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Chapter 1200 Chapter 36

Hong long!

It’s another heavens-frightening boom!

Under the pinch of two Great Emperor giants, the dazzling golden light shook violently, and the cracks of one after another emerged, and the energy that penetrated out, even struck Qin Nan’s body, and Qin Nan repelled dozens of steps!

However, this golden light still has no Shattered!

“What is this magic treasure?”

In the eyes of Profound Wind Great Emperor and Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, shooking look again!

You have to know that even the outrageous Emperor Item or the prestigious rare treasure could not stop their blow, let alone their two people attacked together!

“Could it be that this is also the treasure of Breaking Heavens Great Emperor legacy?”

Thunder Peng Monster Emperor reacted to what he thought, and his heart became extremely hot. At the moment the magic seal burst out, Monster Qi became more surging, and a more terrifying killing move, just like howling wind and torrential rain, moved towards Qin Nan simultaneously fall!


Qin Nan shouted, blade aura turned out of the air, unparalleled domineering!


Within a few dozen breaths, hundreds of explosions sounded!

Both the Disciples of the Ancient Clan and the Great Emperor giants have been shocked by this scene in front of them!

Because at this moment, Qin Nan is like a puppet, even though it is suppressed by two Great Emperor giants, and his injuries are increasing, but his steps have not stopped in the slightest, as if imperceptible To fear, keep moving forward, constantly brandish a blade, a fighting intent, more and more surging!

Such people, they have never seen before!

“Hahaha, Qin Nan, now you are already an arrow at the end of its flight! This is you, reject my end! Now die for me, 弑 divine spear!”

Thunder Peng Monster Emperor laughed and strode across the sky, suddenly there was a whole dark red in his hand, as if he could pierce the Heavenly God Buddha-like ancient Boss gun, and towering to Qin Nan, kill it!

The boundless sense of crisis suddenly exploded in Qin Nan’s heart!

“Hey, want to go? Obediently die!”

Profound Wind Great Emperor noticed Qin Nan ’s movements, opened his mouth wide, and sprayed a drop of emperor blood. The number of endless storms covering Qin Nan’s body suddenly skyrocketed and became even more crazy. Breaking Heavens Blade and 6 The infinite sharp glow of a Martial Tree can’t be completely broken!

Qin Nan’s body is locked up!

In this short moment, he could not escape at all!

“Is it going to die?”

Qin Nan looked at the terrified great spear from afar, feeling the increasingly intense sense of crisis in his heart, and the icy sense of death. Somehow, he didn’t have any fear, but had 10000 pride in his heart!

Perhaps a lot of Cultivator will think that he is very stupid, and obviously can choose to be patient for the time being, surrendering Breaking Heavens Blade, and he can easily and resolve the crisis. Will he lose his life?

However, in Qin Nan’s view, he did nothing wrong and did not regret it!

If he chooses to spare no effort and chooses to surrender the Breaking Heavens in his hands, what significance does he have in this life?

There are some bottom lines and some principles, even if it is stupid, even if it is stupid, anyway, he Qin Nan, it is to adhere to it!

“Boundless creatures, listen to my orders, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, marry wood and be born again!”

At this moment, a coquettish drink suddenly rang through the sky!

I saw the entire Upper Profound Sacred Mountain. The trees and flowers of one after another seemed to heed the call, sending out the amazing green light of one after another, across the void, across the storm, across 弑 divine spear, and landed on Qin Nan’s body, wrapped in Qin Nan’s body directly!


Qin Nan’s body suddenly disappeared, and moved towards the distance!


The faces of Profound Wind Great Emperor and Thunder Peng Monster Emperor suddenly changed. Didn’t expect at this time. The princess of Lost Herb Garden suddenly intervened to spoil their good deeds!

“insignificant skill !”

Thunder Peng Monster Emperor sneered, a big hand flipped, 弑 divine spear returned to the hand again, throwing it hard, the gunpoint suddenly sprayed endless brilliance, as if the entire void was blocked, the green light, fiercely killed!

“Wang Zhao!”

Princess Miaomiao loudly shouted!

“His grandmother, 2 Great Emperor giants, actually deal with one person, it’s almost shameless, and my Wang Zhao Master can also be killed by you? 3 talents, steal the sky!”

Wang Zhao uttered a spit, and directly spit out 3 drops of blood essence, landed on the ground, and the magic seal spit out!

Although this move was very harmful to him, he did not hesitate!

He Wang Zhao, although a bit cheap, a little shameless, a bit mentally handicapped, as long as it is a person who can convince him, he will know how to piercing both sides, whatever it is!

I just saw that in the sky, the green light that envelops Qin Nan’s whole body suddenly bloomed with 3 completely different rays of light!

The entire body of Qin Nan broke out of the blockade of Profound Wind Great Emperor and Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, and disappeared before the eyes of 2 Great Emperor giants!

This is the true backhand of Princess Miaomiao and Wang Zhao!

At first, it was just a guise!

“No … gone?”

Profound Wind Great Emperor and the great Emperor giants, such as False, look at the scene in front of them, they are slightly dreadful!

“Hahaha, thought that you could save Qin Nan? It was a delusion, myriad monsters’ pupil, open!”

Thunder Peng Monster Emperor laughed heartily, among his pupils, illusory shadows of 10000 Monster Beast emerged!

He is the most powerful, not the Emperor Technique, but the pump technique!

No one else can see it, but at this moment, the Thunder Peng Monster Emperor immediately saw it. At the foot of the Upper Profound Sacred Mountain, Qin Nan’s figure was integrated into an ancient wood!

Obviously, Princess Miaomiao and Wang Zhao wanted to integrate Qin Nan into the ancient tree, so as to avoid hunting!

“弑 divine spear, kill!”

Thunder Peng Monster Emperor!

This terrifying great spear, carrying the momentum of heavens-frightening, moved towards the foot of the mountain!

“Not good !”

The faces of Princess Miaomiao and Wang Zhao suddenly changed!

Because of the two people, they did not expect that Thunder Peng Monster Emperor was good at pump technique!

Hong long!

The next moment, a terrible explosion sounded!

At the foot of the mountain, there were countless fires that swept the four sides, and the land, trees, flowers, etc. were all shattered, as if forming a huge wave!

The hearts of Princess Miaomiao and Wang Zhao sank to the bottom of the valley instantly, and they were all cold!

Qin Nan ……


However, no one saw that at the moment when the 弑 divine spear fell, a red light wrapped the Qin Nan transformed into an ancient tree and disappeared in place!

At the same time, several sounds were heard above the mountainside of Upper Profound Sacred Mountain.

“Fuck, big sister, but that’s the Great Emperor. How did you go to save someone?”

“Right! Even though we have the blessing of the power of Heavens Secret, we are not Ah’s opponents of the Great Emperor!”

“Shut up! See who this is!”


“Fuck! Damn it, Master … Master?”

“Less nonsense, hurry into that place, or you will be found!”

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