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Chapter 1000 2 100 15 All Cultivator are staying

After waiting for 100 breaths, a total of 40 Cultivators landed on the peak.

As if there were big hands in the middle of it, these 40 Cultivators were scattered in more than ten places, and they didn’t notice each other.

“According to our 2 maps, there must be a lot of Heavens Profound Spirit Fruit here. Now we have to find one piece of palm-sized, whole-body blue color stones, and then crush the blue color stones.”

Huo Dun landed on the ground and said.

“It seems that other people have also come to this mountain.”

Standing behind Ao Sha, pump light condensed.

“This is nothing. I heard others say that the difference between ordinary ancient map and golden map is that golden map refers to the right place. Although ordinary ancient map can also reach this place, the above comment is actually wrong, only Will lead them into a trap. “

Huo Dun glanced at Zhan Xiaoxian intentionally or unintentionally, and spoke proudly.

“So that’s how it is, or golden map is great Ah!”

“Fortunately we got the golden map!”

Several other Ancient Clan disciples said that they started searching quickly.

It didn’t take long for them to find a piece of palm-sized blue color stone in a grass. After breaking it, they only heard a loud bang, an old tree exploded, and a formation appeared in the tree. aisle.

“It’s here!”

Huo Dun was so happy that he stepped into the crowd with everyone.

Apart from this, a similar scene is happening in the rest of the mountain.

The more than 40 loose cultivators, relying on the golden map and the ordinary ancient map in their hands, respectively, found the key things of the annotations in the figure, opened the hidden channels and entered them.

Of course, no one found where Qin Nan was.

Time passed slowly, Huo Dun, Ao Sha and the others, and the remaining waves of loose cultivators all resolved the layers of danger, and went deeper into the mountain.

Until 5 minutes later.

Huo Dun, Ao Sha and the others finally reached the bottom of the passage. In front of them, there was also a water curtain formed by the aggregation of countless drops of water.

“this is……”

When looking through the water curtain, Huo Dun, Ao Sha, Zhan Xiaoxian and the others are all shocking look.

Just seeing behind this water curtain is a huge Stone Palace, Stone Palace middle, with 3 ancient white trees, on the branches of ancient trees, each and everyone is crystal clear, emitting countless mysterious aura, and pounds There are a total of 80 fruits of spiritual energy.

These fruits are truly Heavens Profound Spirit Fruit.

Rao was Huo Dun, Ao Sha, Zhan Xiaoxian and the others, and his breathing became quicker.

80 Heavens Profound Spirit Fruit, this is a great asset.

“Quick, quick, open the water curtain!”

Huo Dun’s expression became extremely excited, shouted loudly!

After you get these 80 Heavens Profound Spirit Fruits, and then collect some Heavens Profound Spirit Fruits, you can not only receive rewards in Lost Herb Garden, but also make Zhan Xiaoxian look amazing!

As for what Duan Qing?

There is no way to compare with him!


In an instant, Ao Sha, etc. and the others, all started to shoot quickly, and the imperial Emperor Technique was simultaneously hit!

However, with their attack, their excited faces began to change gradually, as if pouring a pot of cold water at the moment!

Because they found that no matter how they attacked, even if they used the Forbidden Technique and the Great Emperor Talisman together, they couldn’t shake the water curtain in the slightest!

“How can this be wrong? No, don’t attack the water curtain. Let’s dig the mountain and dive into Stone Palace!”

Huo Dun’s face continued to change, and he slammed aloud. A strong Emperor Technique was exhibited. Strikes were on the side of the mountain, and others quickly shot!

After a burst of explosions, Huo Dun, Ao Sha, and other disciplines were all silly!

Because they found that the mountain wall was extremely mysterious, and they could not shake it except for leaving a little mark on it!

How is this going?

This is not a golden map. How could you encounter such a thing?

could it be that huge wealth, right in front of them, can they just look at it like this?

Just at this time, Huo Dun and the others suddenly noticed something, looked up and moved towards.

I can only see that there are 2 water curtains beside Stone Palace, and there are three water curtains that have evolved. Behind those 3 water curtains, there are several loose cultivators.


The three batches of loose cultivator, seeing each other, and seeing Huo Dun and the others, were all stunned, and then found 3 Heavens Profound Spirit Fruit in Stone Palace, and the breathing suddenly rushed, and Huo Dun and the others, as before, started crazy attacks.

However, after a bombardment, the three waves of loose cultivator were also silly.

Because they found that no matter what method was used, they could not shake the water curtain, nor could they pass through.

In other words, they either go back or just watch.

Immediately after that, there were 8 water curtains. Simultaneously emerged beside 2 of this Stone Palace.

Here are the remaining 8 batches of Cultivator.

These 8 batches of Cultivator, like Huo Dun and the others, and the other 3 batches of Cultivator, first became cyanotic, then breathed fast, attacked madly, and then simultaneously dumbfounded.


“How is this going?”

“Damn it, could it be that all traps?”

“This map is too unreliable, too pit!”

“It’s a pit, even Huo Dun and the others are trapped there!”

In the audience of more than 40 loose cultivators, their faces became extremely ugly, and they could not help yelling.

They now finally understand that the instructions on the map are clearly a huge trap.

“I said how could it go wrong. All maps are the same. This place is a trap. No one can get it.”

Huo Dun relaxed, raised his chest, and said.

Although he didn’t get it, it was extremely unpleasant, but if everyone didn’t get it, he had a lot of balance in his heart, and Zhan Xiaoxian would not look down on him.

“Looks like we have to change places.”

Ao Sha said.

Huo Dun and the others nodded, ready to leave.

Cultivator behind the other water curtains, after shouting, was helpless and was about to leave.

However, at this time, the sound of hong long long sounded from above the Stone Palace. Apparently someone was moving here towards Stone Palace.

Huo Dun and the others, as well as the loose cultivator present, were step one stopped, and gave a subconscious glance.

I can only see that another water curtain emerged. The person behind the water curtain was Qin Nan.

After Qin Nan entered the hole, he encountered many ancient formations. Breaking these formation one after another took a lot of time, so he took a step late.

“Duan Qing big brother?”

Zhan Xiaoxian beautiful eyes brightened.

“Duan Qing?”

The other Cultivator was also stunned.

“Well, who is my idiot? It turns out to be this idiot. It seems that this ordinary ancient map he got is not mysterious, but he is still trapped outside the water curtain …”

Huo Dun, who was unhappy in the heart, saw Zhan Xiaoxian’s attitude and sarcastically.

“Che, it’s him.”

“It’s just a fool, no need to pay attention, let’s go.”

Other loose cultivators are also contemptuous and don’t want to stay too much.

However, at this time, the shocking scene happened.

When Qin Nan looked at the ‘spectacle’ in Stone Palace and was still in a daze, the water curtain in front of his eyes made a sound of one after another scratching, and even started to move slowly towards 2 and withdraw.

“this is–“

Huo Dun and the others, and all Cultivator, as if was struck by lightening.

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