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“very powerful!”

In the distance, Chen Shiyan, Thousand Dragons Daoist, and Myriad Feelings Supreme were shocked. The hands that were being printed were paused slightly, and were subconsciously attracted.

I just saw that the blade light of the Buddha’s palm struck together and instantly turned into a mess.

The entire Sea of ​​Consciousness at Nuoda began to tremble violently, as if being hit by a peerless blow.

This situation lasted for more than 50 weeks before a white blade light broke through the chaos and rushed to the top.

All ancient Buddhas, Bodhisattva, and Lohan dissipated.

Wang Jin Saint Monk sitting cross-legged, his body trembled violently, a corner of his mouth overflowed with golden blood, a paleness of complexion changes, and Aura dropped a lot.

What’s more, the buddha in the black light beneath him collapsed into nothingness, and the black light that had lost some restraint and restraint quickly dissipated and became nothingness.

The entire Sea of ​​Consciousness began to change dramatically. An extremely thick Death Qi spread to the four parties at a very amazing speed, and the gray water began to recede at an amazing speed.

In this battle, he lost!

At the same time, his plan has failed!

The whole process took 800 70 breaths.

“Qin Nan, you—”

Wang Jin Saint Monk stared deadly at Qin Nan, a rare killing intent appeared in his eyes.

There was a hint of suffocation in his heart, rising.

As a Supreme Buddhist cult, the presence of killing intent and suffocation is a very bad sign.

Wang Jin Saint Monk, after all, is a headmaster-level giant, and soon calmed down the killing intent and suffocation.

“Zhou Xiao’s reincarnation is truly extraordinary, but Qin Nan donor, the future is still very long. I hope that next time your blade intent will be as sharp as today.”

Wang Jin Saint Monk coldly said, turned into a buddha light, and quickly burst out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

He actually still has some cards, but now this Sea of ​​Consciousness is about to dry up and be completely closed. If he doesn’t leave in time, he will never get out.

Thousand Dragons Daoist and Myriad Feelings Supreme have also ended. For them, they have not lost a bit in this battle, but have gained a lot.

In addition to the benefits given by Wang Jin Saint Monk, today they finally know the true battle strength of Qin Nan.

“Qin Nan, at this time, I don’t think I lost. Even if I fight again and trap their two people for 1000 times, that’s more than enough!”

Chen Shiyan recovered and strode forward.

“Indeed, today, many thanks Chen Fellow daoist!”

Qin Nan said with a smile.

That stab just cost him a lot of money.

But now, in his heart, there is a sense of joy from hard to describe, and his mood is very good.

“You do n’t have to be polite with me, it ’s also my interest! Two Lords Land will be completely over in a while. I will not appear in the future for a while. I hope that on the day when Through Heavens Dao Tree blossoms and bears fruit, You fight again! “

Chen Shiyan stared at Qin Nan’s eyes.

“Naturally, always be present!”

After speaking, the figures of two people flew out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

What happened here is unknown to outsiders. After the last few thousand breaths, the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the body of Lord Realm is completely closed.

Of course, this only greatly reduced the battle strength of Lord Realm’s corpse, and did not stop it completely. The crazy slaughter’s obsession has been integrated into its four limbs and 4 skeletons.

In the end, half an hour later, this extremely large body collapsed.

The boundless Spatial Lord Insect, as if it had lost its support, began to dissipate each and everyone.


“Haha, I cut a Lord Realm Powerhouse!”

“Ah, that was the last blow I gave it!”

One after another laughed and cheered, and immediately above everyone’s head, the vortex of each and everyone emerged, quickly engulfing them.

Two Lords Land, closed the curtain completely!

After a few hours of breathless breaths, I don’t know if it was the intentional arrangement of the white-haired young man. Qin Nan, Princess Miaomiao, and Jiang Bilan all appeared in an uninhabited mountain range.

Obviously, when they left, their positions were random.

“Princess, Bilan, you will urge the token later and go to that Senior.” Qin Nan lightly said with a smile: “When the time comes, I will wait here for you.”

Princess Miaomiao frowned and looked fine, and said, “What do you do? Zhuang Nan, they are still hunting you down, Southern World Supreme can find your place again. Better, let me persuade that guy, let How about you stay there too? “

Jiang Bilan stared at him without blinking, the meaning was very obvious.

“Rest assured, with my current battle strength, Zhuang Nan, they want to kill me, but it’s not that easy. And the Senior, I don’t think I will agree. I also want to take advantage of these period of time to complete another A cultivation. “

Qin Nan shook his head.

As for another cultivation in his mouth, it refers to the blood beads in the dantian.

The last time he confronted Wang Jin Saint Monk, he was surprised to find that the power of the blood beads burst out is no small matter, which made his blade intent significantly improved.

You know, until now, this blood droplet has only accumulated the power of a few Supreme initial-stage Bloodlines.

If you can get the 7 Heavenly Venerable Aristocratic Family, the peak Supreme of the ancient races, and even the Bloodline of Saint Child and Saintess, how powerful will the blood beads become?

Princess Miaomiao pursed her lips, apparently unhappy.

In the end, she pulled Qin Nan for a while, and together with Jiang Bilan reluctantly urged Token and disappeared in place.

“Hu, in the next 2 or 3 months, I will have another person.”

Qin Nan exhaled a long breath.

He doesn’t really like a person very much. He believes that if he lets Princess Miaomiao and Jiang Bilan stay, the two women will definitely agree without the slightest hesitation, but he will not be so selfish.

“Leave this place first and see where to go.”

Qin Nan flew forward, and after about hunted breaths, there was suddenly a piece of Token in his Storage Bag, and a brilliance appeared.

Qin Nan spiritual thought swept away, expression slightly stunned.

Long Clouds Supreme sent him a spiritual thought?

Qin Nan spiritual thought got into it, and he heard the familiar voice, ringing in his mind: “Qin Nan, your boy came to Two Lords Land, and I didn’t know to tell me, I can learn from you by turning back! “

“In addition, just after Desolate Thunder came out of Two Lords Land, I found Cultivator who was a person Supreme initial-stage a few days ago and found us, saying that there is very important news to tell you, and I also sent Immortal Demon Dao Oath, not the kind of swindle. “

“If you want to see it, close this magic seal. Desolate Thunder, after they sense it, they will bring someone to come to you.”

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