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Chapter 1600 40

7 Dragon Dance

Among the many Immortal Ancients, Nine Dragon God World has existed for a long time.

Its birth is full of mysteries, and there are still two kinds of sayings that are widely spread.

The first is that this place is the ancient Dragon Clan, a heavens-frightening conspiracy set up specifically to understand and kill the Human Race genius.

Another is that there was Nine Unparalleled Dragon Immortal 10000 years ago, which offended a Nine Heavens Supreme and was killed on the spot. After their bodies fell to the ground, they resonated with Grand Dao, and mysterious changes occurred, forming Secret Realm.

Relatively speaking, more people think that the second kind of statement is more reliable, and they also think that there is Dragon Immortal inheritance in 2 Dragon Secret Realm.

If anyone can get this inheritance, they can not only succeed in ascending immortal, get the legacy of 9 Dragon Immortal, or even find the ancient Dragon Clan that has disappeared.

“Qin Nan, 9 Dragon Secret Realm was opened 2 hours ago, and the Cultivators who previously gathered here should all be inside.”

Floating Life Immortal King suddenly sound transmission.

“Already opened 2 hours ago?”

Qin Nan expression slightly startled.

The entrance of Nine Dragon God World is a huge dragon-form arch, with 3 towering ancient cities standing in front of it.

He had just approached this place, and at a long distance, he heard the noise from this City inside.

Judging from the sound, there are many Cultivators in the 3 city insides.

“I’m afraid it’s Nine Palace Gold Immortal Sect there again!”

Qin Nan’s mouth twitched slightly, and his figure turned into an amazing Changhong immediately, and flew directly into the dragon-form arch.

What he didn’t know was when his figure passed across the 3 cities.

“That guy was Waning God Qin Nan just now!”

“Waning God Qin Nan is here too? Tell Elder immediately!”

“Very well, there is another unparalleled talent, and today’s market will definitely expand!”

A few whispers were heard in the corner of the city.

For this scene, Qin Nan was unaware of it. After counting ten breaths, under the eyes of three Immortal Kings, he flew into the Nine Dragon God World.


As soon as he came in, his brow frowned slightly.

I only saw, under his feet, an ancient training field of more than 300 feet.

In the distance of the training field, there is nothing strange. It is a vast land with ravines and crisscrosses, countless dead bones, and presumably endured numerous wars.

However, Qin Nan keenly felt that there was an invisible barrier over all around this training field.

Moreover, the aura of the barrier is very amazing, far exceeding Heavenly God Realm, and it is not necessarily broken with his cultivation level.

In other words, as soon as he came in, he was trapped.


Just then, a dragon’s roar sounded above the training field.

A dragon-form illusory shadow showing a golden, submerged into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Qin Nan with a thunderbolt.

Without waiting for Qin Nan’s time to react, they carried an astonishing majestic voice and exploded in his mind.

“My Dragon Immortal Habitat, if you have no chance with Monster Race, you must not go deep and disturb Dragon Immortal!”

“Now pass you a trick of Dragon Immortal. If you have Monster Race, you will be able to make it to the fullest, and bring in—”

“If you can’t recruit–“

As the majestic voice ended, countless dragon-form characters condensed into Qin Nan’s mind and turned into a Cultivation Technique.

The doubt in Qin Nan’s mind was also disappeared.

This Nine Dragon God World is different from other Immortal Ancients. Before officially entering it, you must practice Dragon Immortal.

This technique is not difficult and it is easy to make, but due to the different casters, it exerts different formidable power.

It can attract Red Dragon, Golden Dragon, Purple Dragon, War Dragon, 7-Claw War Dragon, then 7-Claw Divine Dragon, and 1-Claw Immortal Dragon.

Only by recruiting a 7-claw War Dragon or more can you enter the depths of the Nine Dragon God World and compete for inheritance under the leadership of War Dragon.

If you can’t recruit it, you can only use it in the middle or the periphery.

Of course, the higher the level of Dragon Clan is, the deeper you can get many intangible benefits.


Qin Nan sat cross-legged, secretly thinking: “During the practice of Dragon Immortal, white-blue flower will start to operate.”

“When it’s over, presumably Nine Dragon God World will start mutation.”

Having said that, he no longer thought about it, sinking his mind.

Time passed little by little, and an hour passed quickly.

Qin Nan’s eyes slowly opened, and the magic seal in his hand came out, and 133 dragon-form illusory shadows emerged all around him.

“Recruit Dragon Immortal!”

When Qin Nan magic seal changed, the 133 dragon-form illusory shadows were all condensed on the fingertips and popped out into the void ahead.

In an instant, one after another vast dragon’s prestige came from afar.

However, for a long time, the clouds on the horizon were dyed a purple color, 2 purple color giant dragons with a length of 1000 7 hundred zhang, swayed the dragon tail, and flew slowly.

“Only two purple dragons were recruited? My fate with the ancient Dragon Clan is so bad?”

Qin Nan drew a corner of his mouth, and now runs Dao Crystal, covering dao light on both hands, shouted: “Give me a re-attack!”

The invisible force emanates.

The 2 purple dragons that came out immediately broke apart and turned into a purple light.

Immediately after, one after another fighting intent, like a long river, surged in all directions.

I only saw that there were 7 heads and 2 thousand zhang in length, carrying a giant dragon fighting amazing intent, and moved towards Qin Nan slowly.

Different from the two purple dragons in the front, their dragon’s pupils are staring closely at Qin Nan’s body. It seems to have a hint of scrutiny, and it is spiritual, not dead.

“If you run Dao Crystal, you can only attract 7 War Dragons? That’s all, let’s go into the depths first, and if the Dragon Clan grade is so important, go and subdue others.

Qin Nan’s mind flashed, his shape, now turned into a bunch of rays of light, crossed the barrier, and landed on top of a dragon’s head.

“Go, take me deep.”

This War Dragon, as well as the other 6 War Dragons, showed a little wrath in dragon’s pupil. Didn’t expect this man to be on top of them as soon as he came up.

It was just that before they had time to become soaring, they suddenly felt the one after another vastness like the sea, the unpredictable fighting intent, and the anger in their eyes disappeared.

Deep in the eyes, a hint of joy flashed.

War Dragons are born to fight. If they face the genius of War Dao, they are willing to be reduced to mounts.


The 7 War Dragons, immediately crying to the sky, shook all directions in the void and swept forward at an amazing speed.

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