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Chapter 1000 240 Senior, Sympathy

When Qin Nan shot, it was outside the Upper Profound Sacred Mountain.

“Profound Wind Great Emperor, Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, this Sun Yang, although it is a Human Race, but mastered the powerful Wood Element Emperor Technique, I am afraid that by then I will take away many Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit. How about teaming a sneak attack? “

Southern Heaven Divine Land Another Great Emperor giant, vision flashes, spiritual thought sound transmission saying.

He obviously hated Sun Sun Yang for stopping him.


Profound Wind Great Emperor glanced over the cold light and agreed directly.

In his view, Qin Nan wouldn’t have escaped without Sun Yang’s involvement, and he wouldn’t have been shamed.

“This proposal is good, I agreed.”

Thunder Peng Monster Emperor sneered at the corners of his mouth.

He is now full of anger, and can just use Sun Yang to vent.

“Hey, I’m fully prepared this time. When the restraint and crystal will be broken, I can capture more Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit with a thunderbolt. Not only can I raise the cultivation level, but I can also redeem it. Rich contribution points allow Union Master to personally expel Qin Nan from the Heaven Defying Union … “

The Great Emperor, not far away, has dark eyes, and within the body an ancient magic treasure is operating.

Unlike the other three Great Emperor giants, what the vain Great Emperor now wants is to deal with Qin Nan and eliminate this evil.

However, at this time, mutation emerged.

On the 3 sky trees, a Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit suddenly disappeared.


“what happened?”

“Why is one missing?”

At this moment, all the Great Emperor giants were all at a glance, all the Emperor Techniques in their hands stopped, their eyes changed in surprise.

As the saying goes, there must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

They have attacked the bans and crystals on this mountain for so long, very clear how powerful these bans and crystals are. No matter what method is used, they cannot penetrate them and take away Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit.

Now Bai Bai Shao has one, which is obviously very unusual.


At the foot of the mountain and on the mountainside, the genius disciples from all major forces, all aware of the Great Emperor giants in the sky, stopped the attack, stood still and looked up.

“Everyone, it may have been an accident just now. We are still attacking now, lest …”

The Great Emperor looked at it for a moment, and said quickly.

He can’t wait anymore and wants to collect many Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit.

However, his words were not finished.

A strange force of aura, waved in the water crystal interior, followed by 3 Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit, and ‘disappeared’ from these 3 Heavens Profound Immortal Tree.

“what happened?”

“Did you just feel it? It seems that there is a strange power coming from the mountain!”

“My pump technique, I can’t spy into Yamauchi at all!”

The faces of the Great Emperor giants all changed slightly.

The vain Great Emperor’s face also froze directly.

However, the nightmare has just begun and is far from over.





With the fluctuation of the strange power of one after another, Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit of one after another quickly ‘disappeared’ from the 3 Heavens Profound Immortal Tree, and in the short time of more than 30 breaths, the 3 On Heavens Profound Immortal Tree, there are a total of 91 Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit. Only 31 are left, and a total of 60 have been removed!

At this moment, the giants of Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, False Great Emperor, Profound Wind Great Emperor and so on are all dumbfounded!

Because of this scene, it’s really weird and amazing!

It’s not just these Great Emperor giants, but even the banned and crystals. The three majestic and huge Heavens Profound Immortal Tree seem to be a little dazed. It’s not clear when these Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit were. Disappeared!


Just listening to a trembling sound, the three Heavens Profound Immortal Trees all reacted, blooming one after another eye-catching brilliant, making the prohibition on the mountain top, Mysterious crystals, all started to grow crazy, aura became more solidified!

“Let’s do it! Otherwise, Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit is gone!”

Profound Wind Great Emperor reacted and shouted loudly, but after finishing this sentence, I felt the scornful look of Great Emperor present, and his face was like a fire!


How to shoot?

Even these prohibitions and crystals can’t be broken, it’s not easy to intervene!

“Somehow, Senior Fang, shot in secret? I am one of the Monster God Restricted Area Elder, Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, and also under the mercy of Senior Wang, sell it at the next meager face, leave a little Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit, Junior is grateful!”

Thunder Peng Monster Emperor quickly arched.

“Senior, I’m one of the Elders at Ghost Clan …”

“This Senior…”

The other Great Emperor reacted, fisting their hands.

In the case that these Great Emperor giants can’t see them, but also can directly pass through the powerful restraint and Mysterious crystal on this mountain, and directly capture Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit, you can see that the person who secretly shot, cultivation What a superb level.

So now they open their hands and call themselves Junior, Gongcheng Senior, their tone implies implied meaning, naturally normal.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the Great Emperor giants who are present are unwilling to whisper, but this Upper Profound Sacred Mountain is extremely difficult to appear once. Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit is also extremely precious, and they have paid so much. Working hard, naturally I don’t want to get 2 Heavens Profound Immortal Fruits.

“It seems to be working.”

Thunder Peng Monster Emperor expression was a little bit hilarious, but his joy was soon solidified.

The wave of strange powers, reappears, and more violently than the last time.

In less than a few dozen breaths, the 3 Heavens Profound Immortal Fruits left on 31 Heavens Profound Immortal Tree were all taken away, and one remained.

The 3 Heavens Profound Immortal Tree, when they noticed something, took a few breaths, suddenly burst into anger, and burst into anger, rolling towards the 4th party.

As for all the Great Emperor giants present, seeing this scene, they also took a few breaths and couldn’t believe their eyes.


“A Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit was not left!”

“Senior, isn’t this too much?”

“Just, Senior, why don’t you leave a few Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit?”

The Great Emperor giants all reflected in the presence, all suppressed the anger in their hearts, resisted the urge to swear, and said!

This is a total of 91 Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit Ah!

Dozens of them, the Great Emperor giants, asked at the same time, but did not leave a single one?

Although your cultivation level is strong, being a person can’t be so hard, so absolutely Ah!

However, the words of these Great Emperor giants fell into the ears of the Cultivator at the foot of the mountain and on the mountainside, but no less than the heavens-frightening of one after another!

No one left?

This is too much?

could it be that ……

Have all Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit been robbed?

So what level of Powerhouse is this so terrifying?

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