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Chapter 1617: Ascending Immortal Tide

Time passed and a month passed quickly.

During this month, several major events occurred across the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain.

The Immortal Ancient Nine Songs Parting River, which was previously opened in the Small Immortal Territory, has been completely opened, attracting countless Cultivators.

In Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, there are also a lot of Heavenly God.

Then in Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, Dragon Immortal Training Field, which was crowned Immortal Ancient, and Red Moon Water City reacted one after another.

In Thirty Three Heavens Small Immortal Territory, Highest Peaceful Heaven Small Immortal Territory, the Red Dust World titled Immortal Ancient also responded.

In short, counting the Sovereign Demon Mountain that reacted before, there are a total of 5 Immortal Ancients, which will appear at the same time this year.

“One Immortal Ancient has been opened, 4 Immortal Ancient are about to open, a new round of ascending immortal opportunities has arrived Ah!”

“Let me order, all Heavenly God Cultivator, retreat! Miss this time opportunity, at least 20 years!”

“Last time ascending immortal failed, this time I must succeed!”

“Nine Songs Parting River of Xuan Ping Tian Small Immortal Territory has gathered a lot of Cultivator, so I’ll go to Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory and wait!”

“Sovereign Demon Mountain, this place is for me!”

It is for this reason that in the entire 9 Heavenly Immortal domain, among the each and everyone Small Immortal Territory, the 3 Great Supreme Dao Lineages, 100 Unparalleled Overlord forces, and countless martial arts Aristocratic Family have begun to give orders.

Many of the loose cultivators of Heavenly God Realm also went deep into each and everyone restricted area to make the final preparations before the war.

Apart from this, as 3 Immortal Ancients are about to appear in Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, the Cultivators and forces in other Small Immortal Territory have also begun to move to Upward Heaven.

“The tide of ascending immortal at this time, only five Immortal Ancients appeared, and it was impossible for me to ascending immortal. It seems that I can only wait.

At the same time there are some extremely extraordinary beings, shook the head.

Like Qin Nan, they only have a few Immortal Ancient words, they can’t ascending immortal to succeed, they need a bigger scene.

At this moment, Upward Heaven Small Immortal Territory, a land of Mysterious.

Empress Fei Yue struck a white skirt, black silk with dangling shoulders, and snow-like eyes, flashing an amazing immortal light, staring into the distance.

“The three Immortal Kings also brought Qin Nan into that place.”

She thought silently, and immediately put out five fingers like jade-like, point in the void, and drew a line of Dao Mark.

“It’s time to wake up the other Immortal Ancient for him.”

Under her, a thousand thousand magic marks spread in an instant, interweaving into an ancient form.

In the middle of this formation, countless dao lights, constantly shining, an ancient book made of some kind of animal skin, slowly emerged.

Meanwhile, Supreme Cave Mansion, Beyong the Law Miserable Land.

The fierce collision sound exploded like a row of Heavenly Thunder.

Throughout the entire month, Qin Nan continued to fight with the skeletons, defeating a total of 4 Four Extreme skeletons and 100 other skeletons.

He now exudes an amazing murderous aura all over his body. The 30-foot dark red can already be seen with naked eyes.

Apart from this, his within the body’s divide power also reached Heavenly God 7-layer.


A bunch of divide light combining thirteen kinds of immortal intent, hit Qin Nan at an astonishing speed, Qin Nan had already felt it, and his figure was a little bit biased.

Unexpectedly, this diverge light also followed, and hit him firmly on the chest, punching a fist-sized blood hole, making him groaned.

“Taboo-Defying Physique!”

Qin Nan was moved, repairing the flesh body, and at the same time stepped back 100 steps, with golden flame eyes fixed on the front.

In front of him, there were ten or three skeletons.

One of the skeletons is the master of a Dao Crystal, the other two skeletons have reached Four Extreme, and the other ten divine powers are all Heavenly God peak levels.

This is the strongest lineup he has encountered in a month. He has killed a whole 3 days and 3 nights, and has not yet scored.

“Destroy this Dao Crystal skeleton first!”

Qin Nan’s momentum skyrocketed, Breaking Heavens Blade broke out, and beheaded one of the Four Extreme skeletons.


Ten Heavenly God peak skulls immediately rushed up, hit an immortal technique, and forced Breaking Heavens Blade forcibly back.

“Myriad Spatial Absolute Kill!”

Qin Nan shoots a finger.

2 invisible majestic blade intents instantly enveloped 2 Four Extreme skeletons.

Dao Crystal’s skull went unheeded, and with a wave of his palm, ten Heavenly God peak skulls were immediately moved towards his body.

“The Steps Treads all Under the Heavens, Destruction War Fist!”

Qin Nan screamed, transformed many silhouettes, and punched simultaneously.

After so long assassination, his current fighting intent has already climbed to the extreme, strength and so on are also extreme.

Even the ten Heavenly God skulls will be suppressed when confronted with him.

“Congealing Shadow Imaginary Immortal Technique!”

Qin Nan suddenly turned into a residual image, which appeared in front of Dao Crystal’s skull. His palm also turned into a magic seal and was patted on his forehead.

The illusory spirit stood up, motionless.

Breaking Heavens Blade, which was chopped on a Four Extreme skeleton, immediately got the invisible summon, and moved towards it quickly chopped.

White Slash Flying Spirit blade technique!

The Dao Crystal skeleton seemed to perceive that he had done what he wanted, and quickly stepped backwards, flashing dao light on his body, trying to eliminate the spirit.

The other two Four Extreme skeletons rushed forward and pinched Qin Nan.


Qin Nan loudly shouts, the figure disappeared in place, and came over the Dao Crystal skull.

The spirit behind it began to pick up Breaking Heavens Blade and beheaded.

Qin Nan also cut with a left hand.


Rao is the Dao Crystal skeleton, which is extremely extraordinary, but under these two big killing moves, he couldn’t resist at all, and he slammed into a shatter.

Heaven and Earth mark, come again, and enter Qin Nan within the body.

One after another, the immensely vast red light, also submerged into the divide power of his within the body at an amazing speed.


At this moment, two cold killing intents were approaching Qin Nan’s back.

“Breakthrough Heavenly God 8-layer first!”

Qin Nan without the slightest hesitation, will no longer suppress divine power.

The momentum of his whole person suddenly skyrocketed again, and the divine light blooming became extremely eye-catching.

This is his plan. Although Dao Crystal Skull is not the strongest, but the benefits should be the biggest. He can break through after killing.

In this way, he can kill the ten Heavenly God peak and two Four Extreme.

After all, these skeletons were a side powerhouse during their lifetime, and the fighting instinct is still there. If Qin Nan divine power is too far away from them, they won’t win at all.

“Suppress me for 3 days, now it’s my turn!”

Qin Nan blood hair is flying, Scarlet-Gold Battle Armor on his body, I wonder if it is because of the mark of Heaven and Earth, is also blooming blood light, like a world-famous Killing God.

He didn’t have any extra actions, but just punched out, and then backed up the Four Four Skeletons.

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