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Chapter 1529: Only Kill Without Falling


Everyone’s face was stunned.

Giants including Martial Fate Pavilion are no exception.

However, they didn’t know that Breaking Heavens Blade was forged by War God’s right arm. If Qin Nan can use all its formidable power, let alone shatter these formations and magic treasures.

Even if it shattered the entire Cang Lan Continent, it wouldn’t matter.


Qin Nan’s body flickered, directly over the invisible blockade, and descended into the first Divine Mountain Small World. His eyes looked towards Heavenly Capital Martial God, 7 Martial Gods, and other giants.

“Qin Nan, although you became the first god of 10000 ancient times, but now we have Heaven and Earth Rule blessing, you will never kill us if you want to kill us–“

Giants such as Heavenly Capital Martial God, 7 Big Martial Gods, and so on. Their faces have changed drastically. Like the enemy, they did not hesitate to use the self divine power to the extreme and hit the strongest killing move.


Qin Nan didn’t say a word, but just punched out. The horrible power instantly destroyed the killing moves and hit the great big shots.


Heavenly Capital Martial God bears the brunt of it, with a scream, it turns into a blood mist.

dignified Southern Heaven Divine Land Headmaster, a Supreme giant, was killed by a punch!

Apart from this, the 7 Great Martial Gods are also full of blood and have suffered great trauma. As for the other giants, although the injuries are minor, the divide power within the body is also scattered by the impact.

You know, Qin Nan this time became the first god of 10000 ancient times, and the last time he became the first emperor of 10000 ancient times, it is completely different.

He within the body gave birth to Dao Mark and Dao Fire, and the martial arts boundary has completely surpassed Four Extreme.

There is also regret for the blessing of Martial God, and now his true strength is comparable to Human God 6-layer, which can compete with Human God 8-layer Powerhouse!

Spike a peak Martial God is as easy as blowing off dust.


The 7 big Martial Gods and other giants were immediately stunned and did not dare to compete with Qin Nan and turned away.

“In front of me, want to escape too?”

Qin Nan took a step and blocked all directions, making their bodies unable to move, a fist intent, like heaven punishment, again.


The 7 Big Martial God screamed and fell completely.

The other giants are also heavily wounded and have no battle strength.

“This … is the 10000 Ancient First God?”

At this moment, all the giants, all Cultivators, and suck in a cold breath of air at the same time, can’t believe their eyes at all.

With just one breath, 8 peak Martial God has fallen!

If you look at it this way, Qin Nan wants to destroy the entire Southern Heaven Divine Land, as long as the Southern Heaven Gate does not shoot, how couldn’t it be just a few ten breaths?

“Follow Union Master and destroy Nantian!”

Martial Fate Pavilion and other giants have long seen Qin Nan’s terrifying, and quickly reacted, screaming, awakening everyone, dispersed, and killed the other 9 Divine Mountain Small Worlds.

An unprecedented war in the history of Cang Lan Continent broke out immediately.

Countless explosions rang through the hundreds of thousands of li.

“Qin Nan …… no no no, Qin Nan Union Master, and all of you … we at the Monster God Restricted Area, are now all willing to join your Heaven Defying Union to fight Nantian together …”

Monster God Restricted Area’s Lord, was completely frightened by the two scenes just now, and now heeds his vows, is in heavy damage, and wants to join the Heaven Defying Union.

“Union Master?”

The vision of Martial Fate Pavilion and the others is looked towards Qin Nan.

“It’s late.” Qin Nan expressionless, coldly’s voice rang throughout Heaven and Earth, “Everyone listens, under Martial Ancestor, surrender without killing, above Martial Ancestor, only kill without surrendering!”

He is not a Saint, but he is very vengeful. All those people did to them at that time, he all remembered in the heart.

Only their blood can make it all but grievances!

“Monster God, die.”

Qin Nan’s body flickered across the void and landed in front of Monster God Restricted Area’s Lord. The meanings of endless Destruction’s Intent and War God were intertwined and turned into a world blow.


On the latter’s face, there was no longer any arrogance and hegemony. There was only endless fear. He had not waited for its resistance. The huge demon body was directly engulfed and blood shed Changkong.

“Under Martial Ancestor, surrender without killing, above Martial Ancestor, only kill without surrendering!”

The giants such as Martial Fate Pavilion, etc., have amazing momentum, shaking the remaining 9 Divine Mountain Small Worlds.

They have passed the suction of Source Energy, and they are at a cultivation level, which is not what they used to be!

“It’s your turn.”

Qin Nan’s eyes looked towards the major God Envoy, Imperial Envoy, and the headmaster-level giants.

“Qin Nan, be impudent!”

At this crucial moment, at the end of the front of Southern Heaven Divine Land, a thunderous sound like too ancient God was blasting in between Heaven and Earth.

Four terrifying auras appear at the same time, shaking Grand Dao.

Countless martial arts rules are even more simultaneously broken into one after another shard, moving towards Qin Nan.

After seeing Qin Nan’s horrific battle strength, Lu’s Heavenly God, Southern Heaven Gate, and God List can no longer sit still.

“You guys appear early, wouldn’t it be great? You have to take their lives to test my cultivation level!”

In Qin Nan’s eyes, Supreme’s fighting intent suddenly surged.

I saw his body flash, and pulled Breaking Heavens Blade from the the sky, facing the front, slamming it, shattering numerous martial arts rules, and shattering a chaotic Grand Dao.

“Union Master, we—”

“Qin Nan-“

Martial Fate Pavilion and other giants, as well as Continuous Desolate’s Spirit, Nine Characters Martial God and so on, also looked towards Qin Nan.

They are all very clear in their hearts. As long as Four Great Tycoons is beheaded, this heaven-defying battle will end.

They now want to play with Qin Nan.

“I am alone!”

On Qin Nan, Scarlet-Gold Battle Armor emerged, opening up the vast fighting intent, and he seemed to be a true War God, walking away in chaos.

Everyone’s mind couldn’t help but start again.

Qin Nan actually wants to be alone to compete with Four Great Tycoons?

“A good Qin Nan, do you think that you became the first god of 10000 ancients, is it truly invincible in the whole world?”

Lu’s Heavenly God, Southern Heaven Gate, and God List are all very angry, this time they are dispatched, but the deity, not will.

At the same time, they realized that this is a great opportunity!

Empress Fei Yue hasn’t appeared yet. Now Qin Nan is coming to the door. As long as Qin Nan is suppressed in one breath, the killing will be completely resolved.

“Cross the Heavens Strikes!”

Among the flashes of light and light, Qin Nan took the lead, and his body straddled the chaotic Grand Dao. He landed in front of the mighty, ancient and huge portal and cut it out with a single stroke.

At the deepest part of this portal, a horrible existence, a right eye lit a green fire, as if across everything, watching Qin Nan.

this day……

finally come!

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