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The war completely closed the curtain.

Great Upper Realm The Number One Person Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable, whereabouts unknown for 10000 years, is unknown.

The ancient ancient dragon that the Eternal Army transformed into the void, disappeared, and disappeared.

The giants of the major forces of all parties did not know how long it had passed before their mind calmed down, and then immediately passed on one after another spiritual thought, and they urgently talked with the Powerhouse members in the forces.

“Under normal circumstances, when the spirits appear, they must dissipate within 3 days, but this group of spirits do not know when they will dissipate. During the period of time, they must not be provoked, and they must also enter pre-war preparations and join other Great forces, so as not to be completely unprepared like Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable. “

“In my opinion, not only in these period of time, they must not be provoked, even if they are behind, be careful!”

“Oh, even if their spirits dissipate, there are a person Empress Fei Yue and Bai Zongsheng. How horrible these two people are, so I don’t need to say anything.”

“If there is no good time and you face a hard battle, you will surely suffer on both sides and suffer heavy losses!”

“Anyway, Qin Nan is bound to win! Although there are Empress Fei Yue and Bai Zongsheng, he also refining Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain, and may even refining Ownerless Vault Chart, but his cultivation level is only peak Supreme, He also wants Asking Dao to become a Lord, he has to go to Asking Dao Land. “

“Asking Dao Land is indeed an extremely rare opportunity, but don’t forget that Qin Nan is the reincarnation of the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, and also fully awakened. If you fight alone, I am afraid that no one will be against Boundary!”

“Yes, you have to unite with other forces. Contact other Heavenly Venerable Aristocratic Family and Supreme Dao Lineage now!”

“After 2 years, Cangzhi’s reincarnation will appear. Now I have to send someone to the 32nd Small Immortal Territory! Antique Taboo should have done a good job of countermeasures, it is estimated that it can’t find it, just pay attention to some changes!”

“Two Supreme Heavenly Venerables are to appear in this era at the same time, and they are still enemies. There must be some reason for this, which may be related to Azure Vault! If so, maybe the opportunity to impact Heavenly Venerable is in sight!”

“The two adults have been reincarnated. Did the remaining two adults not die completely that year, and the reincarnation is about to pass away?”

Even the fall of Eternal Night Immortal Island has not let the great powers of all parties suffocate, and they are still staring at Qin Nan like the nine nether poisonous snake.

Because, since the end of that war, this era is too decaying and deadly. The reincarnation of Supreme Heavenly Venerable is an unprecedented opportunity for them.

Of course, it’s not all killing.

Zheng Family, Han Family, Tomb Sect, Murdering Dao Clan, and some other ideas, at least until some things are done, they will never start Qin Nan.

In addition, there was also a huge quarrel between the Alliance consisting of Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect, Heavenly Void Ancestor Sect, and Three Clean Ancient Sect.

In the past few years, Zhou Di was reborn, Empress Fei Yue was gone, Absorbing Desolate Heavenly Lord was killed, the blow to Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect was extremely great, and it also completely shaken their previous decisions.

Heavenly Void Ancestor Sect and Three Clean Ancient Sect still want to start with Qin Nan. After all, Qin Nan has not really risen yet, and the times have completely changed. If you stand on the side of Qin Nan, it will be the enemy of the world.

plot against, guessing, layout, are constantly going on.

At the same time, these two battles, Era Battlefield and Eternal Night Immortal Island, quickly spread out, like an ancient catastrophe, which impacted the entire 2 Heavenly Immortal domain.

Originally, the major forces wanted to hide it, but the defeat of Eternal Night Immortal Island caused too much turbulence, and they were unable to cover it.

On this day, there are many Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Unparalleled Overlord, the first understood, above Ruler, and Heavenly Venerable, and there is Supreme Heavenly Venerable!

On this day, many Powerhouses suddenly realized that the 10000 Heavenly Immortal domain since 9 years had quietly undergone huge changes, and new buds were thriving.

