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Chapter 1200 70 6 Towering Murderous Intention

In less than a few dozen breathing times, more and more were born with the power of the Great Emperor, and some kind of mutation occurred, so that an amazing purple light was added to the dazzling golden light. It is extremely mysterious and majestic.

After waiting for 5 more breathing times, the power of the One after another Great Emperor seemed to have been pulled away from the rays of light, like a head of an ancient Canglong, rising from the sky, The shape of the swing, continuously immersed in Qin Nan’s body.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One after another densely packed, like the blast of a violent storm, sounded inside the body of Qin Nan.

I only saw that Qin Nan’s flesh, skeleton, and blood all became Purple Gold, with the meaning of the Great Emperor, and its degree of tenaciousness and strength reached an unprecedented level.

I am afraid that the attack of an Emperor Item now can be forcibly resisted by his flesh body alone.

If Qin Nan’s ‘heart’ has also undergone this change, it is the emperor’s body that is not just in name only, but also in reality.


Suddenly, this purple color rays of light suspended in mid-air, and then deep in its middle, there was a surge of suction, making the whole purple color rays of light start to move towards middle and keep shrinking Until the end, it turned into an ancient pattern of purple-gold color.

In this purple-gold color pattern, there is a world of azure color, the world within the realm, Qin Nan wearing a black robe, black hair, sitting on a great mountain in azure color, looking up at the sky.

Above the sky, there is a silhouette of nothingness showing azure color.

The purple golden map case is the power of the Great Emperor.

That black robe, black hair, black Great Mountain is Destruction’s Intent.

The azure color silhouette of Qin Nan looking up to is the silhouette of War God.

Now these three powers have been combined into a War God Destruction Emperor Chart.

“Purple-gold color!”

“The power of the Great Emperor in purple-gold color!”

“All the power of the Great Emperor of the Great Emperor is golden, and the power of his Great Emperor is actually a purple-gold color!”

“Is this … the true power of the Great Emperor?”

“This is the true Emperor Ah!”

Sun and Moon Sword God, the 5 Martial Gods, and the 36 Great Emperor giants, watching such a scene, startled from the beginning, then thought of something, and finally turned into a murmur and lost their faces.

They used to host Emperor’s Fate.

Once upon a time, they fantasized about what it would look like if it were self-to prove the emperor.

Today today they finally understood.

“Fine into my heart!”

Qin Nan is watching this scene, and is now loudly shouted!

The War God Destruction’s Chart suddenly turned into a dazzling rays of light, and moved towards Qin Nan’s figure, flying directly!

The so-called emperor was first Martial Ancestor’s Tree, fused with Emperor’s Fate, and the power of Great Emperor was born. Some of the power of Great Emperor washed the flesh body, and the power of the remaining Great Emperor was integrated into the heart and turned into An Emperor Heart!

The heart is the root of man and the source of strength!

Emperor Heart is refined, imperialism is achieved, and you can master and manipulate the power of Great Emperor!

“To be emperor heart!”

Sun and Moon Sword God, 5 Martial Gods, and 36 Great Emperor giants are all fiercely trembling!

Their eyes are staring at this scene, not willing to miss the slightest!

The same doubt appeared in their hearts.

After refining to become emperor, after bringing in Thunder Tribulation, baptism, to become emperor, then what natural phenomenon will Qin Nan attract?

You know, Qin Nan is self-to prove the emperor, or Three Big Emperor’s Fate, and Dao Chart emperor!

The natural phenomenon that is generated is definitely not the natural phenomenon when all Cultivator witnesses the emperor, triggering the 10000 beasts to tower and roar the sky!

However, at this instant, the mutation was raised!

“I wait for the ants to dare to self-to prove the emperor!”

A sound of astonishing anger, like Divine Thunder, suddenly exploded!

Immediately afterwards, I only heard a loud bang. Rao was a Grave of Emperors created by Calamity Martial God. The depth of the sky was actually forcibly penetrated, and a huge gap appeared. In the gap, there was a white haired old Man, exuding terrible coercion, eyes locked on Qin Nan, with a monstrous Murderous intention, stride!

“Emperor List’s Spirit?”

Qin Nan who is refining Emperor Heart, as well as the Sun and Moon Sword God, the 5 Martial Gods and the Great Emperor giants are all looking up!

When I saw this silhouette, I was shocked and held my head!

No one had expected that Emperor List’s Spirit would come!


This Emperor List’s Spirit is like I don’t know Qin Nan. I didn’t say a word, only cold intentions in my eyes!

I only saw that Emperor List’s Spirit lifted his skinny big hand, and a dark black Ancient Sword came out in his hand, striding across it, all around everything suddenly became extremely dark, only one horrible sword aura, moved towards Qin Nan cut off!

The entire Grave of Emperors, at this instant, began to tremble violently!

The formidable power of this sword is too scary!

“Not good, stop him!”

Sun and Moon Sword God and 5 Martial Gods, 36 Great Emperor giants, complexion changed with almost no hesitation, one after another divine light, one after another emperor light, bloomed, hit heavens-frightening action Killing move, moved towards that Emperor List’s Spirit, simultaneously killed!

Although they don’t know how Emperor List’s Spirit could be killed suddenly, they will never watch Qin Nan be killed!


one after another heavens-frightening

Rao is this Emperor List’s Spirit. Its battle strength is extraordinary. Under the shots of the 5 Great Martial Gods and 36 Great Emperor giants, it is also forcibly repelled!

“Hurry up and inform my deity!”

Sun and Moon Sword God did not hesitate after showing a blow, immediately took out a piece of Token, and passed on a spiritual thought. After the pass, his entire body was completely shattered, leaving no trace. !!

However, at this moment, mutation is back!

The entire Grave of Emperors trembled violently!

With the sound of a horror blast, deep down there, it collapsed again, and a bigger gap appeared than before!

I only saw an old man with red hair and imposing presence in the gap!

The appearance of the old man overshadowed everything that was present!

Even the Emperor List’s Spirit is no exception!

“this is……”

“God … God List’s Spirit?”

The 5 Great Martial Gods, and 36 Great Emperor giants, seeing this scene, all have a breath stagnation, and complexion has greatly changed.

They absolutely did not expect that even the God List’s Spirit was killed directly.

“I wait for the ants to dare to self-to prove the emperor!”

God List’s Spirit also made a loud and angry drink, a pair of eyes, stared at Qin Nan, revealing an amazing murderous intention!


God List’s Spirit doesn’t have any nonsense, take a step and shoot!

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