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Chapter 1624

There was a chill in Qin Nan’s heart.

He did not hesitate to move the divine power to the peak, and took Tang Qingshan into the distance with him.


I just saw that the ground where the two people were standing just now, as well as on the other ground, erupted one after another with an extremely scary blade intent, and simultaneously did not enter the sky.

Not only on this third peak, but also on the other six peaks, as if there was a peerless Bladesman born.

“Very powerful blade intent, each one can easily kill a Human Immortal!”

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed, and he called out the crimson Battle Armor, blocking him in front of Tang Qingshan.

With so many blade intents appearing now, it is clear that it has just begun, and no one knows what will happen next.

“What happened?”

“Why are there so many blade intents?”

“Are there any Blade Dao inheritances born?”

The Cultivators on the other peaks, as well as the Cultivators who were coming, had a hint of doubt in their eyes.

There are also many people who are refreshed, the eyes reveals excitement.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

It was at this time that these 1000-strong strong blades broke out at an extremely alarming speed, cutting to all directions.

Some beheaded to the void, some to the top of the mountain, and more to the Cultivator.

“Do not–“

That Cultivator, Hitomi Ren shrank into a needle shape, and even before the word “good” was called out, their body was swallowed up by the blade intent.

“The Steps Treads all Under the Heavens!”

Qin Nan hair stands on end, their two people had even worse luck and encountered 3 blade intents. However, he had long been ready to turn into a light glow, and passed away.


This is the case. His back was also hit by a blade intent. If he was struck by a sky hammer, flesh broke and spit a blood.

“Qin Nan, are you okay?” Tang Qingshan complexion changed.

“It’s okay, it’s just a small injury.” Qin Nan turned Tabo-Defying Physique to restore the injury, and at the same time his gaze looked up towards the front.

At a glance, Dun sucked in a cold breath.

Obviously no screams were heard, but the entire void of Nuoda was stained with blood.

Countless blood, drop by brush, hit the ground.

A huge killing word emerged, giving people an inexplicable fear.

“This … this …” Some surviving Cultivators turned pale and trembled slightly: “This is not an inheritance land at all, but an absolute killing place Ah!”

The next moment, they rushed out of the magic seal and turned into one after another divine light, sinking into the distant sky.

Of course, there were also many Cultivators who calmed down and blinked, and did not choose to leave.

As the saying goes, good and bad depend on each other.

They felt that these 7 peaks were not purely a lore, and there should be an amazing inheritance inside.

“Senior Brother, I feel that this has just begun. Murderous intentions that appear later will be more terrifying. Let’s leave now.”

Qin Nan glanced back, his face solemn.

“Qin Nan, you leave first.”

Tang Qingshan determinedly said, “I didn’t tell you before, after I entered this Killing Immortal Ancient Land, there was a wonderful response to the treasure I got.”

“It was on this that I came to this third peak.”

Having said this, he took one piece of the Stone Seal from the Storage Ring, which is the size of a palm, full-blooded, and mottled, and contains an amazing murderous aura.

Four Ancient [Ancient] Characters emerge from the Stone Seal.

“Blessings are mutually dependent?”

Qin Nan read it again and immediately said, “Senior Brother, I will go with you.”

Now Tang Qingshan cultivation level is not good, even with this very Mysterious Murderous aura Stone Seal in hand, if there is a little danger in the back, it may fall.

Tang Qingshan froze and just wanted to say something. Looking at Qin Nan’s gaze, he was silent for a moment, and simple saying, “Then you won’t be more polite with you.”

A smile appeared on Qin Nan’s face, saying, “You’re welcome, let’s go now.”

The figures of two people flew together into the deep woods.

After the blade aura just broke out, these 7 Great Mountains are no longer immortal light circulation, it seems to be running amazing inheritance, but instead it becomes ghost qi, and blade intent flutters.

It’s as if heaven has turned into hell, and a world-wide demon may appear anytime, anywhere.

Originally there were 10000 people who wanted to climb in the distance, but now there are only a few 100 people.

Time passed, half an hour later.

All around began to darken gradually, and the depressive atmosphere invisible became more and more intense.

A wreckage gradually appeared in the empty woods.

These wreckages are without aura, and a light touch will turn them into powder, but when you see them with your own eyes, you will have an inexplicable palpitation.


Murderous aura Stone Seal, which has been calm, finally started to react, constantly trembling, blessing 2 words, shining blood light.

“It seems not far away!”

Qin Nan whispered, in order to prevent 10000, he raised his hand and hit a divine light, condensing a magic garment for Tang Qingshan.

“The color of the road has begun to turn white, and these ancient trees have begun to decrease in turn. We should have entered a certain formula …”

Tang Qingshan glanced at all around.

Although he does not have a War God golden pupil like Qin Nan, but he has a keen sense of all the oddities of all around.

“One piece of stone tablet stands there!”

Qin Nan said suddenly, two people speeded up immediately, but after a while, they saw the stone tablet.

The stone tablet is ten zhang high, and it’s dead and silent.

In the middle, there are countless lines, which come together to form a few powerful characters.

“Exactly … world … ferocious?”

Tang Qingshan carefully identified it, and his expression was abrupt.

In front of this stone tablet, there is a peerless place?

But why is this stone tablet intentionally erected here to remind them specifically?

“I went to see.”

Qin Nan flickered and came behind the stone tablet.

The sight in front of him suddenly began to change, until after his complete stabilization, his mind immediately refreshed.

Behind this stone tablet is a huge valley.

The entire inside of the valley is filled with endless killing intents, just like a Killing God country.

Not only that, even Qin Nan’s War God left pupil can only see a few bits and pieces, but his Spiritual Consciousness can perceive it.

Underneath this valley, there are at least a few hundred completely different, forbidden formidable power, and some ancient formations and unknown dangers.

In such a place, let alone them, even if the Powerhouse of the Earth Immortal Boundary walks into it and can survive, it is a question.

Call it a terrible place without exaggeration.


At this moment, the Murderous Aura Stone Seal in Tang Qingshan’s hand suddenly burst out of nineteen dazzling rays of light and shot into this fierce land.

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