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Qin Nan snorted and said, “So, this Evil God Palace is not easy.”

Seeing his appearance, Xiao Ling’er was rather speechless, saying: “It’s more than simple. It is rumored that Palace Lord of Evil God Palace was once one of the top ten Powerhouses of the First Continent Saint Emperor Continent in Inferior Lower Realm. And later soared Nine Heavens, reaching the incredible Boundary. “

Today’s Cang Lan Continent is no longer closed as before, with many rules. Inferior Lower Realm and other continents, and some things in the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain have already spread.

Qin Nan eyebrow raised.

Also from Nine Heavens?

This product could it be that I don’t know Empress Fei Yue from Cang Lan Continent?

“Fuck !, I patronized and talked to you, we hurried to find Supreme Treasure!”

Chang Le patted his head and said quickly.

Qin Nan lightly said with a smile: “There is nothing Supreme Treasure here.”

3 people cast scornful eyes at the same time, so big natural phenomenon just now, but there is no Supreme Treasure, who are you trying to lie to?

3 people no longer paid attention to Qin Nan, and flew into the mountain quickly, but it was just before the time of hunted breaths that 3 people returned with a depressed face.

They glanced just now. The mountain was bare, let alone Supreme Treasure, not even some heavenly material treasures.

“No! Supreme Treasure won’t be taken by you, right?”

Chang Qing’s eyes were full of doubts.

Qin Nan didn’t say a word, but raised his finger upward, and there were 100 towering trees in the distance, which instantly turned into a shatter, without even a little debris.

The faces of 3 people suddenly became extremely shocked.

In this way, at least the Great Emperor giant can achieve Ah!

“Fuck !, didn’t expect you to be deeply hidden, a great Emperor giant Ah!”

Chang Le couldn’t help it.

“As ‘Cang Lan’s God’ in your mouth, isn’t it normal to do this?”

Qin Nan shrugged.


Three people also showed scornful eyes.

Although this guy in front of him is a Great Emperor, he is just a Great Emperor giant. How can he be compared with their Cang Lan Heavenly God?

Qin Nan shrugged, “You didn’t find Supreme Treasure. Where are you going next?”

Xiao Ling’er 3 people looked at each other, then Xiao Ling’er said: “We are out this time to perform a task, and now the task is completed, ready to go to the Monster God Restricted Area.”

“The Dragon God of the Monster God Restricted Area is about to soar today, and the new god will take office. The disciples of our forces must go to congratulate.”

Although their three people are alert to Qin Nan, the alert is very low. After all, the ‘Qin Nan’ in front of him is a Great Emperor. If they are really their enemies, I am afraid they have already shot them. Do n’t ask them Well-known problem.

In their opinion, the goods in front of him is a practice madman who retreats alone, and then admires Qin Nan Senior that’s all very much.

“Oh? The worm hasn’t soared in so long?”

Qin Nan was surprised, and then simply said, “Well, if you don’t mind, how about I go with you?”

Now that the worms are soaring, even the various forces will participate in the disaster. Presumably those people of that year, as well as father, will also pass.

Just save him to find each and everyone at that time.

“That’s fine.”

Immediately, 4 people set off and flew into the distance.

Along the way, Qin Nan looked at all the landscapes, asked three people questions from time to time, and gradually learned about Cang Lan Continent.

Today is the 49th year of Qin Miao. Among the great forces such as Nine Characters Ancient Sea and Monster God Restricted Area, many geniuses have appeared one after another.

This also makes Cang Lan Continent, which was originally in the lower position of Inferior Lower Realm, ascend to the middle level, and is not far behind the power of the Lower Realm 5 continent.

In addition, in the past ten years, Evil God Palace has sprung up, constantly strangling Powerhouses of all major forces, and also released words. The true god of Cang Lan Continent is not Qin Nan, but Evil God!

Some are assimilated, but more are angry.

However, any Cultivator or force that does not believe this will be attacked by Evil God Palace, and some small forces will disappear.

Qin Nan’s eyes became slightly cold, especially when he heard that standing in the Central Region, Burning Heavens Ancient Country, which was only second to all major forces, was destroyed in 20 cities, and after 10000 casualties.

Shortly after, Qin Nan arrived in the Monster God Restricted Area with 4 people.

Today’s Monster God Restricted Area is already unusual. On a large piece of Sea Territory, there are huge islands floating, Monster Qi rolling, and each island outlines a Supreme formation between each other.

This formation might ability is extraordinary, even the Martial God peak Powerhouse can’t shake it.

Qin Nan, accompanied by Chang Le, stood on an ancient ship flying to Monster God Island and stared into the distance.

“Little bug, Ao Cangtian, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord … well, a lot has come.”

Qin Nan glanced through, seeing all the islands in this place, and all the bans, and all the Cultivators.

“This time Dragon God is soaring, there will be a lot of people, and there will be a lot of giants. Although you are a Great Emperor, but you are called Qin Nan, let ’s not talk about it, let alone you are Qin Nan Senior, you know? ? “

Xiao Ling’er said calmly.

Qin Nan laughed, nodded.

in this way……

It’s also fun.

Soon, the ancient ship landed on Monster God Island, and the Qin Nan 4 people immediately disembarked and, led by the Monster of the Monster God Restricted Area, moved towards the middle of the island.

But for a long time, in their eyes, there appeared three huge training fields floating in mid-air with a length of more than 3 feet.

On each training field, there are all kinds of seats. From the distant horizon, some have reached the existence of the Great Emperor and Martial God, which turns into a light glow and falls into the training field.

Countless majestic, powerful auras, flood the 4 parties.

“Oh my dear, the appeal of Dragon God is really not that big. I am afraid that the Powerhouses of these major forces are here!”

Chang Le shivered slightly, his face full of excitement.

Such a grand event, really a rare 50-year encounter Ah!

“Let’s get in and hurry up. I heard that this time the Heaven List is among the top ten geniuses. They all came.”

Xiao Ling’er is also quite excited.

Led by the monster of the Monster God Restricted Area, they entered the third training field.

The seats on the court are roughly divided into 5 types, corresponding to 5 cultivation levels and positions.

Xiao Ling’er is in the top 30 of the Earth List, so he sat in the 3rd class, Chang Le and Changqing can only sit in the 4th class.

However, Xiao Ling’er’s personality is still very good. In order to take care of Qin Nan, he specially found his own master and reconciled it so that Qin Nan could be with her.

“Hey, look over there, that person is Lei Huan on the 9th Heaven List! I heard that he is the Successor of Dragon Tiger Martial God, and the Bloodline of Heavenly Dragon Thunder Tiger. And that one, he is the first on the Heaven List … “

Xiao Ling’er chirp chirp twitter twitter non-stop.

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