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Outside within the realm, storms keep coming.

The news of Wondrous Fruit Building Tree at Source Blood World also spread to Every Phenomenon Immortal Token, setting off another wave.

For a while, a group of peerless talents, unparalleled talents, Heavenly Immortal Cultivator, Unparalleled Overlord, etc., all moved towards the 3rd Small Immortal Territory.

Source Blood World also caused a lot of storms, and Heavenly Immortal Cultivators were all attracted. The peerless talent Gu Feng, who was originally here, and Gong Wuhua, who realized that Leng Zhongyue aura was here, also quickly Come here.

Of course, this is unavoidable. Many Cultivators shot in secret, only to find that the prohibition is solid, and they can only help but let go.

As for Qin Nan, the cultivation has ended, and the War God fairy pupil is running, glancing at the one after another silhouette in the distance, especially staying more on Gu Feng.

According to the Mysterious woman, after 20 days, after May bleak, the banned party would fall apart.

During this period, he could just take advantage of this unique advantage and take a closer look at the peerless talents and unparalleled talents.

After a few hours, Qin Nan could not help but twitch.

Five Ancient Great Races, as well as other Ancient Clan Cultivators, came quickly to understand, after all, they were closer.

It just made him absolutely didn’t expect that the action of Nine Palace Gold Immortal Sect was not weaker than these Ancient Clan.

This Supreme Dao Lineage stands on gambling, as always, implements its style, a shot by Heavenly Immortal, and quickly created an Ancient City not far from Holy Mountain.

Various markets have also appeared one after another.

However, this approach saved Qin Nan a lot. After the arrival of the peerless talent and unparalleled talent, all eight-nine will enter the city, so he can observe together.

“There are fewer people right now, and I’ll check it out later.”

Qin Nan secretly thought, re-cultivation.

Time passed, and after a day, there were many silhouettes on every street in the ‘Miaoguocheng’, which was very lively.

Here are some loose cultivators around Heavenly Immortal 1-layer. They came here without any thoughts about World’s Wondrous Fruit.

It’s just that many peerless talents and unparalleled talents come together to fight together. In such a scene, they rarely meet once in a few hundred years, and they are naturally unwilling to miss it.

“Looking there, the young man is the peerless talent Zhu Yan of Flame Manipulation Clan, and the other is Gu Xiaoyao of Ancient Mark Clan!”

“Lu Qingyin of Immortal Spirit Clan is here, so beautiful!”

“That’s a great gift of Great Owl Clan, and Eleven of Starry Sky Clan, Wu Ti of Great Calamity Clan, and Talking Dao Clan’s order!”

“Fuck !, didn’t expect until now, very low-key Thunder Pupil Clan, Sword King Clan are all here!”

Soon, the loose cultivator, watching the waves of people and horses constantly flying in the sky, startedled and couldn’t help talking.

9 There are too many Ancient Clan in the Heavenly Immortal domain. In ancient times, it was also known as the 10000 clan. Even now, there are still hundreds of ancient clan.

Many Cultivators may not have encountered all the ancient 100 races in their lives, let alone see these peerless talents in Ancient Clan.

“Let ’s go on like this, there are no less than 30 or even more peerless talents coming from these Ancient Clan, let alone those unparalleled talents.”

Qin Nan was also shocked, and he was stunned.

If it was not for having Cultivator watching Holy Mountain anytime, anywhere, he would now walk out of the mountain, sneak into the city, and get in touch with these peerless talents.

After all, these within the body of these peerless talents all have one, two, or even a few ancient things, which obstructs his pupils and allows him to penetrate only a small part.

Time passed, and in the evening of that day, under the endless purple color moonlight, the Cultivators turned into a variety of shocking rainbows and swept into the city.

All kinds of amazing sounds can’t help but sound here.

The peerless talents of some Ancient Great Races in the 2nd Small Immortal Territory have also arrived.

In the current “Miaoguocheng”, it can be said that the Cultivator of the ancient 100 clan has gathered, and there are other Cultivators of Ancient Clan, the scene is extremely rarely seen.

However, one thing surprised Qin Nan.

He carefully observed several hours, and there were only more than 20 peerless talents from these Ancient Clan.

In fact, this is also normal. Although there are behind 100 ancient clans, they are not comparable to the major Supreme Dao Lineages. There are basically only one to three geniuses in each clan.

And, there are some Ancient Great Races, none of them.

In addition to this, many peerless talents have already been promoted to Unparalleled Overlord Boundary. They can only dispel the thoughts, and there are also some peerless talents before they are Earth Immortal Boundary.

Of course, there is also a part, knowing that the participation of peerless talent this time will be a very amazing number, so I dispelled the idea and did not need to participate.

“Is that the Seven Eyes Clan and Kongtong Clan? It ’s weird aura, especially Kongtong Clan. Each clansman’s within the body seems to have an Ancient Immortal house …”

Qin Nan continued to gain insight.

He didn’t know anything about the ancient 100 races. At present, such a grand occasion is a good opportunity for him.

Time passed, and after night, there was jubilation in Miaoguo City.

Some of the ancient 100 clan who hate each other, also started in the vicinity, and played countless immortal techniques, rays of light.

At the same time, some peerless talents and unparalleled talents have joined forces to implement heavens-frightening methods, and the strikes have been banned, but that’s all has no effect.

Cultivator is still coming.

But no one thought that there was one silhouette in the Great Mountain flowing with countless saint lights, watching them quietly.

The next day, early morning.

The slightly silent city of Miaoguo once again caused ripples.

The peerless talents of the three Supreme Dao Lineages, Extreme Life Sect, Bodhi Ancient Temple Sect, and Three Clean Ancient Sect, are here.

Bodhi Ancient Temple Sect didn’t even have a peerless talent, only a lot of unparalleled talent came, Extreme Life Sect came, and Three Clean Ancient Sect came in a full 2.

After they entered the city, they did not respond, and did not observe the prohibition of Holy Mountain like other peerless talents.

Three Clean Ancient Sect did something like this, Qin Nan could guess some, presumably because it had something to do with Leng Zhongyue.

“However, the Peerless talent of this Extreme Life Sect is a bit different than the peerless talent I encountered before. It looks like the dragon is in the sky and looks down on everything …”

Qin Nan’s eyes flickered slightly.

Although the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain uses unparalleled talent and peerless talent to divide the younger generation Cultivator, it is just a title that’s all.

There is also a stronger presence among peerless talent.

For example, Bronze Mirror became the number one after being promoted to Unparalleled Overlord, and became the number one after Nine Heavens Supreme. It is a Great Mountain that cannot be shaken by any peerless talent of her contemporaries.

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