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“The heart of Bodhi, the sword of the Buddha descends on magic!”

Wang Jin Saint Monk’s response was extremely rapid. The Buddha’s seal in his hand changed, and the tree of Bodhi behind it suddenly shone with ten thousand zhang rays of light. In the meditation, it seemed that countless Supreme Buddha pens had fallen. The Buddhist scriptures are written on the roots and branches to make them drastically change, swallow the vast sword aura, and cut straight ahead.

“Buddha Dao means, battle strength is not bad Ah!”

Qin Nan was a little excited, person and blade unites, Avatar’s brilliant blade aura, shattered countless sword aura.

“Extreme Life Grand Dao!”

“Grand Dao is sentimental, Heaven and Earth is lustful!”

Thousand Dragons Daoist and Myriad Feelings Supreme have also begun to show their peerless means. The great halberd in the former has accumulated a vast momentum like the sea, allowing the sharp glow to reach an incredible extreme, which can tear everything.

When the latter jade hand was shot, the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness was turned into a sea of ​​desire. At this moment, Chen Shiyan’s Seven Emotions and Six Desires were infinitely magnified, and there were countless illusions before them.

“3 souls will do it, 7 souls will be Dingkun, and the wonderful Wuji Promise!”

Chen Shiyan showed his hole cards, 3 soul knives up, 7 soul knives down, and all the dozens of several dozen li where the 3 people were located were all confined. Numerous blade auras also came from all directions.

The situation between the three people immediately fell into a deadlock, and no one could help each other.

This is not that Thousand Dragons Daoist and Myriad Feelings Supreme have teamed up to lose to Chen Shiyan. As Headmaster-level giants, their heritage is very terrifying, but they are impossible for Wang Jin Saint Monk to use a trump card.

Wang Jin Saint Monk glanced at him, his heart sank immediately, and there was almost no hesitation. Sound transmission shouted: “Chen donor, this poor monk gives you 1000 dragons with the same conditions as Myriad Feelings donor. How about you stop?”

1000 Dragons and Myriad Feelings are trapped, and Qin Nan’s battle strength is far beyond his imagination. If he continues this way, he is likely to fail today and suffer heavy losses.

So he had to bear the pain to give a huge benefit.


Chen Shiyan didn’t look at him, there was a little contempt in his tone.

Will Chen Shiyan’s decision be bought by means of profit?

Wang Jin Saint Monk had a block in his heart, but he didn’t move at all. He also faced Qin Nan faintly smiled, sound transmission saying: “Qin donor, why do you do that? If this poor monk uses a hole card, it is not good for you. It is better to stop , From now on, at Two Lords Land, our Bodhi Ancient Temple Sect will never bother you again and will give you 3 Supreme peak-level Relics, how about it? “

Qin Nan hearing this can’t help laughing heartily: “haha, Wang Jin, you will also wince? So when you wanted to save me before, why didn’t you think about the present?”

If you change to ordinary people, I am afraid that Wang Jin Saint Monk’s conditions will be promised.

But who is Qin Nan?

Whoever respects him will respect him, and whoever strikes at him will return it several times!

Wang Jin Saint Monk took a soft breath and said, “Since Qin Nan donor is so obsessed, there is nothing to say.”

So far, there is only one battle.

Victory is a success, nothing is lost!

“South without Amitabha, South without Amitabha …”

Wang Jin Saint Monk closed his eyes, vomited the Buddha’s words, spoke fast, and for some reason his voice became more and more loud, as if there were more than 100 Bodhisattva in the middle of 1000, and he was reading the Buddhist scriptures together.

Qin Nan only felt that there was one after another invisible Buddha Intent. He wanted to penetrate into his Sea of ​​Consciousness and invade his soul, but under War God’s Spirit, these Buddha Intents were just disappeared just after approaching him.

However, Qin Nan can feel it, this technique is extraordinary, if you change to the ordinary Cultivator, it will be greatly affected.

And, this is just a prelude!

“Myriad Spatial Absolute Kill!”

The Breaking Heavens Blade in Qin Nan’s hands changed, and moved towards nothingness.

Countless blade intents suddenly surged from the feet of Wang Jin Saint Monk, to swallow him, but at this moment, Wang Jin Saint Monk’s flesh body was completely transformed into golden, and a lotus platform under his feet appeared, making the blade intent impossible to hurt. He shreds nothing.


Qin Nan’s figure suddenly appeared on the top of Wang Jin Saint Monk’s head, the dao intent of the 2 Asking Dao Techniques, and the one after another’s immensely large blade, gathered in it, and directly cut off.

Cross the Heavens Strikes!

Wang Jin Saint Monk remained motionless, but the string of beads in his hand shattered and turned into a Nine Colored Lotus Flower, blooming in the sky.


astral qi swept through the void.

Qin Nan stepped back a few steps under the tremendous force of the earthquake. He hadn’t waited for him to stabilize his body. The Bodhi tree behind Wang Jin Saint Monk, all the branches and towering merged into one. Put Supreme Buddha sword.

“Dao Magic Chart!”

Qin Nan is beckoned, an ancient map soars into the sky, like an ancient Tianshan mountain, suppressing it down.

At this moment, Wang Jin Saint Monk’s eyes slowly opened, and an inexplicable ancient coercion came to the whole Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Six-syllable True Words, 10000 Buddhas!”

Countless Golden [Ancient] Characters have flowed from him within the body. Each Ancient [Ancient] Character has changed into a magnificent silhouette. There are ancient Buddhas, Bodhisattva, and Arhats, just like one of the prosperous Buddha Dao, Xu Xu unfolded in front of Qin Nan.

Qin Nan stood on the surface of the sea and looked up at the scene. His azure-red color hair danced with the wind and remained motionless.

“Wang Jin, don’t show me this illusion!”

Qin Nan speaks like a thunder, the countless dao intents of the Imaginary Dao Immortal Manual, like a storm, sweeping out.

“One Flower One World, one leaf and one bodhi! The blood of Dipankara, burning with thoughts, the fate is free, all beings are Buddhas!”

The grand voice resounded in all directions, all the ancient Buddhas, Bodhisattva, and Rohan illusory shadow, all scattered, as if attributed to their location.

Nuo Da’s Sea of ​​Consciousness has changed drastically and transformed into an ancient Buddhist world.

At the end of that Buddha world, Wang Jin Saint Monk was extremely deformed, with unemotional on his face, full of anger and grief, and his left hand was stretched out, and moved towards Qin Nan.


An extremely horrifying pressure, moved towards Qin Nan rolled down.

This bergamot is really huge, covering the sky, like a party World.

It’s not Qin Nan that it wants to shoot, but all beings between Heaven and Earth, including Grand Dao.

This is Wang Jin Saint Monk self-created Forbidden Technique. It is called the Great Bright Cang Biochemical Buddha. It must be burned with a drop of Lord Realm-level Buddha blood essence before it can be cast.

It doesn’t have any lethality, it just takes people to Western Bliss.

“it is good!”

The white fire in Qin Nan’s eyes was extremely powerful.

At this moment, his will soared to the peak, and ten or two Asking Dao Techniques urged to the extreme.

Not only that, Qin Nan also mobilized a ray of Scarlet Flash Heavenly Lord’s Lord Realm will in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, and he also urged the untouched blood beads in dantian for the first time, all fuse into one It is because he is the strongest knife.


Between the light and flint, the blade light exploded completely.

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