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Chapter 1200 95 Chapter 3 Big Ancient Clan


“3 Big Ancient Clan?”

“Big 3 Ancient Clan joined us completely?”

At this moment, in the eyes of the Great Emperor giant, Elder, deacon, and disciple, there was a shocking expression!

Even Qin Nan is no exception, shocked!

You must know that the history of the 8 Great Clans on the Cang Lan Continent is much longer than Three Great Influences and the 6 restricted areas. Even if it is now declining, the heritage is still extremely powerful and unpredictable!

Today’s Heaven Defying Union has been joined by Flame Clan, Thunder Clan, and Blood Clan. The overall strength will soar in an instant and rise day by day. It can be said that it has reached one of the most Peak forces of Cang Lan Continent!

What’s more, the Martial God Powerhouse of Cang Lan on the 10000-5000-year-old level has launched wars against Southern Heaven Gate, but their wars only invited other Great Emperor giants. People can invite the 8 Ancient Clan and other forces!

Now Demon Hair Sword God does it!

“In addition, at noon tomorrow, the Union Master will personally use the bones of the 5 Great Emperor peak giants of Southern Heaven Divine Land and the bones of 23 Southern Heaven Divine Kings, plus the 3 Ancient Clan to join us and do A huge gift for Southern Heaven Divine Land and Southern Heaven Gate! “

Nine Regions Sword God is astonishing!


The Great Emperor giant, Elder, deacon, and disciple, who were in shock, were fiercely trembling when they heard this sentence.

Where is this congratulation, clearly and justable and honorable Southern Heaven Divine Land.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary bid, but a very, very bad, very aggressive provocation.

“Demon Hair Sword God is indeed the strongest Martial God. He once killed himself in Southern Heaven Divine Land alone, and now dares to provocate Southern Heaven Divine Land like this. This kind of courage is truly beyond anyone.”

Qin Nan came back to his senses, and there was excitement in his eyes, and even the whole body’s blood was boiling.

After receiving such a “congratulations”, what would Southern Heaven Divine Land and Southern Heaven Gate be like?

Just imagining that picture will make people feel that it is extremely interesting, extremely exciting, and heart-pleasing.

“If you wait for me to complete the Thunder Tribulation and completely self-to prove the emperor, then I will also be qualified to go for the Southern Heaven Divine Land and Southern Heaven Gate.”

Qin Nan breathed out his mouth slowly, his fists clenched quietly, and red glow appeared in his eyes.

He remembered what Southern Heaven Gate did to him.

“Well, that’s all for this time, so now, my colleagues, welcome together, the three Ancient Clan people, come to our Heaven Defying Union.”

Nine Regions Sword God lightly said with a smile.

His voice had just fallen, and a deep deafening explosion sounded deep in the front of this space, followed by 2 ships with a faint and mighty power, like a giant ship like the ancient giant dragon, breaking through numerous waves. Come here.

“Is this a Demigod device?”

“Here is the Big Three Ancient Clan?”

Everyone in the audience was shocked, turned around and stared at the scene intently.

In less than two breaths, these two giant ships have already flown in front of this training field, the divergent light converged and stopped steadily.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

in an instant, on those 2 large calm ships, one after another amazing emperor’s prestige, just like Great Desolate, erupted, followed by one after another eye-catching emperor light, which shone and brightened the whole sky, all Stained into golden!

These emperor’s prestige and emperor light have a total of 30 channels, that is, there are 30 Great Emperor giants, which is far more than 3 times the number of Heaven Defying Union Great Emperor!

Not only that, but from these emperor’s prestige and emperor light, we can judge that the cultivation level of these Great Emperor giants is between Great Emperor 3-layer to 6-layer, and there are 3 Great Emperor peak giants In terms of strength, it far exceeds the Great Emperor of Heaven Defying Union!

Sou! sou! sou!

Immediately after, one after another amazing sky-splitting sound, from that big ship, one after another magnificent silhouette appeared one after another, stepped into the void, and moved towards training field!

“That’s the Heart Fire Great Emperor of Flame Clan, the God List ranked 2 1000 127 exists!”

“Isn’t that Yuan Spirit Great Emperor of Thunder Clan? He’s here!”

“Is this Rakshasa Demon Emperor of Blood Clan?”

Giants from Heaven Defying Union’s Ancient Thunder Great Emperor, Willow River Great Emperor, Winter Cave Great Emperor, etc., watching this silhouette after one after another, couldn’t help but speak out.

Sometimes, even the Ghost Military Great Emperor is dazzling.

This is because they have seen these giants in Cang Lan Continent, when they went deep into the major ruins and so on.

As for the remaining Elders, deacons, and disciplines, they were trembling, their brains were in a mess, and they were already speechless.

“This Heart Fire Great Emperor, the cultivation level of the Great Emperor 5-layer, seems to have a strange flame in him within the body, which should not be underestimated. This Yuan Spirit Great Emperor is just Interesting. The thunderbolt aura on him is actually very rare……”

Only Qin Nan, when seeing these people, directly operated the left pupil, one after another glanced.

After all, for the Great Emperor giants of Demigod’s Country, he just saw it on jade slip. Now that there are so many Great Emperor giants in one-time, naturally he can’t afford to miss the opportunity, so take a closer look.

“Hahaha, didn’t expect Heaven Defying Union, actually set up sect place in a sword. No wonder Southern Heaven Divine Land has never found a place.”

A hearty laughter sounded.

I only saw a young man with flaming hair and a magnificent hair, with a strong flame of will on his body, a proud, unscrupulous youth, stepping forward.

“It is indeed Demon Hair Sword God Senior, the means of acting, has been superb and admirable.”

A young man with full hair and tall hair, wearing a beast robe, and a body all around wrapped in a strand of dragon-form arcs, looked at all around while walking, and said with a smile on his face.

“Is this the young head of the clan of Flame Clan?”

“It’s him, Qilin Flame Great Emperor, # 9 on the Talent Martial Emperor’s List!”

“That’s the young head of the clan from Thunder Clan. On the Talent Martial Emperor’s List, Vast Thunder Great Emperor ranked 1th!”

Willow River Great Emperor, Winter Cave Great Emperor, etc., seeing these two people, they all startled look.

Although the opponent’s cultivation level may not be as good as they are now, the potential of these two people and their future achievements are far from being comparable.

“En? 2 young Clan’s young head of the clan?”

Qin Nan eyebrow raised, a touch of interest, immediately glanced away with the left pupil.

At first glance, his brows frowned slightly.

The body of these two people is shrouded in Mysterious power and cannot be seen through.

This is not the point, the point is why these two people give him a familiar feeling?

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