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At the same time, among the top 4 Supreme Dao Lineage, Execution Dao Sect.

One ancient sword after another, suspended in midair, exudes eye-catching sword glow.

One silhouette, sitting cross-legged on this sword glow, did not operate any immortal strength, nor did it perform any immortal technique dao technique, but it was not affected at all.

“Rebirth, several of your Senior Brothers have already rushed to Source Blood World. Don’t you really want to go and see?”

An old man who was not angry, emerged in the air, frowns saying.

“Where can Qin Nan be?”

Wu Huisheng did not answer, but asked a question.

“It’s not clear. He hasn’t been seen since the big mutation in the 6-in penalty box, and he hasn’t even returned to the Vault Universe Highest Desolate Sect.”

The old man shook the head, saying, “However, do you think he would miss such a grand event with his character?”

Wu Huisheng fixed his eyes.

“All right, I’ll go.”

He stood up, within the body burst into immense power, shattered that ancient immortal sword.

Top 4 Supreme Dao Lineage, the most low-key Supporting Heaven Should Transform Sect.

“Asshole, stop me and give me my clothes!”

“You lied to me even a little Medicine Pill, I’m with you!”

“Ancestor Master, you must not let go of this prodigal son!”

One after another yelled, two after three, a young man and a woman were glaring with anger, extremely indignant.

In front of them, there is a bald fatty, who doesn’t care, and even disdain, saying: “Is there evidence? Don’t talk nonsense! Besides, it’s not one or two times, you will still be fooled Are you too stupid? “

With these words, these youths and women were even more angry.

In the void, a majestic middle-aged man with a helpless pats head said: “You little bastard, it’s really getting more and more Heavenless! Hurry up and clean up for me, and go to Source Blood World!”

Bald head hearing this great joy, finally let him go out, and did not bother him to harass Senior Sister Junior Sister, deceive Senior Brother Junior Brother Elder.

The 8th Small Immortal Territory has always been inside Cuts Cang Sect at the cusp.

“Oh, Qin Nan, he’s so courageous, he has tossed out such a huge movement!”

The youth transformed by animal skin pictures sneered.

Others may not know, but his Myriad Laws Does Not Invade Sacred Physique, and the white-blue flower in Qin Nan Sea of ​​Consciousness, have always been faintly discernable. Naturally, Qin Nan is in Source Blood World.

Wondrous Fruit Building Tree can reproduce the sun and bloom 7 flowers, and only Qin Nan has this ability.

“Sect Master, what do we do? Should we start in advance? This time attracted a lot of peerless talents and unparalleled talents. Some forces will inevitably wait for the opportunity.”

A headless body beside Asking Dao.

Wondrous Fruit Building Tree is not worthy of attention from giants of this level, but it involves Qin Nan, which is different.

“Anyway, whatever he wants to do now, let him do whatever he wants. With his current cultivation level, it’s fast to become Unparalleled Overlord, and it doesn’t take much time to visit Nine Heavens Supreme.”

The sneer on the face of the animal skin scroll became richer and thicker: “When he comes to Nine Heavens Supreme, the white-blue flower is bound to be big accomplishment. So, before that, we have to protect him and let him live … “

First Immortal Territory, the land of Mysterious.

“Yes, although I don’t know who is planning, but for us, it is a small opportunity.

Antique Taboo’s majestic voice echoed among countless bones: “Send someone right away, and many seeds already have the tendency of awakens to rise, kill them in advance.”

“Also, keep an eye on Cuts Cang Sect and the movements of those powerful men in the first Immortal Territory. Whether they want to kill someone or keep someone, report it to me immediately.”

Speaking of which, it was slightly paused: “If you meet a peerless talent called Qin Nan, try it out, don’t beat the grass to scare the snake.”

Its eyes finally began to focus on Qin Nan.

At this time, the 3 Small Immortal Territory, Starry Sky Clan, Great Owl Clan, Talking Dao Clan, Great Calamity Clan, and Ancient Mark Clan, convened a joint meeting.

“There will be a lot of peerless talents and unparalleled talents this time. Now the major ancient Clans of the 2nd Immortal Territory, the major Supreme Dao Lineages, and several ancient giants who have never escaped the world, We put pressure! “

“What is pressure? In my opinion, this is an opportunity!”

“Indeed, this may cause a lot of trouble, but it is also a good opportunity!”

“As far as I can see, our 5 Big Ancient Clan dispatched 3 Nine Heavens Supreme to sit in Five Clans Law City. Any Unparalleled Overlord must not enter this place!”

“This is necessary, but apart from this, we have to send someone into Source Blood World to watch out for the methods of Antique Taboo!”

The giants spoke up.

After all, if this time, if there are many peerless talents, unparalleled talent will fall here, even if it has nothing to do with them, they will be implicated, so they have to be solemn.

The storm is still brewing.

Regardless of whether it is a giant or a major force, the major Supreme Dao Lineages have all acted, one after another, peerless talents and unparalleled talents.

All Cultivators who have learned about this news have feelings in their hearts and don’t have to guess. The next Source Blood World will definitely become extremely lively.

Such scenes are quite rare.

However, in this storm, there is a group of people who is the most embarrassing, and that is the Unparalleled Overlords.

Most of them have not reached the point of Dao Boundary Perfection, but Source Blood World only allows people above Heavenly Immortal and below Unparalleled Overlord to enter.

Even if they had the heart, they were powerless and could only sigh.

This may be their life, not in time.

“What shit is it? What time is wrong? You guys, really willing to keep stuck at Dao Boundary big accomplishment?”

“If this opportunity is missed, next time Peerless Three Dao appears, or what other opportunities, I don’t know how long it will take to meet it!”

“Instead of waiting blankly, take the initiative!”

“Source Blood World won’t let us in? Then destroy it!”

Some of these Unparalleled Overlords have exaggerated their domineering power, and have begun to invite other Powerhouses to plan.

“Hahaha, no matter what, such a grand occasion, always go and take a look. By the way, what kind of ability these younger generations have!”

“My birthday is coming. If I don’t fight well, I won’t be willing to Ah!”

There are also some Unparalleled Overlords who are extremely eager to see.

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