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Chapter 1200 96 Multiparty Talks

While thinking about Qin Nan, Qilin Flame Great Emperor and Vast Thunder Great Emperor walked ahead, as if they led a lot of giants. Under the gaze of countless lines of sight, they looked steadily forward, and they did not see the Heaven Defying Union. Everyone glanced and went straight to the training field.

“See Lord Sun and Moon Sword God, Lord Nine Regions Sword God.”

Qilin Flame Great Emperor and Vast Thunder Great Emperor, both converge on their pride, and together with other Great Emperor giants, respectfully respectfully and simultaneously arch.

Although in their eyes, the rest of the Heaven Defying Union and others are not worth mentioning, they still have great respect for the dignified 3 big Sword God.

“Reporting to 2 Lord Sword God, our Blood Runes Great Emperor of Blood Clan has been in a life and death retreat for the period of time. It is really impossible to leave the clan to come to Heaven Defying Union, please also Haihan.

A hair grey-white, Blood Clan’s Great Emperor peak giant, took a step forward and said.

The Blood Runes Great Emperor in his mouth, which is the young head of the clan of Blood Clan today, ranks seventeenth on the Talent Martial Emperor’s List, which is more rude than Qilin Flame Great Emperor and Vast Thunder Great Emperor.

“It’s okay, now that everyone is here, everyone, and the Great Emperor of Heaven Defying Union, come with me to enter Heaven Defying Palace to discuss matters.”

Nine Regions Sword God waved and moved towards Heaven Defying Palace.

Qilin Flame Great Emperor, Vast Thunder Great Emperor, and the others immediately followed, and Ghost Military Great Emperor and Willow River Great Emperor and the others also reacted, following closely from behind.

“Qin Nan, come here too.”

Sun and Moon Sword God, who has not spoken yet, suddenly sound transmission said.


Qin Nan nodded, without further thinking, moved towards Heaven Defying Palace.

By the time he entered the Heaven Defying Palace, Sun and Moon Sword God and Nine Regions Sword God had respectively sat in the first place, and on their left-hand side, they were Qilin Flame Great Emperor, Vast Thunder Great Emperor, and so on. The right hand is Ghost Military Great Emperor and the others.

Qin Nan glanced, naturally, and stood on the right.

“Qin Nan?”

Ghost Military Great Emperor, Willow River Great Emperor, and the others, were all surprised to see him.

Because they didn’t expect that in such a big scene, Qin Nan was actually qualified to enter.

Could it be that because Qin Nan is Heaven Defying Palace Vice Palace Lord?

As for the giants such as Qilin Flame Great Emperor, Vast Thunder Great Emperor, etc., they just glanced at Qin Nan and then retracted their eyes without paying attention.

Even the Great Emperor giants of Heaven Defying Union, they didn’t pay much attention to it, even more how is just a little Martial Ancestor Realm?

Of course, if they knew that the person in front of him was Qin Nan who had surpassed the rules of martial arts, I’m afraid I would see 2 more eyes, just 2 more eyes.

“Now to talk about the business, the 3 Ancient Clans have joined our Heaven Defying Union, then our Heaven Defying Palace naturally cannot follow the previous set and must continue to make new adjustments.”

Nine Regions Sword God said.

Qilin Flame Great Emperor, Vast Thunder Great Emperor and the others are expressions as usual, as if they had been expected.

Ghost Military Great Emperor and the others is a slight change in expression.

There is no doubt that with the addition of the 3 Ancient Clans, their status and benefits will be reduced accordingly, which is previously impossible to compare.

The imaginary Great Emperor and the Ancient Thunder Great Emperor are sinking in their hearts.

If it used to be the Vice Palace Lord at Heaven Defying Palace, there is not much benefit, but now the 3 major Ancient Clan joined in, the status of Heaven Defying Palace naturally also as the tide rises, the boat floats, if you continue to serve in the Vice Palace Lord, then the benefits will be many.

“According to our conversations with the Union Master and the 3 Ancient Clan patriarchs, starting today, Heaven Defying Palace has revoked the previous 3 Vice Palace Lords and re-established the top 1 Vice Palace Lords.”

“The first Vice Palace Lord is hosted by Blood Runes Great Emperor, the second Vice Palace Lord is hosted by Qilin Flame Great Emperor, the third Vice Palace Lord is hosted by Vast Thunder Great Emperor, and the fourth Vice Palace Lord is hosted by Ghost Military Great Emperor. “

“The 4 Vice Palace Lords present here, presumably you have no comments, so the remaining 6 Vice Palace Lords, what do you think?”

Nine Regions Sword God slowly said, eyes looked towards everyone.

“Master Sword God, in my opinion and in my father’s view, our Supreme Elder at Three Great Races should be a Vice Palace Lord.”

Vast Thunder Great Emperor was the first to release the channel.

The three Supreme Elders in his mouth are the three Great Emperor peak giants among Flame Clan, Thunder Clan, and Blood Clan.

“no problem.”

Nine Regions Sword God pondered for a while, and nodded.

“Reporting to Sword God, I think that the Ancient Thunder Great Emperor and the False Great Emperor should continue to serve as the 7th and 8th Vice Palace Lord. After all, there are two people who have been in this position for many years and have great experience.”

When Ghost Military Great Emperor saw this, he said quickly.

“Master Sword God, we think so too.”

Willow River Great Emperor, Winter Cave Great Emperor, and the others all said at the same time.

The Ancient Thunder Great Emperor and the False Great Emperor hearing this immediately became a joy in their hearts and quickly cast a grateful expression.

When Qin Nan saw this scene, his heart moved slightly.

He has now understood that the meeting, to be clear, is actually the people in the 3 Ancient Clan and Heaven Defying Union, and redistributed their position in Heaven Defying Union.

For example, now, the Great Emperor giants, helping the Ancient Thunder Great Emperor and the False Great Emperor talk, are not their friendship at all.

It is said that the 3rd Ancient Clan joined the Heaven Defying Union, and they are still the 3rd Ancient Clan, and they are forced to helplessly, and the person who joined the Heaven Defying Union alone is completely different.

In a sense, the two sides are like two camps.

Let the False Great Emperor and Ancient Thunder Great Emperor continue to be Vice Palace Lord, and naturally be better for those of their ‘Heaven Defying Union’ faction.

“Master Sword God, I disagree. Although the two were formerly the Palace Lord, the current Heaven Defying Union is completely different. What are the qualifications of Great Emperor 2-layer and Great Emperor 4-layer? As Vice Palace Lord? “

Qilin Flame Great Emperor stood up and refuted directly, without concealing the disdain in his eyes.

“Master Sword God, Qilin Flame Great Emperor is right. You can’t let the guys of Great Emperor 4-layer and Great Emperor 3-layer lead us to attack Heaven Defying Union, right?”

Vast Thunder Great Emperor lightly said with a smile.


The remaining Great Emperor giants of the 3 Great Ancient Clan, hearing this, laughed, and in this laughter, carried a faintly discernable disdain.

“you guys……”

The faces of Ghost Military Great Emperor, Willow River Great Emperor, and the others were all changed, changed to Gloomy and uncertain.

The faces of Ancient Thunder Great Emperor and Void Great Emperor were also instantly red, and a anger rose in their hearts.

However, even anger cannot change the facts.

What these people are saying right now cannot be refuted.

“So in your opinion, who are the remaining 4 Vice Palace Lords?”

Nine Regions Sword God glanced at Qin Nan without looking, turned his head and looked towards Qilin Flame Great Emperor and Vast Thunder Great Emperor, and spoke out Asking Dao.

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