In their hearts, it had completely extinguished, or it became a small flame, suddenly re-ignited, or it was burning.

At this moment, Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain!

After the war, Qin Nan gained a general understanding of this mountain through Bai Zongsheng’s sound transmission.

Although he became the master of this mountain, it does not mean that he is in complete control of this mountain. Even the true content of this mountain must be promoted to Ruler before he can really see it.

The only thing he can do now is to enter the mountain by himself or with others at any time through itself soul.

In addition, the place where this mountain is located is uncertain. Before this world, Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable and the giants of all parties used any means to find it completely.

However, after this appearance, its concealment is not so strong, especially Qin Nan itself, which must not easily enter the mountains under the eyes of many giants, otherwise it will be revealed that it is profound mystery.

Now, Qin Nan, Bai Zongsheng, Empress Fei Yue, Beginning Blade Lord, have come to a huge training field, and the end of the training field is blank and cannot be penetrated.

Only behind the training field, there is a towering 6-Layer palace with a towering cloud, showing vermilion, ancient Boss gas. They are standing at the Palace Gate.

As for that ancient dragon, it no longer exists. Xiao Lang, Gu Zhen, and other heroes stood under them, neatly aligned, and formed a team after team.

The big drum, placed on the ground, was silent, and the battle flag was still raised, swinging with the wind.

Qin Nan looked at the one after another silhouette below. The aura of each of them had become weak, and even some people had begun to become transparent.

Qin Nan very clear, how they will be, they are also clear, but there are no other expressions on their faces, only a kind of excitement, a cheerful color.

Bai Zongsheng whispered sound transmission: “My Lord, we Eternal Army, after every expedition, you will definitely show up, and everyone will drink a glass of blood.”

After speaking, he handed out a jade cup, which was filled with blood.

It’s not blood or wine, it’s rule strength, it’s nothing.

“Hahaha, Boss, I haven’t drank this blood for a long time!”

Xiao Lang laughed loudly, and together with others, transfigured a bronze cup.

Qin Nan took the jade cup and wanted to lift it, but he didn’t know why, but his body froze. Looking at the look of the one after another silhouette below, and the scene of the war just now, his heart was inexplicable.

Maybe, in the eyes of others, the reincarnation of the two Supreme Heavenly Venerables is a heaven-defying opportunity.

But War God, Bai Zongsheng, and this Eternal Army, they were pure, sincere, and that friendship, which gave him too much impact.

If he is Zhou Di’s reincarnation, I am afraid he will not have such a big burden, and will choose to bear the will of Zhou Di, the will of his oneself, the will of everyone.


Qin Nan spoke, but before he finished speaking, Bai Zongsheng interrupted him with a slight sound transmission and said, “My Lord, they can’t last long, it’s time to raise a glass.”

Qin Nan startled, a force, suddenly submerged into his within the body, his arms raised.

“Eternal Army, die together!”

Qin Nan speaks inexplicably, sips the blood wine.

Xiao Lang, Gu Zhen, and other heroes also drank all of them, and then dropped the copper cup on the ground, and one after another laughed out.

“Hey, My Lord, my damn Xiao Lang, is not an arrogant person, but I can’t last long like this, so let me make you a parody.”

Xiao Lang sighed then said, double hammers off his hands, single knee kneeling down, it seems to remember something, so he bowed his face and said, “Zhou Di, today I acknowledge allegiance to you, but I swear to heaven, I Never truly acknowledge allegiance you! “

Qin Nan body trembled, there seemed to be a flash of electric light in his head, and his pupils shrank.

Xiao Lang grinned, “Fucky, you have swear!”

His body shattered inch by inch.

“Let me join your Eternal Army, that’s okay, but you must destroy the mountains and sky!”

“Zhou Di, if you can beat me with 3 tricks, I will go with you!”

“So many days here, why are you focusing on me?”

Silhouette after silhouette, kneeling in single knee, expressing no complaints.

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