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Chapter 1239 must have good fortune afterwards

“Along the stone road, actually came to the top of the mountain?”

Qin Nan came back to his senses, took a deep breath, looked at those 3 Heavens Profound Immortal Tree, and the heart peng peng accelerated.

The ancients once said that disaster will never die, must have good fortune afterwards.

Former Qin Nan, I did n’t believe it at all, but now I have to believe it.

You know, the Upper Profound Sacred Mountain is divided into three parts, namely the white foot, the purple color mountainside, and the red mountain top.

There is least treasure at the foot of the mountain, and more treasure in the mountainside. As for the legendary Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit, only the red peak can be found.

However, in general, Cultivator cannot reach the summit.

Because these Heavens Profound Immortal Fruits have been followed by the dozens of Great Emperor giants. If they rashly participate, they will definitely die.

According to the previous development, even if it is Qin Nan, battle strength is unparalleled, and it is very difficult to compete for Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit against Great Emperor. It has great risks, but now all these dangers and difficulties are gone, and It is also very easy to obtain.

“I’m in a cave that can only be accessed by the Heavens Secret Lineage. If you use the Treasure Fishing Rod here, you can catch these Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit, one after another through the crystal on the top of the cave, and it’s all. Outside Of those Great Emperor giants, they ca n’t be found at all … “

Qin Nan’s eyes were fiery.

With so many Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit, what huge contribution points can it be redeemed for?

“His, could it be that is legendary Heavens Secret Spirit Pond?”

“Fuck! This Heavens Secret Spirit Pond is very good for our Heavens Secret Lineage!”

“Uh, uh!”

The two dogs and a mouse not far away didn’t look like Heavens Profound Immortal Tree, but stared at the golden pool, exclaimed, and when they came back to his senses, directly spread their feet, moved towards that The pool dashed past.

“Heavens Secret Spirit Pond?”

Qin Nan heard these words and turned back immediately.

I only saw two dogs and a mouse, just jumping into the golden pool, one after another powerful aura, began to radiate from their bodies, as if nourished by one after another invisible power.

“Ahhh, it’s cool, it’s so cool …”

The two dogs were barking, and their faces were full of ecstasy.

However, at this moment mutation emerged.

On the walls of cave all around, the eighty-eight quiet ancient paintings suddenly recovered, and at the same time shot a white glow into the golden pool, making the aura inside the pond with one after another horrible rising.

“Fuck!! What’s the situation?”

The two dogs in excitement, like pouring a basin of cold water in the head, were all cold.

“Master, please take the shot and help them suppress this pool of water so that they can successfully absorb it, which will lead to the road to Heaven Profound Mystical Place.”

Xiao Hong, the skeleton who has not been silent, said.

“it is good.”

Qin Nan didn’t hesitate. With a big wave of his hand, 6 Martial Trees rose into the sky and landed in the all around of the pool, respectively. The terrifying aura that rose up was suppressed.

Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit can be taken at any time.

More important now is to help two dogs and a mouse.

Meanwhile, outside Upper Profound Sacred Mountain.

“Damn, go!”

“Is this group of Lost Herb Garden crazy?”

One after another cursed, from the foot of the mountain and the mountainside, it kept ringing.

These people are the genius disciples of Southern Heaven Divine Land.

They are now very depressed, and don’t know why, since the battle between Qin Nan and the two emperors, the people of Lost Herb Garden have repeatedly shot at them.

What’s more important is that this group of people don’t die with them, just when they are about to seize the treasure, they make trouble, and after the trouble is over, they run without the slightest hesitation.

“Well, well done, go back and reward you.”

“Hey hey hey, what are you guys struggling to do, there is a guy over there who encounters treasure, and quickly sneak attack him.”

“And you…”

The genius disciples of Southern Heaven Divine Land do not know at all, on the purple color mountainside, there is a beautiful woman, emitting green light, holding a piece of Token, and she is continuously sound transmitting and giving instructions.

This woman is simply Princess Miaomiao.

“The show has just begun, see how this Princess packs up your bastards.”

The corners of Princess Miaomiao’s lips were raised with a nice arc.


Suddenly, Princess Miaomiao frowned, raised her head, beautiful eyes, looked towards the top of the mountain.

Not only him, but at the foot of the mountain and on the mountainside, those genius disciples all felt what they had, and they looked up simultaneously and looked towards the top of the mountain.

boom ~ boom ~.

The explosion from the top of the mountain was, as always, extremely intense and deafening.

The only difference is that the shining emperor light has become even more dazzling. The Emperor Technique of that door is also more dense than before, falling down one after another, and extremely horrible.

“Hahaha, these things are finally going to be broken, fellow fellow daoist, let’s work harder Ah!”

The Ghost Clan’s Great Emperor giant burst into laughter.


The Great Emperor giants, such as Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, Profound Wind Great Emperor, and Falsely Great Emperor, are all happy and responded.

The Great Emperor giants joined forces before breaking these restrictions.

“His, restraint and that crystal, it’s going to be broken!”

“What? Are you going to be broken? So fast?”

“Fuck!! I glanced at when I came, there are at least 3 Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit Ah on the 90 Heavens Profound Immortal Tree!”

“Tsk tsk, 90 Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit, what a great fortune?”

“Don’t be envious. We are all Martial Ancestor Realm. There is no chance at all. If you rush up, these Great Emperor giants will show no mercy!”

“Hey, that’s right, Martial Ancestor Realm, after all, Martial Ancestor Realm, and the Great Emperor giant, can’t compare!”

At the foot of the mountain and on the mountainside, from the startling sound to the end, it turned into a sigh!

The genius disciplines of War Clan, Ghost Clan, Flame Clan, and other major forces are all shook the head, so don’t think about it at all!

At this time, inside the Upper Profound Sacred Mountain, Mysterious cave.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One after another densely packed explosion sounded.

Qin Nan exudes an infinite fighting intent, suspended above the golden pool, and the six scattered six Martial Trees are like six giant mountains. No matter how terrible the aura is, the water is inside the pond, and you ca n’t shake it. .

Two dogs and a mouse in the pool, they started to blink golden light.

When they saw Qin Nan’s shot, they were completely relieved and started refining.

Finally, the terrifying aura of golden water inside the pond calmed down without any fluctuations.

On the bodies of two dogs and a mouse, one after another mysterious golden runes also emerges. Each runes deep has an ancient painting, which is exactly the same as the eighteen ancient paintings on all around the wall.

“Master, you can stop. After 2.5 minutes, the road to Heaven Profound Mystical Place will open.”

Skeleton Xiao Hong said quickly.

“Only 2.5 minutes?”

When Qin Nan heard this, his heart was so tight that he quickly retrieved the six old trees, took out the Treasure Fishing Rod, hit the power of Martial Ancestor, and hurriedly threw the crystal above the Stone Palace.

Time is running out, he has to shoot quickly, and must take away all Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit.

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