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Chapter 1300 88 No One Can

“Emperor’s List killing move is here?”

The terrifying existences of Cang Lan Continent changed their expressions.

For this scene, they were not surprised. When Qin Nan called out the Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation, the Emperor’s List, God List, and Southern Heaven Gate were also brewing Supreme in addition to the Heaven and Earth assassination order. killing move.

It’s just that they are too far away from Source Dao Heavenly Mountain, and it takes a lot of energy and time to release them.

However, when is it not good enough to be so important?

“Emperor’s List, you have suppressed all Cultivators in Cang Lan Continent for 10000 years, could it be that you want to keep it down? Do you really think that none of us will resist?”

At this moment, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord suddenly rushed into the storm, striding into the void, and struck out one after another extremely terrifying power, blocking that Supreme killing move forcibly.

He has never shot, and is preparing to resist the Supreme killing move of Emperor’s List, God List, and Southern Heaven Gate.

“Source Dao, don’t keep hiding, you have to stand on the side of Qin Nan. If so, then this time will erase you from this piece of Heaven and Earth!”

Emperor’s List’s incomparably cold voice, in this between Heaven and Earth, immediately blasted away, one after another, the Supreme killing move, or the handful of peerless Divine Sword, from the depths of the endless sky.

“Erase me? I’ll see, how can you erase me!”

Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord is not afraid, with a big wave of his hands, the entire Heavenless Dao Platform suddenly erupted into a towering azure glow, which evolved into a statue of azure color lotus that seemed to be from Taikoo. With his figure, he changed that one Remembering the Supreme killing move, it shattered.

In the 1000 years he disappeared, he was not idle, but went deep into Ancient Evil’s Abyss, cultivation that truth of practice.

Although it is not a big accomplishment today, it also has extraordinary formidable power.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, one after another terrifying matchless explosion simultaneously sounded, and the whole vast Heaven and Earth outside Source Dao Heavenly Mountain fell into a turmoil, countless rules of martial arts and void, land, mountain range, river, etc. And so on, they all collapsed and shattered into pieces.

Even though everyone in the Source Dao Heavenly Mountain space can’t see it with their own eyes, but just feeling this aura, it feels like falling into an ice cellar and fear breeds.

This level of confrontation is too horrible and has completely surpassed their perception.

“Source Dao actually shot!”

The terrifying existences of Cang Lan Continent are in shock.

You know, Source Dao shot this time, which means that it is completely against the Emperor’s List, God List, and Southern Heaven Gate, irreconcilable.

Moreover, from the perspective of Source Dao’s response, I am afraid he has been prepared for a long time and bet everything on Qin Nan.

“The Emperor tribulation thunder dragon has only 3 heads left!”

A terrifying existence, suddenly found something, and startled.


I only saw that in the midst of the sky, Qin Nan didn’t know how many blows he had suffered, and his body was all blood dyed red, like a blood man.

Even so, the momentum of Qin Nan’s body has not decreased but increased, countless fighting intents, surging upwards, and even the void of several dozen li in the circle has become a azure color.


With two loud sounds, Qin Nan used his flesh body and forcibly to carry the dragon claw from two emperor tribulation thunder dragons. The Breaking Heavens Blade in his hand was also cut out suddenly. tribulation thunder Dragon’s head of the dragon, forcibly cut off, blood spilled on Changkong.

“Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation, shatter it for me!”

Qin Nan shouted, breaking through Nine Heavens, the destruction fighting intent below, and all the will of his itself. At this moment, like a storm, the Breaking Heavens Blade that poured into his hands turned into an extremely dazzling The bloody blade glow, moved towards the last emperor tribulation thunder dragon, chopped off.

“I want to prove the emperor!”

At this moment, Demon Hair Sword God, Martial Fate, Nine Characters Martial God, etc., terrifying existences around Cang Lan Continent, as well as numerous Great Emperor giants, genius Martial Emperor, Martial Ancestor loose cultivator, The soul seemed to be frozen, eyes staring at the scene.

Even the whole piece of Heaven and Earth has become 10000 silent, as if with all people, to witness the birth of this peerless Legendary.

“Hahaha, Emperor’s List, God List, Southern Heaven Gate, a new era is coming, your suppression, your schemes, and from now on, all will–“

Seeing this, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord immediately issued a heavens-frightening laughter.

This time, he bet.

“A new era is coming? Funny and ridiculous!” However, before waiting for Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord to finish, a chilly laugh suddenly sounded from the incomparable gigantic space of Sun and Moon outside Source Dao Heavenly Mountain: “Say what I mean , Abandon me, Supreme Heaven and Earth, listen to me! “

Hong long!

The entire sun and moon space was suddenly trembling, and the Heaven and Earth Rule above was broken into pieces of one piece of pieces.

“Qin Nan, die!”

Just listening to heavens-frightening, a devastating blue light burst from the sun and moon space, and merged with the countless regular fragments, in a blink of an eye it became a thousand zhang The terrible great spear instantly penetrated the layers of Source Dao Heavenly Mountain and the towering trees and ancient flowers of the giants of the Lost Medicine Garden giants, like the Heaven and Earth trial blasted to Qin Nan.

In order to kill Qin Nan, it will directly sacrifice 20% of its blocked will.

“what happened!”

Those terrifying existences, their faces changed dramatically, absolutely unexpectedly, this kind of shock has happened.

“Fell into a trap!”

Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord was instantly cold.

Emperor’s List’s Supreme murderous intention is just a bait, which specifically leads him out of Source Dao Heavenly Mountain.

“End … finished?”

The hearts of Princess Miaomiao, Tang Qingshan, Gong Yang, Sima Kong and the others are all fiercely trembling.

To this day, there is no backhand at all. This horrible murderous intention cannot be resisted by Qin Nan alone.

“Southern Heaven Gate, even you, don’t want to stop me from emperor proof!”

Under this horrible great spear, Qin Nan did not have the slightest fear, but broke out a terrible will, heaven-defying.

However, even if his will, no matter how terrible, no matter how amazing, his power is not enough after all, under this great spear, it still looks small, and even said that he was fearless, and the silhouette of the deadly blow, at this moment At this moment, people feel extremely tragic.

Just a little bit behind, a little bit behind, he can start a new era and become Supreme Legendary, but now he has to be like dust–


Suddenly, two terrifying beasts roared like thunder from Nine Heavens, blasting through the whole between Heaven and Earth.

I only saw a long thousand zhang, shining with boundless purple light, the imposing majestic War Dragon, and a snow-white, flashing white light, the extremely smart Nine Tails demon fox, emerging in this between Heaven and Earth.

All around their bodies, they have opened up countless emperor lights, Supreme Treasure, divide talisman and so on.

These 2 horror Monster Beasts are truly Dragon Emperor and Nine Tails Monster Emperor.

When the two of them saw Princess Miaomiao and the others’ shot, their minds were touched by fiercely. When the worm’s voice sounded in their minds, they were completely unhindered and a decision had been made in their hearts.

They have failed Qin Nan once. At this time, they must not fail. As long as Qin Nan is in danger, they will definitely help.

“Southern Heaven Gate, listen to me. No one at our Dragon Emperor Institution can move!”

Dragon Emperor made a roar in the sky, and, like Nine Tails Monster Emperor’s figure, was like two Taikoo Divine Mountain and smashed into that horrible great spear.

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