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Chapter 1600: Attack

“Ten … Ten … Ten. 5 Red light?”

The faces of the five young people turned pale with time, their bodies shivered subconsciously, and their voices became stunned.

They come from another Small Immortal Territory, an Unparalleled Overlord level subordinate power, which is the Peak inner sect disciple of that power.

In their lifetime, they have also seen a lot of unparalleled talents and met some terrifying murderers, but they have never seen a Heavenly God who can emit ten to five feet of dark red light.

“Ten … ten five feet?”

Not only them, Young Peng King Wan Xiao, but also Zhao Lijian and Elder Lin, as well as the more than 70 Heavenly God peak Cultivators, the first three have changed their faces dramatically, the latter are pale.

Ten 5 dark red light!

What is this concept?

At least 8 unparalleled talents must be killed before they can be generated!

More importantly, their news of Qin Nan was very clear. It was only about a month after the end of the storm at the last birthday, Ah!

What did he do in such a short period of time, even killing so many unparalleled talents?

“Qin Nan, you …”

Tang Qingshan is totally unclear about the Heaven and Earth imprint, but he stepped into Killing Dao and knew what this level of Murderous Aura means.

Qin Nan only came to the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain for so little time, what did he experience?

“Excuse me! Senior, please excuse me! We are the inner sect disciple of His Majesty Water Moon Immortal King. We have been offended a while ago, and we are now—”

Five young people reacted in this great deterrence, and suddenly there was no anger to beg for mercy.


It’s just that their words haven’t finished yet. A cold blade aura, like a devil opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, swallowed them all.

5 Heavenly God peak, kill in one shot.


The heavenly God Cultivator who was ten thousand zhang away suddenly took a breath of cold air, the cold blade intent, and the splashing blood, which gave them great excitement.

They just thought, unparalleled talent, but that’s it!

However, they are now mistaken, and they are so wrong!

Among the unparalleled talents, there is also divided into high and low. To the immediate Qin Nan, is undoubtedly the most Peak’s unparalleled talent!

These Heavenly Gods are not even qualified to block each other’s moves!

“All of you in the sky, you are hiding very deep. Even I didn’t notice you just now, I almost have to be trapped in the formation.”

At this moment, Qin Nan looked up, blood hair fluttered, and the differentent began.

Although he didn’t use any immortal technique, there were a lot of Heavenly God Powerhouse. He only felt that the horrible demons were staring at him and his scalp was tingling for a while.


Dozens of Heavenly God Cultivator who just stepped into the martial arts Two Extreme can’t bear it at the moment, without hesitation, running the strongest puppetry technique, sinking into the distance.

“Not good !”

Young Peng King Wan Xiao, Zhao Lijian, and Elder Lin’s faces changed again.

The Murderous Aura circulated by Qin Nan has indeed given them a great impact, but as long as they are still working on the formation, they still have a great chance of winning.

But now it’s different.

“Destruction War Blade!”

Qin Nan shot, brandish a blade was cut, the majestic blade aura, like a fierce dragon, from the woods from the sky, stood directly at the weak point of the formation.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One after another invisible formation mark, one after another emerged and shattered.

Young Peng King Wan Xiao, as well as Zhao Lijian, Elder Lin and the others, were also exposed to between Heaven and Earth.

“Young Peng King, it’s you again!”

In the eyes of Qin Nan, the golden flame rekindled, the Battle Armor emerged, stepped out, and killed directly in front of them, instantly cutting out 10000 amazing blade aura.

“How did his cultivation level become so powerful?”

Young Peng King Wan Xiao and Zhao Lijian wanted to fight with them, but when this blade aura assaults the senses, they suddenly felt cold.


The three immediately made a decision and used their means to jump into the distance.

At the same time, the mood of their three people is exactly the same, they are full of remorse.

If they know that Qin Nan cultivation level has become so powerful, they should not provoke it for the time being, it is a waste of energy and they put themselves at risk.

Some other Heavenly Gods, see this scene, where there is still courage to fight, and instantly exploded.

“To arrange such a killing game against me, how can you easily leave? Heavens Desolation Blade, White Slash Flying Spirit, Myriad Spatial Absolute Kill!”

Qin Nan was so imposing that he hit 3 immortal techniques at the same time.

In a hurry, one after another blade intent, one after another on Young Peng King and the others, the countless Heavens Desolation Blade meant to be pushed forward, a famous spirit, constantly emerging.


One after another screamed in the air.

A bit of Heavenly God Powerhouse, fell directly, blood spilled on the spot.

Young Peng King Wan Xiao, Zhao Lijian, and the others were also hit hard.

“What happened? Why are so many Powerhouses fleeing?”

One of the other peaks, Cultivator, and the Cultivators who are constantly flying in the distance, seeing this scene is a physical and mental shock.

They subconsciously thought that someone had triggered some heavens-frightening murderous intention.

“Come on you running fast!”

Qin Nan watched this scene, his aura calmed down and fell back to the ground, facing Tang Qingshan said with a smile: “Senior Brother, long time no see.”

His smile, from his heart, was very warm, and he had a different as heaven and earth from the stance of the great demon just now.


Tang Qingshan snorted for a while, then a smile appeared on his face: “Your boy can, come to the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain not long, it’s so amazing.”

Qin Nan gave a low cough and switched off the topic: “Senior Brother, what happened just now?”

Tang Qingshan’s eyes narrowed, and he sighed, saying, “It’s a bit complicated to speak of which …”

Qin Nan listened quietly, without interrupting, until the end, completely clear.

Tang Qingshan was different from him. After arriving at 9 Heavenly Immortal, he went to the Small Immortal Territory.

Later, in a restricted area, he received an astonishing secret. Unexpectedly, he was met by these young people.

In the process of escape, the black blade was unfortunately lost to protect him.

In order to find the black blade, he also came to Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, and entered Killing Immortal Land by perception, but unexpectedly encountered the group of people again.

“So that’s how it is.” Qin Nan nodded, suddenly thinking of something, said: “Senior Brother, these 7 peaks are likely to be a conspiracy, we must hurry away.”

He almost forgot about this because of Tang Qingshan’s incident.

“Conspiracy?” Tang Qingshan frowned, and said, “Before me–“

Before they had time to speak, the two people felt keenly that the peaks under their feet began to shake violently.

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