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Qin Nan expression was surprised.

He absolutely did not expect that Ownerless Vault Chart had Chart’s Spirit!

“Chart’s Spirit, can you tell me, who was my previous life?”

Qin Nan came back to his senses, immediately asking.

However, Chart’s Spirit answered unquestionably and continued, “My Lord, now that you are in the Holy Land, there is something that must be told to you in advance.”

“You spent countless means that year, you almost got that thing. Now times have changed a lot, now is your best chance!”

“You must go to the 7th World’s Sacred Area, the deepest part of that place, there is a drop of your blood! With this drop of blood, you enter the first World’s Sacred Area and get a chance to get that thing!”

“No matter what the price is, even if I let you resolve the Murderous Intent for you, it will disappear, and Must will get it!”

“In addition, My Lord, you have to promise me that no matter how much you trust others, that thing must never be told to anyone, including that woman, or it will bring disaster to them …”

Chart’s Spirit’s voice gradually diminished. Until the end, the entire Ownerless Vault Chart had no brilliance and no longer absorbed the chaotic aura in the great hall.

“Chart’s Spirit?”

Qin Nan tried to pass a spiritual thought, and after waiting for a while, Ownerless Vault Chart still had no response.

From this point of view, the Ownerless Vault Chart should have suffered some kind of trauma that year, which caused Chart’s Spirit to fall asleep.

It was able to awakens this time because it absorbed the chaotic aura in this Stone Palace.

However, this chaotic aura should only allow it to awakens for a little while, and it cannot repair its injury and wake it up completely.

Qin Nan took a soft breath. Although he still has many questions, it seems that it can’t be undone at present.

I’m afraid he can know it only when he comes to Nine Heavens Supreme and the incomplete memory of the past life in the awakening picture.

“Qin Nan, what just happened?” Empress Fei Yue’s voice sounded immediately.

“Ownerless Vault Chart just now …”

Qin Nan yelled: “Chart’s Spirit tells me that when I go to Nine Heavens Supreme, I will awaken the incomplete memory of previous lives, apart from this, and it takes me to the 7th World’s Sacred Area, where there is a drop of my blood.”

“After getting the blood, go to the first World’s Sacred Area.”

Chart’s Spirit entrusted him so solemnly, and it would bring disaster to Bronze Mirror, so Qin Nan didn’t say anything about finding that thing.

In Qin Nan’s mind, there was already a faint guess.

Through the current clues, his past life was a terrifying existence that he could not imagine.

Then, in his previous life, he had spent countless hard work, but failed to get anything, enough to see how terrible that thing is.

As Remnant Rainbow Sword Lord once said, there is a strong connection between the eventy two World’s Sacred Area, and the meaning of their original existence is not for people to get the chance of Nine Heavens Supreme.

The existence of that person called Dust Light Supreme even said that there were only 36 places at the beginning of the eventy two World’s Sacred Area. After a battle, they became the eventy two places. Their fundamental meaning is to bury a heavens. -frightening big secret.

I’m afraid the thing that Chart’s Spirit is talking about is related to this heavens-frightening secret.

“so that’s how it is.”

Empress Fei Yue had no emotion in his tone, saying: “Qin Nan, the promotion of Nine Heavens Supreme at this time, since it has involved your past life. Then, when you are promoted, I do not know what changes will be brought about.”

Qin Nan nodded, Bronze Mirror means, he is very clear in his heart.

When he first witnessed the emperor, Jiang Bilan transformed him into a death crystal. Later, when he sealed the gods, Princess Miaomiao disappeared between Heaven and Earth.

In the words of the original animal skin picture, the more heaven-defying existed, then as he became more and more powerful between Heaven and Earth, the calamity he endured, the more he suffered.

Although this promotion to Unparalleled Overlord did not happen, when it became Nine Heavens Supreme, it was not good.

“Then what are you going to do next, go to 7th World’s Sacred Area?”

Empress Fei Yue indifferent asking.

“Not going for now.”

Qin Nan thought about it and slowly said, “Before that, go back to Cang Lan Continent.”

In front of him, there is bound to be a monstrous storm, and no one can predict how it will end up.

He should return to his former place, accompany Father well, and see his friends back then, and let go.

Qin Nan didn’t see that Empress Fei Yue’s ice-colored blue eyes revealed a touch of appreciation, and then icily said: “Since this is the case, then you might as well look at this Stone Palace, maybe you have a chance to return directly Cang Lan Continent. “

She is very interested in this Stone Palace.

After all, countless people have entered this 24th World’s Sacred Area during these countless years, but in the end the flesh has been imprisoned in that horrible ice pillar.

Nothing else is known.

“It makes sense.”

Qin Nan the eyes shines, slowly exhaling his mouth, and after spending a few breaths to calm his mind, he moved toward the great hall.

This chaotic aura in Stone Palace is still very rich. Qin Nan tried it and couldn’t suck it into the body.

Not only that, this aura also has a great suppression on his pupil strength and flesh body. Even if he runs immortal strength to resist, his body is like being pressed on a piece of big stone, and can only move forward slowly.

It took a full half an hour for Qin Nan to reach the stairs leading to the 2nd-layer. This 1st-layer had everything and he could see it all.

Empty and nothing.

Qin Nan brows slightly wrinkle, started to walk to the stairs, when he only had the last few stairs, his body seemed to pass through an invisible door and came to another side world.

The original pressure suddenly disappeared.

The chaotic aura no longer exists.

Apart from this, in the original silence, some sounds suddenly sounded.

“Fuck! You kidding me! I disagree, come back, I won’t believe in evil!”

“Hahaha, 6 swords, I shook out 6 swords!”

“You beast! Did you cheat!”

“Hey, I said, can you stop betting? Hurry and see how the guys are doing! Otherwise, when will we go to Samsara Ah!”

Qin Nan looked confused.

Someone here?

Moreover, there are still many people who seem to be gambling!

Qin Nan stepped through the last few steps, completely into the 2nd-layer, and then he saw a very incredible scene.

Nuo Da’s great hall is filled with many statues, various kinds of incomplete weapons, and scattered all around, very messy.

At the eleven tables in the hall, the expressionless that Qin Nan had previously encountered was extremely indifferent to the God Envoys, some holding roasted animal legs, some holding immortal wine, and shaking the dice.

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