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Chapter 1000 2 100 16 map within the map, treasure within the treasure

“How can this be!”

“The water curtain turned on automatically?”

“Fuck! What the hell is going on?”

Huo Dun and dozens of Cultivators have shocked their faces!

The formidable power of this water curtain, they know best, unless it is the arrival of the Great Emperor, it will not be broken at all!

However, Qin Nan’s water curtain has now spread out!

What exactly is going on?

“So that’s how it is …”

Qin Nan came back to his senses.

He now understands that Huo Dun and other Cultivators must be trapped behind this water curtain. Otherwise, they will rush out and take away the 80 Heavens Profound Spirit Fruit.

“Being able to trap so many Cultivators, it can be seen that the water curtain is not simple. It seems that this map given to me by Ugly Crow Daoist is not an ordinary map. According to previous speculations, it is likely that I wanted to search for Heavens Profound Spirit Fruit, Then wait for Upper Profound Mystical Place to hit me, as easy as blowing off dust to take it away. “

Qin Nan’s eyes flashed with rays of light.

There must be a reason for everything, he impossible to take an ordinary map, there is such a powerful formidable power.

Thinking about this, Qin Nan stepped on the tip of the stone palace and moved towards 3 ancient trees.

Seeing this scene, the shocking Huo Dun and other Cultivators had their eyes widened.

This is 80 Heavens Profound Spirit Fruit.

Such a huge fortune, they could only watch it being taken away by others.

This kind of taste is just like roasting with fire, uncomfortable.

Qin Nan stood still, and as soon as he threw his sleeves, he brought this Heavens Profound Spirit Fruit into Storage Ring.

Suddenly thought of something, Qin Nan glanced at Huo Dun and the others, lightly said with a smile: “didn’t expect luck so good today, I am just an ordinary ancient map, but I can pick up 80 for nothing Heavens Profound Spirit Fruit … “

Talking, Qin Nan suddenly eyebrow raised, because he saw a groove under the Stone Palace middle wall.

This groove is extremely concealed, without the slightest spiritual energy, if not unintentionally, Qin Nan would not have found it at all.

More importantly, the size of the groove is exactly the same as the ancient map in Qin Nan’s hands, and there are 3 dark red dots in the groove, as well as the 3 red dots on his ancient map. Is exactly the same.

“This must be a hidden institution, and I will try to put the ancient map on it.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

Of course, Qin Nan’s discovery, the other Cultivator, is completely unknown.

In contrast, these Cultivators, hearing Qin Nan’s words, seemed to have been punched hard in the chest, and they were in a state of consternation.

This guy is simply too bad.

After picking up such a big bargain, I actually specially stimulated them.

Zhan Xiaoxian’s beautiful eyes were full of bright colors, and suddenly thought of something, also looked towards Huo Dun and other Cultivators, exclaiming: “During the battle for pictures, what did you say? Duan Qing big brother is stupid? silly?”

“Now? What about getting the golden map? I can’t find the golden map of the treasure. What’s the use!”

“I also ridicule Duan Qing big brother, you are so ignorant!”

Zhan Xiaoxian’s mouth was so sharp, every sentence was inserted into the hearts of everyone present!

Huo Dun, Ao Sha, etc., and the others, a complexion that changed instantly and became extremely gloomy!

Suddenly, Huo Dun thought of something, his face turned from yin to clear, and the corners of his mouth sneered, saying, “Xiaoxian, you are too simple! Duan Qing can go in, it must be by some kind of mysterious method Go in! If he is relying on an ancient map, why did Qin Nan have a one piece of water curtain when it first appeared? “

“This one……”

For a moment, Zhan Xiaoxian, she forgot it.

“Huh, ordinary ancient map is ordinary ancient map. Cultivator, so many golden maps, so many ordinary ancient maps are not the right way. Just the ordinary ancient map of Duan Qing is the right way? Just ridiculous? ! “

Huo Dun sneered.

“That’s right, Duan Qing must rely on other means!”

“I said, a common ancient map, how can you open the water curtain?”

“This Duan Qing is still dead-mouthed. In order to prove that he is not stupid, all the credit for entering the Stone Palace is attributed to that ordinary ancient map. He was so tricky that he almost lied to him!”

Ao Sha and other Cultivators, all came back to his senses, and looked towards Qin Nan with a look of disdain and contempt!

How about getting these Heavens Profound Spirit Fruit by your own means?

This still doesn’t change, the silly fact of giving up 5 golden maps!

Also, good luck doesn’t come often, so next time you’ll get nothing!

“you guys–“

Zhan Xiaoxian’s beautiful eyes showed anger, but for a moment, she didn’t even know how to refute.

“Everyone, have you finished speaking? When you have finished speaking, give me a little quieter.”

After Qin Nan closed all the Heavens Profound Spirit Fruit, he glanced sharply at the crowd, and then he took out the ordinary ancient map and moved towards the middle of Stone Palace.


Huo Dun and Cultivator were all surprised.

Qin Nan suddenly came up with an ancient map. What is it for?

“There is a groove there, an ancient map-shaped groove!”

Suddenly, a Cultivator found something and shouted!

“Ancient map-shaped groove?”

Huo Dun and other Cultivators are trembling physically and mentally. If so, it proves that this is a hidden institution. If you open it, there must be a treasure Ah!

Qin Nan didn’t even look at them, shoots a finger, and popped the ancient map into his groove!

Whiz whiz whiz !

Suddenly, the square notch of each and everyone was cracked in the Stone Palace, and one after another long arrow appeared white, and a huge poison qi was released on the tip of the arrow!

“Destruction Domain!”

Qin Nan loudly shouts, black light swept away, shattering this Poisonous Arrow at the same time!

However, these Poisonous Arrows seem to be inexhaustible. More and more sprayed out. Rao is Huo Dun and Cultivator, all looking at the coldness in his heart!

If you change them and want to resist these Poisonous Arrows, it will take a lot of effort!

“Hahaha, Xiaoxian, did you see? This groove must be a mechanism that can open the treasure! However, the ordinary ancient map of Qin Nan is not good at all, otherwise, would it cause so many attacks?”

Huo Dun thought of something, laughed, and took pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Best this Duan Qing, let him die inside.

The other Cultivator, when he heard this, couldn’t help laughing, his face filled with joy.

Qin Nan took away that many Heavens Profound Spirit Fruit in vain, and their hearts have long been upset. Now that they see Qin Nan suffering, how can they be unhappy.

Suddenly, at this moment, all the Poisonous Arrows disappeared.

On the water curtain in front of everyone, a Mysterious Symbol suddenly emerged. From that Symbol, a beam of white light sprayed out, and it was simultaneously illuminated in the middle of the Stone Palace.

Hong long long.

Bursts rang out.

The Stone Palace’s wall suddenly changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down, moved towards 2 sides, and kept pulling away.

An immense amount of spiritual energy burst out.

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