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Chapter 1237

At this moment, Upper Profound Sacred Mountain, the battlefield.

With the fall of 弑 divine spear, the explosion that filled the space between Heaven and Earth was completely at peace.

The genius disciples of the major forces present, looking at the raging flames at the foot of the mountain in the distance, looked dull.

The battle is over?

Qin Nan is dead?


Giants like Sun Yang Great Emperor, Melting Heavens Great Emperor, Bright Spatial Great Emperor, and so on, have a look of surprise in their eyes.

“what happened?”

Three people, Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, Profound Wind Great Emperor, and False Great Emperor, had to laugh out loud in the future, and their faces changed suddenly.

Although Princess Miaomiao, Wang Zhao, and the presence of the disciple were not noticed, all of them, the Great Emperor giants, all sensed it. At the moment when the spdivine spear fell, a force of Mysterious bloomed in an amazing way. The speed, wrapped in Qin Nan, disappeared under 弑 divine spear.

“Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! Myriad monsters pupil, open it to me!”

Thunder Peng Monster Emperor roared again, and cast the pupil of myriad monsters again, from the foot of that mountain, moved towards the mountainside, even on the top of the mountain, glanced at it layer by layer, over and over again, without letting go of any one piece of place until the end I still haven’t found the silhouette of Qin Nan!

This means that Qin Nan really escaped 弑 divine spear and also left Upper Profound Sacred Mountain!

At this moment, the teeth of the Thunder Peng Monster Emperor clenched tightly, forehead blue veins suddenly palpitates, and complexion changes were overcast!

Because he never thought that Qin Nan could escape under such a situation!

In this case, the Breaking Heavens Blade he fancy, and the Mysterious treasure of Breaking Heavens Great Emperor legacy, how couldn’t it be all gone?

“How could this be!”

When Profound Wind Great Emperor and False Great Emperor saw the face of Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, they instantly understood that the heart was fiercely trembling and it was difficult to accept this reality!

“This Qin Nan really opens my eyes to Ah!”

“Strike the Great Emperor 2-layer giant, and escaped with the cooperation of 2 Great Emperor giants! Beyond the rules of martial arts, surely the name is not in vain, this Qin Nan is worthy of looking under the Great Emperor First, the invincible Ah of Martial Ancestor Realm! “

Sun Yang Great Emperor and other Great Emperor giants are came back to his senses, can’t help but sigh in surprise!

“Not dead? Run away … run away?”

After hearing these words, Princess Miaomiao froze, and then the corner of her mouth evoked a beautiful arc.

The great sorrow and anger in her heart also disappeared at this moment.

As long as it doesn’t die, everything is fine.

Otherwise, she would be desperate to let everyone go to the funeral.

“Hu, 10000 fortunate, 10000 fortunate.”

Wang Zhao breathed a long sigh of relief, a smile appeared on his face, and suddenly thought of something, the smile froze.

“Damn it, run away.”

Wang Zhao directly urged the secret technique, turned into a residual image, and left quietly.

Because he suddenly remembered, but he helped Qin Nan. What if Thunder Peng Monster Emperor and Profound Wind Great Emperor, because of their anger, would kill him and vent their anger?

He doesn’t have the amazing identity of Princess Miaomiao, so he can only run.

As for the disciples of the major forces present, when I heard these words, a heavens-frightening thunder exploded in my mind, and my eyes showed a strong shock!

They are so lost self-control, mainly because all this is really incredible, and the impact on them is really too great!

After all, their cultivation level is Martial Ancestor Realm!

It’s also Martial Ancestor. Qin Nan can do that. Can they?

As time passes, I don’t know how long, an older genius, came back to his senses, couldn’t help whispering to himself: “So battle strength, if Qin Nan has already proved the emperor, what kind of scene will it be?”

His words were like a fuse, so that all the geniuses present were awake instantly!

“Yes! What will it be like?”

“If Qin Nan emperor, hehehe, I wouldn’t even imagine it!”

“I dare say, as long as Qin Nan proves his emperor, he can definitely play directly against the Great Emperor 3-layer!”

“It’s ridiculous that Qin Nan has been able to attack the Great Emperor 2-layer giant before he has yet to prove his emperor. If he is an emperor, he can only play against the Great Emperor 3-layer?”

“Yes, that’s at least the Great Emperor 4-layer!”

one after another sound, ringing!

Although many of these disciples are Qin Nan’s enemies, the battle strength demonstrated by Qin Nan at this time completely conquered their hearts!

“Hehe, it’s ridiculous. The Central Region Emperor’s Fate Contest and the Emperor’s Fate Contest opened by God List are all over. He has no chance. He is still a ant! When the emperor starts next time, he will be killed by me dead!”

Thunder Peng Monster Emperor heard these words, with a sense of sarcasm, sneaked, then turned around and flew straight towards the top of the mountain.

“Damn, asshole, damn it …”

Profound Wind Great Emperor and False Great Emperor are swearing again and again, and after flying, they also moved towards the top of the mountain.

Although they were anxious to shatter Qin Nan’s 10000 sections, now everything is a foregone conclusion, they can only wait for the next time before killing Qin Nan.

For now, continue to fight for Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit.

The rest of the Great Emperor giants also stopped talking and shot up to attack the peak.

One after another roar, once again through Heaven and Earth, aura was terrifying, heartbreaking and afraid to look directly.

As for the genius disciples present, many people are stuck in their hearts and are speechless at all.

Although they hated the attitude of Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, they had to admit what Thunder Peng Monster Emperor said.

What about powerful heaven-defying?

What about slamming the Great Emperor?

In this World, until now, no matter how stunning, how heaven-defying, how strong, how persistent, how brave, and so on, as long as there is no powerful Martial Spirit and no Emperor’s Fate, the future martial arts are destined to be overshadowed.

Although 80 years later, a new Emperor’s Fate Contest will be opened, but who can guarantee that within 80 years, it will not fall, or after 80 years, there will be no more powerful genius?

For example, Qin Nan is so heaven-defying, so powerful, but this time, it is just a chance to escape, and no one can guarantee that next time, Qin Nan will have such good luck.

Offended against the giants such as Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, etc., it will not last more than 80 years, and Qin Nan will probably fall.

Great Emperor is always Great Emperor, Martial Ancestor remains Martial Ancestor.

“Well, that’s all, don’t say it, keep fighting for those fruits.”

A genius reacted, sighed, and fell into the forest.

The other geniuses also shook the head, no more thinking, no more talking, and continued to search for treasure.

It’s just that, in the presence of the Great Emperor giants and the principals of the various forces, what they don’t know is that in a strange cave, the skeleton Xiao Hong, Heavens Secret Mouse, and 2 Heavens Secret dogs are sitting cross-legged, one after another The majestic power of Heavens Secret broke into the ancient trees ahead.

The ancient tree began to crack slowly, exposing the silhouette in it.

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