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Chapter 1639 Half Immortal cultivation level

Qin Nan’s face remained unchanged, and he turned his head to look.

Not far from him, there is a vast immortal light of Eighteen.

Each immortal light has reached the level of Earth Immortal Boundary, among which there are 5 immortal lights, reaching the Earth God peak.

Such a lineup, regardless of their identity, is placed in the Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, which is already a big deal.

“Amitabha, Qin donor, please hand over the trunk.”

Long Chan folded his hands, and Aura was peaceful.

If they were ordinary people, they wouldn’t have so much nonsense, but would just do it directly. However, Qin Nan has such a cultivation level, and there must be a huge power behind it.

“Do you want a trunk? If you have the ability, bring it yourself.”

Qin Nan indifferently said.

“It is indeed an unparalleled talent. At such a point, you dare to speak hard here. Then let the old man see what other cards you have!”

An old man of Earth Immortal 5-layer Boundary, sneer evoked from the corner of his mouth, and even the magic seal has not yet come out.

Over time, the trend of Heaven and Earth changed.

The void above Qin Nan is like a Great Mountain, which is moved against Qin Nan to suppress it, which is extremely horrifying.

Gu Zhenyi and the others saw this and couldn’t help shook the head.

The battle strength of Qin Nan really convinced them to take it orally, but it was a little too difficult to appreciate somebody’s kindness.

Now that this is the case, not only can’t the tree trunk be saved, but it is also inevitable.

“In our Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, we dare to bully the little, don’t we take us too seriously?”

Just then, an indifferent voice came from the clouds.

The silhouette of Floating Life Immortal King, stepping out from in the sky, the terrifying coercion of Unparalleled Overlord, without any concealment, swept the number of squares hundred thousand li.

The whole land was instantly trembled.

“Cap … Unparalleled Overlord?”

Gu Zhenyi, Long Chan and the others, and the existence of that Earth Immortal level, his face simultaneously changed greatly, and he couldn’t believe his eyes.

None of them had expected that Qin Nan should have the Unparalleled Overlord guarding him.

You know, even in their Supreme Dao Lineage, the unparalleled talent who ranks first in the true story is impossible to receive such treatment.

“You, the Supreme Dao Lineage, have the courage, this King didn’t find you, you found it!”

There was another cold laughter in the sky.

I only saw Earth Soul Immortal King and Red Zither Immortal King coming at the same time.

This big Heaven and Earth, because of the arrival of their two people, began to fall into chaos.

At this time, it is not will that comes to them, but their deity!

“3 … 3 Unparalleled Overlord?”

In this instant, Gu Zhenyi, Long Chan, and the others, the Cultivator of the Earth Immortal Boundary, all had a huge shocking look in their eyes.

An Unparalleled Overlord has been granted asylum by 3 Unparalleled Overlord!

What amazing identity does this Qin Nan have to achieve?


Floating Life Immortal King coldly.

The whole between Heaven and Earth instantly set off a huge wave of immortal light, slamming on Gu Zhenyi and the others, and that person, Earth Immortal.

One after another groaning sound suddenly sounded, and their bodies were plunged into the void and disappeared.

Although the Floating Life Immortal King shot this time and did not kill them all, but also used a lot of power, it will definitely cause each of them to be seriously injured.

“3 Seniors, many thanks.”

Qin Nan quickly arched his hands, his heart warmed slightly.

At this time, he was also a bit surprised. After he did n’t expect to give 3 Immortal King sound transmissions, not only did they all come, but also the deity.

The cold intention on Floating Life Immortal King’s face was absent, and a slight smile appeared. “Don’t be kind to us, your kid is doing a good job.”

Earth Soul Immortal King is also snorted, saying, “What time is it, even this method is still used here.”

“You two, stop talking nonsense.”

Red Zither Immortal King glanced softly, “Qin Nan, the next Immortal Ancient, you don’t have to worry, go all out, we will follow until you ascending immortal.”

The storm at this time made their three people cautious.

Qin Nan this time is okay. Immediately after coming out of Immortal Ancient, they were not immediately ambushed. If they were caught immediately and they could not arrive, what should I do?

Even if they lowered will, there is a good chance that it will be too late.

In the Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, the will of the Unparalleled Overlord is not the will of Nine Heavens Supreme, and there is no great deterrent yet.

“That troubles Senior.”

Qin Nan thought for a while and refused.

When he enters the second Immortal Ancient, or even the third Immortal Ancient, he may cause more trouble than this time.

If you just get heavens-frightening Supreme Treasure and go out and get taken away, it’s worth the money.

Immediately, Qin Nan continued on his way.

The three Immortal Kings are hidden in nothingness, and it is difficult for most people to detect.

“Refining the trunk!”

Qin Nan unleashes the trunk, and then fires the divine power to burn it.

In front of the 3 Immortal Kings, he didn’t need to conceal anything, anyway, he was invisible to the War God Dao Mark of the body.

After a few hours, the entire trunk was completely refining, turned into an indescribable force, and fell into Qin Nan’s body.

The War God Dao Mark, which spread on other parts, immediately spread again, just like the original heart. After it was completely covered, it stopped slowly.

But for a long time, every part of his within the body was covered with War God Dao Mark, and also had the ancient text of each and everyone, starting to emerge from the skeleton one by one.

An invisible dove reverberated in Qin Nan within the body.

The Dao Crystal in his dantian, as if receiving some kind of summon, is constantly shining with rich dao light.

Although Qin Nan can’t see through the mysterious words now, he knew in his mind that this was the so-called War God’s Dao.

“There is still a lot of power, you can increase the divine power!”

Qin Nan’s mind moved, pulling down strength.

Soon after, he heard the sound of one after another within the body, and the momentum of his whole body increased again.

Only his divine power, in addition to crystal clear and near-transparent, occasionally flashed out one after another immortal light, flowing immortal intent.

He now, Equivalent to half human foot into Human Immortal Boundary.

As for the three Unparalleled Overlord in the sky, it’s not strange to see this scene. At that time, they also experienced ascending immortal.

Not to mention, Qin Nan within the body also ‘fused’ the rare treasure of that level.

Time hurriedly passed. One day later, one unparalleled talent, countless Heavenly God, Earth God, and Human God, successively participated in the major Immortal Ancients, and continued to battle.

Qin Nan’s footsteps finally stopped.

Not far away, he is already the land of Nine Dragon God World.

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