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Chapter 1616 Four Extreme Skeleton

“Destruction’s Fist!”

Qin Nan reacted in an instant, punched out, and black light gushed.

This skeleton reacted extremely quickly, a little toes, and the magic mark swung open, and the figure appeared on the other side, avoiding this fist.

“Very powerful skeleton! In the past 10000 years, divide power is only as good as Heavenly God 2-layer, and it can easily avoid me this fist, then it is very likely that you have mastered the martial arts Four Extreme before this life!”

Qin Nan vision flashes.

“Chaotic World Blade Shadow!”

Skeletons made another move, the large blade came out, and evolved into several thousand thousand blade aura, permeating above Heaven and Earth, there is a kind of spring and autumn years, and the world will be in chaos.

Obviously, this skeleton was an extremely powerful Blade Cultivator before his death. His understanding and mastery of blade intent reached an incredible level.

“The Steps Treads all Under the Heavens!”

Qin Nan had a chill in his heart, no hard touch, and turned into countless rays of light to avoid it.


After counting ten breaths, the golden light in Qin Nan’s eyes fluttered, reducing the invisible pupil strength and locking the skeleton’s body shape.

His body also suddenly appeared behind the skull, cutting out a knife.

The meaning of Heavens Desolation, surging down.


The skull was hissing in the sky, and the few thousand thousand blade intents actually had spirituality, quickly covering it, and evolved into a armor of a troubled blade intent.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a sound of explosion, the skeleton’s body receded, but not at all suffered any trauma and was blocked by the blade intent armor.

Qin Nan immediately seized the opportunity, and his right arm evolved into Breaking Heavens Blade. Divine power climbed to the extreme, ready to cut the strongest blade.


At the crucial moment, Qin Nan’s pupils shrank, and a snow-white skeleton hand passed through the layers of blade intent and moved towards him.

“Destruction War Fist!”

Qin Nan made a quick decision and made another punch.


The majestic energy is rolling wildly on the training field.

Qin Nan only felt that his chest was stuffy, and was shocked by a strong backlash.

On the other hand, the skeleton, but the body trembled, and nothing happened.

“After putting on the sword armor, the influence of strength and skill on it has been weakened to a very small extent, so that’s why–“

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed, and he covered himself, bathed in dao light, and Dao Crystal urged.

“War God 4th Style, Myriad Spatial Absolute Kill!”

Breaking Heavens Blade in his hand, slashing at nothing.

The skeleton noticed the alarming danger, and its body suddenly regressed, but still did not avoid it. Numerous blade intents exploded on it, chopping off the scabbard with numerous rifts.


The skeleton seemed to be angry, and gave out an astonishing roar, and the blinking divine light became more eye-catching, with a hint of immortal intent.

10000 years ago, it was the Earth Immortal Powerhouse.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Amazing confrontation, unfolding on the training field.

In the face of this powerful Mysterious skeleton, Qin Nan’s battle strength has also reached 70%, within the body War Blood, all surging.

However, Qin Nan did not fully sink into the battle, and part of his mind remained in the entire training field.

The strange stone flew away, and a skeleton appeared, so is it possible that the strange stone is equivalent to a seal, and everything here is sealed?

If his guess is correct, it is very likely that there will be skull awakens next.

“The opportunity is coming!”

After fighting for 1000 times, Qin Nan fighting intent soared, like a Divine Dragon, and flung over the skull, with a powerful flesh body, forcibly carried the 1-layer heavy blade intent blow.

Breaking Heavens Blade in his hand, immediately released, chopped into the skull’s head.

“Kill it…”

The skull knelt down on the ground, the large blade dropped, and a low roar was emitted. At last, the sound gradually decreased, and its body began to shatter.

At this moment, the upper part suddenly trembled violently, a scarlet rays of light, submerged into Qin Nan’s within the body with a thunderbolt.

Suddenly, the intangible killing intent emanating from Qin Nan was strengthened again.

If you look closely, you can see that there is a faint red glow around 30 feet around him.

This is the imprint of Heaven and Earth. Heaven and Earth will come down only after killing unparalleled talent.

“It really is an unparalleled talent, but it has fallen, and now I’m killing it, how can I still have the Heaven and Earth mark?”

Qin Nan was puzzled.

At this point, the mutation is not over yet.

From below this broken training field, one after another scarlet rays of light, like a serpent, fell into his body.

His flesh body has been invisiblely enhanced, and the dive power within the body has begun to grow at a rate that is visible to naked eyes.


Qin Nan was shocked.

How can you still get benefits after cutting off a skeleton?

Moreover, this scarlet-red rays of light is extraordinary, and in a few short breaths, his dividend power has been greatly improved.

If he cuts another Four Extreme skeleton, he can directly break through and reach the level of Heavenly God 6-layer.


Suddenly, there are 5 wreckages standing up, erupting like a rainbow Murderous Aura, grabbing different weapons, and hitting an immortal technique to Qin Nan.

“5 Four Extreme Skeletons? No, their Divine Light is more powerful than the previous Skeleton, but the momentum and will, etc., have not reached the point of Four Extreme …”

Qin Nan’s thoughts flashed and he shot strongly, destroying a skeleton with one stroke.

The mark of Heaven and Earth did not reappear, but the scarlet-red rays of light reappeared, just a lot less than the slaying of the Four Extreme skeleton.

“This so-called Beyong the Law Miserable Land is a great place to go.”

Seeing this, Qin Nan was slightly pleased.

After these 2 battles, it can be roughly confirmed that all the skeletons and divine power here are only the level of Heavenly God Realm.

Even if there are a few skeletons that are more powerful, that’s only the level of Human Immortal.

With his current cultivation level, plus various means, it is enough to cope.

If there are several Four Extreme skeletons appearing again, that’s the best, not only can it be a fun battle, but it can also greatly improve his cultivation level.


Just when he thought of it, there were 2 more roar sounds and 2 amazing attacks coming from behind him, making his hair simultaneously upside down.

Two Four Extreme skeletons appeared!

“It’s good.”

Qin Nan loudly shouts, one punch knocked back the 4 skeletons in front of him, and the whole person flew into the air like a Great Peng spreading his wings, without cutting his head, he saw blade aura like a rainstorm.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

An amazing battle has begun again.

However, what Qin Nan didn’t know was that, outside the infinite tens of thousands of li of this training field, in the endless darkness, there was suddenly an immortal light shining violently.

A pair of illusive eyes slowly emerged in the dark, and the powerful pupils penetrated the front and landed on the training field.

I took everything that happened in the training field quietly into my eyes.

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