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Qin Nan is now located on a mountain as high as ten thousand zhang, with all directions, towering ancient trees, Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, and spiritual energy.

Qin Nan closed his eyes, feeling quietly, and after 1000 breaths, he slowly opened his mouth, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although all this around, he was very strange and had never seen it, but his chest had an inexplicable warmth.

This piece of Heaven and Earth records everything he once did.

Wu wu wu !

Suddenly, a violent gale blew from Great Mountain, and the large sky became 5 colors and 6 colors. Various natural phenomena evolved continuously.

“Qin Nan, didn’t expect you to return to Cang Lan Continent.”

A majestic voice came from nothing.

“It’s you?”

Qin Nan was surprised: “You now have spiritual wisdom?”

This majestic voice is exactly the original rule of Heaven and Earth of Cang Lan Continent. Once in the confrontation with Emperor’s List, God List, and Southern Heaven Gate, it stood on the side of Qin Nan.

But it was very weak at the time.

“After the defeat of Southern Heaven Gate, Emperor’s List, and God List, I mastered the Source Strength of Cang Lan Continent, and I naturally have spiritual wisdom.”

The majestic voice said with a smile: “But compared to you, it is still too far away, you have only been to the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain for more than a year, and it has become a giant of the Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment!”

Its sound was full of wonder. Even if it was set for that year, Qin Nan would shine in the 9 Heavenly Immortal field and shocked the 8 parties. However, it turned out that Qin Nan would achieve such a level.

“You don’t have to say these extra words. What are you doing here this time?”

Qin Nan smiled and waved.

“Qin Nan, your cultivation level is too scary. Although Cang Lan Continent is a bit stronger than it used to be, it can’t bear your cultivation level. You have to suppress Human God Boundary.”

Majestic voice said with a bitter smile.

The moment Qin Nan arrived, it suddenly felt in his heart that a continent was about to collapse.

“You can rest assured.”

Qin Nan nodded.

“One more thing, after you left, Cang Lan Continent gave birth to a new power called Evil God Palace. The Palace Lord of Evil God Palace is very difficult to refine the entire Cang Lan.”

“Also, in the Inferior Lower Realm today, Cang Lan Continent can only be regarded as middle-grade. Several other higher continents have been glancing at Cang Lan Continent like a tiger watching his prey …”

The majestic voice continued.

Qin Nan ill-humored saying: “How did you take this original rule? I have a hard time coming back now, and you want me to solve these things with you?”

A majestic voice whispered, “Cang Lan Continent’s Cultivator, you are Cang Lan’s God, these things should be yours.”

Qin Nan rolled the eyes, saying: “Okay, I ’m understood about this matter. I ’m here this time to get rid of Evil God Palace. As for other continents, you have to find a chance to call those original rules. Let’s talk. “

“Okay, I’ll do it right away!”

The sound is no longer majestic, and it’s like hi zi zi.

Qin Nan shook the head, but he can also understand the mood of the original rules of this world. Nine Heavens will continue to have giants down, and more powerful mainland stares. This taste is also uncomfortable.

Similarly, the original rules of this world also want to make themselves stronger.

Qin Nan understands this very well and doesn’t mind shooting.

After all, when Fei Yue returned to Cang Lan, he had already arranged to prevent the original rules of Heaven and Earth from becoming the Emperor’s List, God List, and Southern Heaven Gate.

In the sky, the natural phenomenon dissipates.

Qin Nan suddenly thought that Cang Lan Continent has now passed at least a few decades, and it must have changed a lot. He should find out the original rules of Heaven and Earth.

“Junior Sister, there it is!”

“The natural phenomenon just appeared, there must be the birth of Supreme Treasure over there!”

At this moment, several voices sounded, a young man with short blue color hair and a robe, and a young man with black hair and shoulders, wearing treasure clothes, and a handsome and hot five Girl, flew over together.

Qin Nan looked up. The two youths were both Martial Saint peak cultivation level, and the young girl reached the Boundary of Half Step Martial Ancestor.

At this age, there is such a cultivation level. The three people on the Cang Lan Continent obviously have a long history.

“en? Who are you?”

The blue color short-haired young man first saw Qin Nan, stopped, and uttered Asking Dao.

“Under Qin Nan.”

Qin Nan lightly said with a smile.

“Qin Nan?”

The faces of 3 people were simultaneously startled.

“Who got your name, and who got it for you, even named Cang Lan’s God!”

black hair ill-humored saying: “You’d better change it early. The three of us are good-tempered. If you have a bad temper, you might hit you!”

Qin Nan touched his nose and said, “You misunderstood, I am what you call ‘Cang Lan’s God’ Qin Nan.”

3 The person’s face was startled again, then puff ~ at the same time.

“Hahaha! Do you want to be Qin Nan Senior? You want to go crazy? If you are Cang Lan’s God, then I will still be Martial Fate Pavilion, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord, War Clan patriarch!”

Black hair youths with dangling shoulders couldn’t help laughing, blue youths with short hair and hot girls were also flushed with laughter.

In the major cities and powers of Cang Lan Continent, in addition to the Evil God Palace, there are statues of Qin Nan and the appearance of Qin Nan. They also remember very clear.

But how does this person look like Qin Nan Senior except face contours?

Besides, Qin Nan Senior has already been on Nine Heavens, how can he appear in Cang Lan Continent.

“Oh my mother, I have a stomachache when I laugh.”

black hair The young man with a slumped shoulder rubbed his stomach and finally calmed down, saying, “Although you are a bit crazy, this person is very interesting. My name is Chang Le, his name is Chang Qing, this is our Junior Sister, called Xiao Ling’er. “

“Speaking is not afraid to scare you. The three of us are the disciples of Nine Characters Ancient Sea, my Junior Sister Xiao Ling’er, but the top 3 genius on the Earth List!”

Xiao Ling’er rolled the eyes: “If you ignore him, he likes to be cocky blindly.”

be that as it may, but she lifted the delicate chin up and down, apparently very proud of being the top 30 in the Earth List.

Qin Nan was curious and said, “What does this Earth List mean?”

Chang Qing on the side was full of surprise: “Brother Qin, you don’t even know this? Nine Characters Ancient Sea, Monster God Restricted Area, War Clan, Heavens Secret Clan, Lost Herb Garden, these forces are joining forces in Saint Dier Continent’s Saint Earth List and Heaven List were established in Hall. “

“The existence that can enter these 2 lists is the genius in ten-thousand does not have one, the future Great Emperor, Martial God.”

Qin Nan was a little surprised: “Why do the major forces build these two lists?”

Chang Qing and Chang Le both looked like they saw a ghost.

Xiao Ling’er was also surprised, but he quickly responded, and said, “fellow daoist, you had been in that mountain practice for decades? I wonder what happened outside?”

“In the fifth year of Qin Miao’s first year, we at Cang Lan Continent came to a group of Mysterious Powerhouses and established the Evil God Palace. Even if the major forces join forces, they can only fight with them.”

“In order to contend with Evil God Palace, the major forces have created the Earth List and Heaven List to attract young Cultivators from all walks of life. They are giving huge resources to allow these young Cultivators to grow and fight against Evil God Palace in the future.”

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