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Chapter 1387 Heaven-defying

“Lost Medicine Garden, you guys are so brave, you kill me!”

The southern majestic voice of Southern Heaven Gate blasted off between Heaven and Earth.

It did not expect that under the circumstances of its collaboration with Emperor’s List and God List, people like Lost Medicine Garden dare to help Qin Nan.


The Sovereignless Great Emperor, the White Lion Great Emperor, and other Great Emperor giants immediately urged those pieces of Martial God to hit one after another horrible killing move.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The entire Heaven and Earth trembled again, countless chaotic storms, rolled in all directions, and twisted the countless Heaven and Earth Rule into pieces.

Although Princess Miaomiao’s four-man lineup is far less than 4 Great Emperor giants, the great big shots of Lost Medicine Garden can absorb the world’s strength for use. For a moment, it also blocked a few hundred Great The pace of the Emperor giants allowed them to destroy the speed of the Emperor tribulation thunder dragon to an astonishing level.

“Didn’t expect, Princess Miaomiao and the others, was willing to pay such a great price for Qin Nan!”

“It’s all Providence, Providence Ah!”

Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord and so on, terrifying existences all over Cang Lan Continent, are all shocked, can’t help but simultaneously marvel.

Their eyes also fell on the Heavenless Dao Platform.

Today’s hope, of course, is very slim, but it is already dozens of times greater than before.

Whether the Legendary Emperor can succeed this time, it’s up to Qin Nan his oneself.

“Princess, Senior Brother, Brother Yang, Sima, you …”

Qin Nan looked at the four silhouettes in the sky as if they would be drowned anytime, anywhere.

He should have been angry, angry at why they made such a stupid move, but somehow, his mind was deeply touched, inexplicably warm.

On this continent, no matter whether he has made a big disaster or is all the enemy, there is always such a group of people who stand on his side without hesitation, at the expense of life.

“War God’s Spirit, Fight the Heavens fight the Earth, fight everything, win everything!”

Qin Nan took a deep breath, and suddenly issued a heavens-frightening shout, and the fighting intent on his body began to skyrocket.

This precious time was Princess Miaomiao. They bet on their lives to fight for him. In any case, he must not waste it.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

For a while, Qin Nan’s figure seemed to be transformed into an endless light, flashing on the Heavenless Dao Platform, a blade of horror, and the meaning of Destruction’s Intent and War God, one after another, All poured down, killing all the weaknesses of Su Qingning and the others.

“Destruction, prison!”

After counting the breaths, Qin Nan immediately seized an opportunity, and the magic seal was formed, which caused the entire Destruction War Chart to begin to swell violently. Countless black gas and azure light fell down and evolved into a horrible prison. All the figures of Sheng Tianjing were trapped.

“Qin Nan, you don’t want to go to Transcending Tribulation!” Pro Qing Light on Su Qingning blooms, a pair of beautiful eyes, sweeping towards Sheng Tianjing, shouted: “When do you still want to be quiet? Are you not the first Martial Emperor? Could it be that You can’t resist this little blow? “


Sheng Tianjing was buzzing in his head as he was suffering from Overhead Bang.

He is Sheng Tianjing. In the past, heaven-defying changes the fate, beyond the rules of martial arts, has three Martial Spirits, which is called the existence of number one genius.

Now it’s just his Martial Spirit, who is restrained by the other party, he is actually confused, and is about to collapse?

“Qin Nan, although you suppressed my 3 Martial Spirits, the battle strength is unparalleled in the world, but today, you must not break through our blockade and conduct emperor verification!”

“A shot in the sky!”

Sheng Tianjing suddenly woke up, the momentum as rainbow, the boundless rays of light, accumulated in his hands, until finally turned into a great spear that seemed to condense the entire Heaven and Earth, directly penetrated the destruction of the destruction, kill To Qin Nan.

On their side, they have the greatest advantage. If this also allows Qin Nan to successfully prove the emperor, it is the greatest shame for him.


Su Qingning, Zhuang Cidao, Wan Yonggu, and Heng Wuduan At this moment, the momentum soared and the rays of light shone. Even their will will have been incorporated into the Emperor Technique, and turned into their strongest killing move. Directly destroy the void where Qin Nan is.

“I ca n’t prove the emperor? This way, countless seniors, with great support, more friends, and help each other! Don’t say it is you, even if it is the Heavenly God Buddha, don’t want to block my body!”

At this moment, Qin Nan’s whole person seemed to be integrated with Breaking Heavens Blade, chopping off the horrible blade glow of one after another connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, chopping the Emperor Technique of that door into shreds.

Even though his body was shocked by the terrifying shock of one after another, his brow didn’t wrinkle in the slightest.


Qin Nan magic seal ends again.

Nuo Da’s Destruction Warfare is also transformed again. It turned into a giant dragon head, entangled frantically around the shape of the five people in Sheng Tianjing, making their shape unable to move at all.

This technique was realized by him in a Divine Technique in Dragon God’s dormitory.

“Not good !”

The face of Sheng Tianjing and the others suddenly changed, didn’t expect this huge cage, and so found mystery.

“Endless blade glow!

Qin Nan was covered with blood and his hair fluttered. The whole person seemed to be transformed into a world-wide Changhong. From this mid-air, he rushed into the depths of the sky, regardless of the power of the dragons, and remembered the world ’s blade glow. Cut it out.

“How many geniuses are trapped!”

“Qin Nan has begun Transcending Tribulation, it is Transcending Tribulation!”

“There are still 30% of the emperor’s tribulation thunder dragons. As long as they pass, they will definitely be emperors!”

In an instant, the giants such as Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord, and the ancient beings of Cang Lan Continent, their faces are suddenly moving.

There are even some ancient existences that can’t help but rush out from the monstrous seal and shake the 8 parties.

“Give me kill!”

Sovereignless Great Emperor, White Lion Great Emperor, and other Great Emperor giants, seeing this scene, their hearts are fiercely startled, roaring skyward.

“Block them!”

The great big shots of Lost Medicine Garden suddenly flashed green glow in their eyes, and a more terrifying Forbidden Technique was launched.

At this moment, everything in Heaven and Earth seemed to slow down.

Countless eyes gathered in the depths of the sky, watching the bloody silhouette, tearing the dragon’s head of the tribulation thunder dragon into pieces.

“Ten heads left!”

Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord and other giants, countless terrifying existences, an ancient Divine Heart, are all beating for the first time.

“Qin Nan, think of the emperor! Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation, break for me!”

Just at the time of this 10000 uniform round, beyond the count of hundreds of thousand thousand li, an emperor like a majestic sea of ​​gods came at a horrible speed, and wherever he went, Heaven and Earth 10000 said Broken simultaneously.

Emperor’s List killing move, finally arrived.

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