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Chapter 1530 Emperor’s List Withdraw

Hong long!

The majestic Blade aura, shattered countless blue light, countless martial arts rules, hit the Southern Heaven Gate, making the entire huge portal a little flash.

“Qin Nan, you could it be that when we didn’t exist?”

I only saw that Lu’s Heavenly God was wearing the ancient Battle Armor, exuding immortal intent, and in his eyes, Ancient Palaces were floating up and down, and he was aura, reaching the level of Human God 7-layer.

This is the limit that Cang Lan Continent can bear.

The God List and Emperor’s List on the other side are completely different from the past.

They have completely evolved their true features, including red hair and white hair, wrinkles on their faces, and they are wearing a golden robe with the name of each and everyone, constantly flashing.

These names are after they tampered with the rules of martial arts. They are also emperor’s Fate divinity, the emperor and the Martial Fate Pavilion.

“Destructionize Heaven and Earth!”

Qin Nan fighting intent Chongxiao, punched out, countless black lights, swept this piece of Heaven and Earth, as if to evolve into a destruction world.

The various killing techniques performed by Four Great Tycoons immediately collapsed into nothingness.

“Sorry for the hammer!” “The sword of silence!”

God List moves, the sleeves are thrown, there are hundreds of prestigious killing techniques, all blooming.

Not only can it draw some power from other Great Emperor and Martial God through Emperor’s Fate and diversity, it can also master those giants’ most powerful self-created killing techniques.

“Heavens Desolation!”

Qin Nan did not retreat in the slightest footsteps, cut out with one stroke, countless Heavens Desolation’s Aura, actually evolved a too ancient giant creature, and swallowed up a door.

single man subduing ten, breaking Myriad Laws across the board!


Immediately between this electro-optic flint, one after another immortal light shackles was suddenly born, struggling with Qin Nan layer by layer with a thunderbolt, making Qin Nan unable to move.

Lu’s Heavenly God has been gaining momentum, and when the time comes, he makes 5 ghost immortals.

“10000 Extreme Chaoyan Flame!”

Countless Dao Marks appeared on the Southern Heaven Gate, and they gathered into a lotus-like red golden flame, and moved towards Qin Nan, wherever it passed, even the chaos was melted.

“Source Strength!”

Suddenly, a grey-white rays of light hurled away and hit the fire.


The entire Dao Fire flame instantly transformed into a shadow of Phoenix up to ten thousand zhang, burning all directions, and giant claw moved towards Qin Nan fiercely.

From the Southern Heaven Gate perspective, although Qin Nan is the first god of ancient 10000 and mastered Four Extreme Boundary, as long as he exists in Cang Lan and faces Cang Lan’s Source Strength, he will be suppressed.

This move, even if he can’t be killed, he has to be seriously injured!

“The light of Grand Dao, shining on the 8 parties, the rules of the world-“

Qin Nan spit words like a thunder, in his within the body, an eye-catching azure-gold light burst out, crossed the void, fell on the shadow of Phoenix, made the latter, his body stopped abruptly, and screamed.

After Fengshen, he can already urge Dao Mark inside the body into style!

Although Dao Mark’s specific role is still unknown, he is very clear, as long as his cultivation level is sufficient, he can suppress these Source Strength, Heaven and Earth Rule, and so on.

“what happened?”

Four Great Tycoons are dumbfounded at the same time.

Especially Lu’s Heavenly God, he failed to truly ascending immortal. Although he knew that Dao Boundary existed on Four Extreme, he had never seen it with his own eyes.

If he knew that Qin Nan had mastered Dao Boundary, his whole plan would be completely changed.

“Emperor’s List!”

Lu’s Heavenly God reacted quickly, the magic seal burst out, and at the same time shouted.

“Primal beginning fairy law!”

Emperor’s List was shot. Countless Heaven and Earth Rule came together and turned into a Yuan rays of light. Before Qin Nan’s shot, the rays of light suddenly changed and hit the shackles.

“Emperor’s List, you—”

Lu’s Heavenly God, Southern Heaven Gate, and God List Hitomi simultaneously shrank.

“Hahaha, Qin Nan little friend, I didn’t lie to you at the beginning! Although I can’t help you deal with them, I will never shoot at you!”

Emperor’s List laughed heartily, his body collapsed, and left this piece of Heaven and Earth directly.

The Imperial Envoy disappeared.

Apart from this, the Heaven and Earth Rule between Heaven and Earth, and some of the Source Strength in the top ten Divine Mountain Small Worlds, all turned into nothingness.

Its departure had a huge impact on the entire Southern Heaven Divine Land.


The face of Three Great Giants became ugly. They suspected Emperor’s List at first, but they did not expect that Emperor’s List really colluded with Qin Nan.

“Emperor’s List left?”

Martial Fate Pavilion and other giants are a joy in their hearts.

With the battle strength shown by Qin Nan now, if there is no Emperor’s List, then there is a great possibility to suppress Three Great Giants.

“The Steps Treads all Under the Heavens, Cross the Heavens Strikes!”

Qin Nan shot again, using the movement technique and speed to the extreme. From a distance, he seemed to be fighting against Three Great Giants in Yihua 3.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Heaven and Earth sink, even rays of light are swallowed up.

Although the martial Fate Pavilion and other giants, and the numerous battles between Southern Heaven Divine Land and Powerhouse, have reached an unprecedented level, in contrast, Qin Nan’s match against Three Great Giants is even more eye-catching.

“Qin Nan by the strength of oneself, suppressed Three Great Giants!”

Many Powerhouses in Southern Heaven Divine Land, what they found, gave birth to one after another fear, and thought of running away.

Qin Nan’s invincible posture has deprived them of confidence.

“Leave me to Lu’s Heavenly God and God List. You have to break the Southern Heaven Gate first.”

At this time, a frosty voice sounded, endless snow and ice, sloping down from the depth of the sky, and rushed to Lu’s Heavenly God and God List.

Here comes Empress Fei Yue. When she hits, it is the immortal technique. Every piece of ice and snow is equipped with a dao intent, which can freeze Source Strength and Heaven and Earth Rule.

“Empress Fei Yue!”

Lu’s Heavenly God and Southern Heaven Gate, sinking in their hearts.

But that’s it, they can’t escape, they can’t leave like Emperor’s List anymore, they can only fight against it.

“Qin Nan! Are you really going to fight with me to die for you? Emperor’s List glare like a tiger watching his prey in the dark, which is not good for you! Rather than stop the war now, I will open the Cang Lan magic seal first, and let a group of you soar- “

Southern Heaven Gate made a low roar, and Qin Nan’s power was beyond its expectations, posing an unprecedented threat to it.

So, it actively lowered its head.

In its opinion, Qin Nan and the others were determined to go to war with it, except that it suppressed the Cang Lan magic seal and prevented them from flying.


Before he could finish his words, Qin Nan gave a loud drink, one after another faintly discernable blood light bloomed on his body, and his eyes became blood red.

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