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Empress Fei Yue fluttered and fell to the right of Qin Nan, dyed in blood robe, dancing with the wind, fragrant flower peerless.

The ancient dragon dragon stretched out a huge dragon claw, tearing the heavens above forcibly, the dragon tail swinging, swinging the endless storm.

“Little hubband, wait for me ~”

A sweet and crisp sound, with a hint of eager voice, suddenly sounded.

I only saw that on the left of Qin Nan, one after another formation mark emerged, and the Silhouette of the Beginning Blade Lord came out from it. Her hair was draped over her shoulders and her long skirt wrapped tightly around the beautiful and alluring body.

Wu Guyuanlong roared again, submerged into nothingness, and disappeared.

“so horrible!”

“Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable is in trouble this time!”

The Ruler-level giants, who have fled far away, are trembling.

They absolutely did not expect that the Eternal Army had such a gesture.

At the same time, their hearts are also fortunate. Fortunately, this time is to let Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable take the lead. Otherwise, even if they can join forces to resist these Murderous intentions, the loss will be extremely serious.

Time passed, and moments later, Eclipse Sun Immortal Sea.

Among Void Zero Heaven, this sea can be said to be an extremely rare treasure. The seabed has various opportunities and inheritance, and the terrifying prohibition and killing are very rare. Unparalleled Overlord can easily relax. Go deep.

However, under normal circumstances, the major forces and loose cultivators of all parties will only be involved in the outer area and rarely break into the Middle Sea Territory. This is because Eternal Night Immortal Island is located in the center of this sea.

Suddenly, the sky above the immensely huge Eternal Night Immortal Island suddenly fell into darkness, and the various cities, palaces, and Great Mountain on the island immediately appeared a light glow, shining all around.

Several silhouettes, one after another, are the three Rulers of Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable and Eternal Night Immortal Island.


Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable’s face was even more ugly, because after retreating, he also noticed the Aura chased by the Eternal Army from the rear, so he had to use a Supreme Forbidden Technique to throw them away and rush back in time.

“Island, Island Lord, will they come after them?”

A Ruler’s shocking Asking Dao, just before the aura coming from behind, was too terrifying.

“Catch up? Oh, although they are indeed several points of battle strength now, but—”

Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable sneered, don’t worry.

However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed something, and Hitomi shrank suddenly.


The square number of millions of li plunged into the dark sky, and it directly turned into a shatter. Countless roads of thunderbolt shone, and countless roads of astral wind, washed down. The incomparable gigantic ancient ancient dragon emerged from it, overlooking everything.

“what is this?”

The countless Cultivators of Eternal Night Immortal Island are all horrified and can’t believe their eyes.

In today’s 9 Heavenly Immortal domain, someone came to offend Eternal Night Immortal Island?

“you guys–“

Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable His body was shaking.

Qin Nan’s previous crisis has been completely resolved. His dignified Great Upper Realm Number One Person has also retired, giving the other person a face, and now he is still catching up?

What’s more important is that in the Great Upper Realm, Powerhouse of any level, including his oneself, will never easily kill the opponent’s sect place and clan place.

This is because the great forces on each side see the sect place clan place as extremely important, and they will arrange various means, and every other time, they will add other means to continuously improve and consolidate.

Now, the Eternal Army directly kills him, apparently he does not take into account his Great Upper Realm Number One Person, and his various methods of 10000 years to arrange.


Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable roared.

In an instant, all kinds of rays of light shone in between Heaven and Earth, ancient formations, restraints, killings, emerged one after another.

In the Eternal Night Immortal Island, the sleeping Island’s Spirit also suddenly awakened over, turning the pieces of Supreme Treasure on the island, and everything else, into operation.

Not only that, the Eclipse Sun Immortal Sea with a radius of 10,000,000 li set off one after another overflowing heaven stormy seas, the existence of another great shore, rushing out of that sea, an ancient big will, soaring into the sky.


Empress Fei Yue took the lead to move, like an ancient magpie, carrying the boundless Rule Strength, fell on the surface of the sea, overflowing heaven stormy seas, overflowing heaven stormy seas, big will, etc., instantly frozen, a piece of snow white.


亘 Gu Yuanlong roared, countless formations, and smashed directly. It covered countless huge scales all over his body, and at the same time glowed a dazzling light. A pair of dragon claws carried the power of All Heavens, and fiercely photographed it.

“On Ling Dao, fall into the night forever!”

Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable punched.

Today, Era Battlefield has calmed down, and all kinds of chaos have begun to recover as before, but now, the entire Eclipse Sun Immortal Sea has been stirred up by Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

“Eternal Army killed Eternal Night Immortal Island?”

It was not long before the giants of the major forces of all sides noticed and were shocked. They also underestimated the courage and domineering of the Eternal Army.

Soon, countless eyes were cast in the direction of the Eclipse Sun Immortal Sea, attracting 10000 people’s attention.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With the lapse of time, more Heaven and Earth turned into a piece of chaos. One Cultivator on Eternal Night Immortal Island fell down one after another, even the three Ruler, including two initial The existence of -stage was photographed as nothing.

This battle of heavens-frightening, I do n’t know how long it has passed, Empress Fei Yue showed her peerless battle strength, embodied in the ancient sharp glow, and cut straight into the deepest part of the Eclipse Sun Immortal Sea, the invisible sea spirit will, screaming immediately.

Large glaciers turned into blood.

At this time, the ancient ancient dragon dragged his tail and pulled over the endless darkness. The large block of darkness directly collapsed into nothingness. The silhouette of the Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable Wei An also made a sore cry, Falling towards Eternal Night Immortal Island.

A pair of dragon’s pupils of the ancient source dragon, locked dead, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, towering opened, between Heaven and Earth countless rays of light, quickly gathered together, and finally turned into a bright light, suddenly towards Next outbreak.

Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable’s face changed dramatically.

This blow hit the entire Eternal Night Immortal Island sturdyly, and the various Supreme Treasure, formation, killing, etc. were instantly destroyed, and the deepest Island’s Spirit couldn’t compete. A wailing sounded.

Hong long!

An extremely shocking scene appeared, the immensely huge Eternal Night Immortal Island, directly broken, sinking into the sea forever.

The endless astral qi that swelled out, and the glaciers with a radius of millions of li, all smashed into countless impacts, setting off the ice debris.

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