginning Blade Lord rubbed her head when she saw it, and it seemed that her previous guess was correct.

As a result, she is in a rhythm that can’t even afford 3 bedrooms.

After a while, Empress Fei Yue said, “In addition–“

Instead of continuing, she glanced at Beginning Blade Lord, and the meaning was quite obvious.

“Hey, Empress, you are a little too much. Although you are better than me and you are higher in the family than me, but we are all family members. Anything you can say directly, how can you avoid me?”

Beginning Blade Lord is somewhat said with displeasure.

“Beginning Blade, don’t talk nonsense!”

Qin Nan’s mouth twitched, and Beginning Blade Lord usually teased him about about it, and now he even brought Empress Fei Yue.

“Bronze Mirror, you don’t care, Mengyao is getting used to joking.”

Qin Nan said quickly.


Empress Fei Yue nodded, think about it carefully, there is no need to avoid Beginning Blade, a pair of pale blue eyes, looked towards Qin Nan’s eyes, and said, “This time, many thanks. Wait for you Asking Dao to become a After Lord, I invite you to eat grilled fish. “

After saying this, she fluttered and disappeared into place.

Qin Nan froze for a moment, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Bronze Mirror’s celebrations are a bit to stand out from the masses.

Beginning Blade Lord looked at him faintly, and said, “Little hubband, she really didn’t hide from me, she said directly in front of me, even spiritual thought sound transmission was useless.”

Qin Nan froze and said, “This is in front of you, it’s nothing, you just returned …”

Halfway through, Qin Nan suddenly thought of the original words of Beginning Blade Lord just now, and his heart jumped inexplicably.

Beginning Blade Lord was even more resentful, saying: “Congratulations to the little hub, the 3 bedrooms have been officially confirmed. Little hub, can you find another one, I don’t want to be the last bedroom.”

How can a peak Supreme be an opponent of peak Lord Realm?

Under Beginning Blade Lord 3 words and 2 dignified 2 Supreme Heavenly Venerable, the reincarnation of Qin Nan was completely defeated, and the wolverine fled into the palace. The former saw one after another, as pleases to the ear .

The entire palace has a height of 6-Layer. In front of 4-Layer, the major mysteries and lord techniques are placed, 5th-layer is the venerable technique, and 6th-layer is the rule.

Since Qin Nan came to the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain, like this place similar to the ‘Martial Skill Pavilion’, he has also lived in the future. After all, along the way, except for his brief joining in the Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect, Belonging to a loose cultivator, there is no such opportunity.

So Qin Nan quickly got into it and couldn’t help himself.

It took about 3 days before Qin Nan scanned these lord technique secretly and got a rough impression.

“Little hubband, you are just peak Supreme now, even if your martial skill natural talent is perverted, but forcing the practice lord technique is not good for you. In my opinion, you should choose a few suitable lord techniques to understand them. “

“Then, they will merge the will they have with the dao technique you have mastered. If you can succeed, then you can maximize your battle strength.”

Beginning Blade Lord suggested that Qin Nan was convinced.

Two people were carefully selected for a while, and then ten Sect Master techniques were selected. Only one Blade Art was named ‘Scarlet Sovereign Blade Arts’. The remaining 9 Sect Master techniques were Illusion Technique, Dharma, and so on. The involved, and the major Daking Technique practised by Qin Nan itself, barely echo.

Immediately, Qin Nan sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

After becoming the Lord of Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain, the strength of the Venerable within his body has not increased, but his Soul Strength, as well as this martial skill natural talent, etc., have greatly improved.

However, it took Qin Nan a full 3 days to fully understand this Scarlet Sovereign Blade Arts.

I just saw that his whole body exudes one after another red blade intent, a great coercion that swept the four sides, although Qin Nan within the body has not yet urged any power, it also feels like one Bit Peerless Sovereign.

Apart from this, this Sect Master technique also brought a lot of surprises to Qin Nan.

Between Nine Heavens Supreme and Lord Realm, it is not just the power of Supreme that is transformed into lord strength. In the process of realization, Qin Nan has a faint feeling in his heart, and his understanding of Lord Realm has become clearer.

With this First Step, the subsequent 9 Sect Master technique was also less time consuming. After 4 days, Qin Nan was fully involved and the harvest was huge.

“Now, start combining them with the dao technique.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

As time passed, Beginning Blade Lord, besides comprehend the rule a few days ago, has been accompanying Qin Nan in the following days, and has given Qin Nan various opinions and ideas from time to time.

Qin Nan has a battle strength and is therefore advanced by leaps and bounds.

Ten days later, Qin Nan’s eyes slowly opened and he spit out a mouthful of impure air.

During this period, he combined all the dao techniques learned by himself, and the will of ten Sect Master techniques, into three sets of killing techniques, each of which is a combination of 3 techniques.

“It’s almost cultivation here, Mengyao, you can stay here, I have to go back to Asking Dao Land.”

Qin Nan began.

“Little hubband, you’re all gone. What’s the point of staying here? I’ll send you over. The situation outside is turbulent and not very safe.”

Beginning Blade Lord stretched a lazy waist, highlighting that proud curve vividly and thoroughly.


Qin Nan stirred the waves in the soul and disappeared into the training field with Beginning Blade.

At this time, a Mysterious place in Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain.

He kept looking at Bai Zongsheng in front of him, looked away, and drank a glass of blood in front of him.

“Are you really not worried at all?”

Zhou Xundao frowned Asking Dao.

“What can I worry about?”

“My Lord’s life is exposed, my appearance, Cang’s reincarnation is about to happen, and so on, all people will not notice that Xiang younger brother is the most special existence of All Immortals, including those from Huangfu Jue. “

“At least, finally, let My Lord be able to do things with his heart.”

Bai Zongsheng sighed softly: “It’s a pity that this time the traitor was not beheaded.”

After speaking, Bai Zongsheng faced Zhou Xundao nodded, Zhou Xundao knew, shot a finger, hit a light glow, and fell into Bai Zongsheng’s within the body.

After the countdown, Bai Zongsheng ceased to exist and was replaced by a portrait.

Holding a Buddhist scripture, the smile is as warm as it was then.

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