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Melting Venerable Left Territory, in the 24th World’s Sacred Area.

Qin Nan’s silhouette, dropping from the sky, fell to the ground.

Qin Nan immediately moved towards all around and looked.

I can only see that the sky is dark, the stars are twinkling, and all around the ground, there are towering ancient Great Mountains, and snowflakes float down in the air.

It is strange that these snowflakes did not have any chill. After falling on the ground, no snow was formed, but they disappeared.

Qin Nan took a closer look. Each snowflake seemed to be composed of certain words, but the words were very vague and could not be seen at all.


One silhouette appeared in front of Qin Nan.

This silhouette is 5 feet tall, made of gold, with ice crystals on her eyes, and ancient symbols on her neck, without any aura fluctuations on her body.

“No. 4009 Fellow Daoist, I am leading God Envoy. I will inject a force into you within the body. It will seal your flesh body, strip your soul will, and enter another space.”

“Where to enter, everything follows.”

“If you fall in another space, you will fall completely, can you?”

Leading God Envoy said indifferently, without any slight fluctuations in tone.

“Qin Nan, to unblock Heaven Mending Cauldron, I will go too!”

Ming Wang hurriedly said that it had restored Dao Boundary Perfection and cultivation level by about 40%, and also had a chance to get the chance to become Nine Heavens Supreme.

Moreover, it’s too dangerous to be with Qin Nan now. It might as well go ahead and look at the situation again.


Qin Nan nodded, urging Heaven Mending Cauldron.

Ming Wang’s mind, he can guess one or two, but along the way, Ming Wang helps it a lot, how it chooses is its thing.

Leading God Envoy repeated the words just now, Ming Wang immediately nodded, leading God Envoy to shoot a light glow, typed into Ming Wang’s within the body, and Ming Wang disappeared in place.

“En? How come it?”

Qin Nan felt the fluctuations in the sky and raised his eyebrows in amazement, simple saying: “Yes.”

This led God Envoy to hit a light against Qin Nan.

“Damn! One step late!”

Xiang Yuansheng watched Qin Nan disappear steadily, his face suddenly became gloomy, and then he could only sigh coldly, leaving the 24th World’s Sacred Area.

He has no interest in this holy area.

After counting ten breaths, Qin Nan only felt that his figure had come to a strange place of terrible horror, but he was too late to look towards all around, a vast force that was beyond words, overwhelmed him. Body.

This is to imprison his flesh body and strip his soul!

However, at this moment, the Ownerless Vault Chart in Qin Nan Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly showed a light.


In the midst of it, it seems that there are 2 Nine Heavens Supreme peak levels, and it runs all the powers on the body and collides together.

Qin Nan just felt all around everything, shaking violently, and then the vast power of Mysterious disappeared.

The pressure on him was suddenly relieved.


Qin Nan expression froze.

Why did Ownerless Vault Chart suddenly interfere in the matter?

“Qin Nan, you …”

At this time, Empress Fei Yue seemed to be aware of the strangeness and wanted to say something, but her voice had just sounded and an invisible force blocked her.

Her voice couldn’t come at all, and I didn’t know what happened here.

Qin Nan reacted, fairy flames beating.

“Ownerless Vault Chart stepped in suddenly and cut off my connection with Bronze Mirror. It seemed to be trying to guide me and didn’t want others to know …”

Qin Nan’s mind flashed, and moved towards all around.

At this look, even him, he could not help revealing a shocking look.

I only saw him now, standing on a training field on top of a Great Mountain.

Counting ten thousand zhang in front of him, there was an ice pillar with a width of several 100,000 zhang, with the ground below it, the sky above it, standing elder, standing up to an incredible degree, as if it were the backbone of the entire holy area.

In such a scary ice pillar, there is a Cultivator, a monster Beast with a huge head, lying quietly, motionless, without any aura, only the expression on his face, sometimes surprised, sometimes angry. Constantly changing.

Ming Wang just now is among them.

“Didn’t expect, all flesh bodies of Cultivator who enter this area will be confined here Ah!”

Qin Nan reacted and couldn’t help but sigh.

The ice pillar in front of me is too terrifying. Although he doesn’t know what kind of Boundary and power of Lord Realm is, it would be extremely difficult to create such an ice pillar.

“However, Ownerless Vault Chart shouldn’t just want me to take a look at this ice pillar, should there be something else …”

Qin Nan calmed down and looked away.


He saw that under this horrible ice pillar, there was a circle of Mysterious ancient formation mark occupying ten thousand zhang, and one of the formation marks, like a long dragon, extended to the distance.

Qin Nan thought about it, running immortal strength, moved towards this formation mark and flew forward.

After waiting half an hour, a Stone Palace appeared in his eyes.

The Stone Palace is not big. The width of thousand zhang is 100 zhang high. There are only 2 floors in total. There are no special formation marks or pictures on the surface. It just emits aura. It is very old and people come to Heaven and The beginning of Earth.

Qin Nan gazed for a moment, took a soft breath, flew to Stone Palace, and pushed in.

Suddenly, a chaotic aura wrapped his whole body in an instant, giving him a Space-Time disorder in his heart and returning to the early days of ancient times.

At this moment, the Ownerless Vault Chart in his Sea of ​​Consciousness once again brilliance, bursting into a majestic suction, sucking these chaotic aura continuously into it.

“Ownerless Vault Chart Want these aura?”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

Ownerless Vault Chart, which was solemnly given to him by War God, is also what the animal skin picture scroll wants, we can see its Mysterious and extraordinary.

Qin Nan has always known very little about it. Now it seems that the secret of the Ownerless Vault Chart is to unlock some of the secrets of entering this holy area this time.

Qin Nan is thinking so, without moving, let Ownerless Vault Chart suck.

After a few hours of breathless breath, the speed of Ownerless Vault Chart’s drawing has not slowed down at all, but there is a hoarse voice. The towering passed into Qin Nan is the battle of return.

“My Lord, I am Chart’s Spirit! Lord Xiang Zun has kept a part of your true past life memory in the middle deep place. If you have this memory early, it will only do you 100.”

“So let me entrust you to wake you up to Supreme!”

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