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Chapter 1200 70 5 Stone Breaking Tianjing

This majestic mysterious power is truly a source emperor’s power.

Until now, source emperor’s power, all inhabited within the body of Qin Nan. Until today, it can only play its role.

I only saw that under the will of Qin Nan, strands of golden light like chaotic, continuously, immersed in the Martial Ancestor’s Tree, like a golden dragon, swimming in the Martial Tree, making the trunk , Branches, leaves, all began to change Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

If the integration of the two Dao Charts is a qualitative change on will, then after incorporating the source emperor’s power, it is a transformation of strength.

From Martial Ancestor to Great Emperor, it is like a mortal being transformed into a Spiritual God.

The strong mortals are always mortals. Only Spiritual God can master the power of Spiritual God.

Wu wu wu !

At this moment, the wind of one after another, I do not know where it came from, blew towards the entire Grave of Emperors. In this wind, there was a strong majesty. If the general Cultivator is here, it must be shaken and afraid to move forward!

This wind is the wind of the Great Emperor, only when the Great Emperor giant is promoted!

“this is……”

“Emperor Emperor, he is here!”

“He’s actually self-to prove the emperor!”

“How is this possible! How can he have source emperor’s power within the body?”

“Cang Lan Continent’s martial arts rules haven’t been tampered with. How can they self-to prove the emperor?”

“That source emperor’s power is not controlled by Emperor’s List and God List. Why can’t even the Southern Heaven Gate, how can he obtain the source emperor’s power?”

The presence of Sun and Moon Sword God, and 36 Great Emperor giants, looking at this scene, were completely lost self-control, the shocking voice couldn’t help but blurt out, as if from above Nine Heavens, there is a Too Ancient God Ray, split into their soul, fiercely blasted away!

You know, these giants have experienced countless winds and rains, and even have seen the heavens-frightening battle 10000 and 5000 years ago, and the heavens-frightening upheaval, they have also seen the 8,000 years ago Battle of Nantian!

Although they will be shocked, they will be shocked, but they have never been like today, they have a feeling that their World is completely subverted!


At this moment, among the 5 Great Mountains at the end of Grand Dao, a monstrous rays of light erupted, tearing apart numerous white mists, and the silhouettes of 5 great shores rose from the ground and stood On the top of the mountain, looking at this scene, in my eyes, there is a huge shock!

These 5 silhouettes are impressively 5 Martial Gods!

Until now, no matter how amazing the genius is, entering the Grave of Emperors, even if the woman who came in 8,000 years ago, their five Martial Gods never appeared in person, at most they were just shocked, and found out the spiritual thought to achieve it. Deal that’s all!

But now they are completely shaken and can’t sit still!

self- to prove the emperor, this is the thing of Stone Breaking Tianjing!

Even more how, the person who self-to prove the emperor in front of him still surpassed the rules of martial arts, condensed out the Dao Chart, and combined the Martial Tree into a horrible genius!

But all this has nothing to do with Qin Nan!

Qin Nan ’s entire mind is all concentrated on Martial Ancestor’s Tree, feeling the trunk, branches, leaves, no mysterious changes, feeling the power of Martial Ancestor, transformed into the power of Great Emperor, produced Hentai profound mystery!

It was not until Qin Nan saw that the War God Destruction’s Chart on this Martial Tree appeared a bit of golden light, which would be combined with this emperor’s power. When the amazing transformation took place, a dazzling divine was revealed in his eyes. glow!

“Now, source emperor’s power, all gush!”

Qin Nan made a loud Hah!

His within the body is comparable to the source Emperor’s power of the 2 big Emperor’s Fate, and immediately like 2 Antique Golden Dragons, roar towards the sky, and rushed to the War God Destruction’s Chart!

This is Qin Nan’s plan!

He has a source emperor’s power comparable to Three Big Emperor’s Fate. He can use one Emperor’s Fate to integrate into the entire Martial Tree, making the Martial Tree transform. The remaining 2 Emperor’s Fate are entering the War God Destruction’s Chart!

In this way, he is not only self-to prove the emperor, but also a Great Emperor that has never been achieved for countless years!


“His emperor’s power is actually comparable to Three Big Emperor’s Fate!”

“Comparable to Three Big Emperor’s Fate? Is he one-time integrated into Three Big Emperor’s Fate?”

“This … this … it’s not just self- to prove the emperor Ah!”

The Sun and Moon Sword God and the 5 Great Martial Gods in the Great Mountain and 36 Great Emperor giants are all shaped by being hit by an invisible hammer. They are all backwards by dozens of steps!

It is comparable to the source emperor’s power of Three Big Emperor’s Fate, integrated into within the body, and performing self-to prove the emperor. How amazing is this?

I can’t imagine it!


A terrifying matchless power, released from that Martial Tree!

The entire decaying and ancient Grand Dao was shattered into nothingness, and all the Great Emperor tombs in all directions seemed to have been attacked by Taikoo Heavenly God, and the sound of one after another heavens-frightening blasted, innumerable The formation and prohibition of the door operation are crushed into nothingness!

If it were not for the Great Emperor’s tomb, it was created by the former Calamity Martial God. It is extraordinary. I am afraid that this terrifying power has long been annihilated and crushed!

At this moment, the Martial Tree is completely non-existent, but turned into an incomparable gigantic golden rays of light, suspended in the mid-air, and when viewed from a distance, it looks like a Taikoo. The sun rises in mid-air, shining the entire Grave of Emperors into a golden one!


one after another ancient trembling sound, I do not know where it came from, ringing!

These sounds are the voices of Grand Dao. They can only be triggered when you promote the Great Emperor!

It ’s just that the sound of Grand Dao triggered by ordinary people is like ten gods who sing, but the sound of Grand Dao triggered by Qin Nan now seems to count 10000 gods. It is like a roar in the heavens. Heavenly Bell, be heard directly!

At this moment, I don’t know why, Sun and Moon Sword God, 5 Martial Gods, 36 Great Emperor giants, looking at such amazing natural phenomena in front of them, they have a small feeling in their hearts!

As if they were all ants!

This is a fundamental difference in power!

“I have swept all geniuses. I am the first in the Central Region. I cannot prove the emperor!”

“I have touched Emperor’s Fate of the 9th. There are no ancients before, and no one comes after. I cannot prove the emperor!”

“I have been assisted by Emperor’s Fate to obtain source emperor’s power, but I have been killed by a traitor, my best friend has fallen, and I cannot prove the emperor!”

“The vast continent, the vicissitudes of 10000, the geniuses are countless, the heroes rise together, I want to fight!”

“No evidence at this time, when will you wait?”

Qin Nan’s figure suddenly stood up and shouted loudly!

The sharp glow in his eyes seemed to pierce countless golden glows, and mysterious among the golden glows, facing each other!

It was as if I felt his amazing will, shining extremely, like the golden glow of ancient times, suddenly raging, one after another horrible Great Emperor, was born!

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