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Chapter 1000 2 100 13 Cang Lan’s Tree’s Map

“How is this going?”

Qin Nan frowned.

Nine Martial Trees have been fused with fragments of Cang Lan’s Tree. If Ugly Crow Daoist has fragments of Cang Lan’s Tree, then it is reasonable to let 9 Martial Trees have strange reactions instantly.

The point is, the ring in Qin Nan’s hand has no fluctuations, which proves that there is no fragment of Cang Lan’s Tree in the other hand.

“Everything has a reason, first look at this Ugly Crow Daoist and see if you can detect anything.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart, looked up.

I saw the silhouette from the white mist and walked out completely. Even wearing a large black robe, I still couldn’t cover the exquisite figure, even this Ugly Crow Daoist, wearing a veil, this lithe and graceful The lovable body is still attractive.

“Well? How is Ugly Crow Daoist a woman?”

“Strange, wasn’t it a man before?”

“Could it be that always disguised?”

all around a lot of loose cultivator, all are confused.

“Start now.”

Ugly Crow Daoist turned a blind eye and said.

Her voice dropped, she could only hear the breaking sound of whiz whiz whiz, a silhouette, simultaneously flew away, and surrendered 2 1000 Divine Stone, after finishing Divine Stone, these Cultivator’s chests will have a strange golden runes.

Of course, most of Cultivator is standing on one side, with a sneer in his mouth.

Although they will not rush to scramble for maps, they can enter the Lower Profound Mystical Place and grab those maps from these people.

This saves effort and worry.

“Surprisingly, her cultivation level, although very powerful, is just very powerful that’s all, there is nothing too special. Regardless, take part in this battle for a fight first …”

Qin Nan thought for a while, shook the head, tipped his feet, flew forward, and paid back the remaining Divine Stone, and then returned.

But what Qin Nan didn’t know was that when he left, the motionless Ugly Crow Daoist shook slightly, as if looking up at him.

Not long after, there were 100 Cultivators.

Huo Dun, Zhan Xiaoxian, Ao Sha and the others were also involved.

“Speaking of rules, you can play in the circle, make out of the circle. In addition, you must not use Martial Spirit and Martial Tree, nor kill. The time is 5 ten breaths. After 5 ten breaths, who is in the picture? “

Ugly Crow Daoist said, the sleeve robe fluttered, a green light burst out, and a circle of 3 squares was drawn on the ground.

Qin Nan waited for Cultivator and immediately stepped into the circle.

“Duan Qing big brother, come on!”

Zhan Xiaoxian loudly said, seeing the color of anticipation.

Since the last time, she also wants to see Qin Nan take another shot.

Huo Dun heard this sentence, his face was not very good-looking, coldly snorted, and secretly calculated in his heart, when he would have to compete for the golden map, he was very popular.

“Start now!”

Ugly Crow Daoist’s voice rose suddenly, the sleeve robe flung again, and a green light rose to the middle above the circle. After 3 breaths, the green light suddenly broke apart, moved towards the entire circle, and sprayed a full 100 ancient map.

However, at this moment, including Qin Nan, there are 99 Cultivators who participated in the capture of the picture, and Cultivators in all directions.

I can only see, 100 ancient map, simultaneously fell quickly.

However, there are five golden maps, all of which are gathered on top of Qin Nan’s head, and moved towards Qin Nan falls.


Most Cultivator can’t help but swear!

The luck of this guy is also very good, as long as you gently wave your hand, you can definitely get all 5 golden maps into your hands!

Collected 5 golden maps together. This was an unheard-of, unprecedented Ah!

Qin Nan responded quickly. Although I don’t know why Ugly Crow Daoist did this, but since these 5 golden maps were delivered to the door, please accept them all!

But at this crucial moment!

Qin Nan’s 9 Martial Trees suddenly trembled again. The ring on his hand flashed a faint rays of light!

Although extremely faint, this fell into Qin Nan’s eyes, but it was like a thunderbolt!

The ring reacts, that is to say, there are fragments of Cang Lan’s Tree!

“Is it?”

Qin Nan’s eyes swept away, and in an instant, he locked on a bland ancient map, without any hesitation, a little toes, turned into a residual image, moved towards that ancient map and grabbed it!

However, his action fell in the eyes of everyone, but it was no less than heavens-frightening!

This this……

This guy didn’t catch the golden map?

Instead, grab an ordinary ancient map?

“Golden map is mine!”

Among the 100 Cultivators, a big man responded quickly, his face flushed with excitement, and he transformed into a big hand, moved towards the 5 golden maps and grabbed them!

“Hugh think!”

The rest of Cultivator also responded and suddenly shot.

Suddenly, in the whole circle, countless light glows were shining.

Even if there is only 5 ten breaths, but a big war broke out, there is no problem at all.

Qin Nan’s body is changing. With a big wave of his hand, he easily relaxed this ancient map into his pocket.

After all, this is just an ordinary ancient map, and no one fights with him.


After 5 ten breaths, Ugly Crow Daoist suddenly shouted loudly, like a Divine Thunder, exploding above it.

Many of the Cultivators who were fighting were now changing complexion, and had to grit their teeth, stop their figure, and grabbed an ordinary ancient map nearby.

ancient map, everyone has it.

It’s just that they all want the golden map, but now they haven’t caught it, naturally they are unwilling.

As for the five golden maps, Huo Dun captured two, Ao Sha captured one, and the remaining two were captured by two powerful loose cultivators.

“Duan Qing big brother, you …”

Zhan Xiaoxian didn’t look at Huo Dun at all, but looked at Qin Nan with a faint look.

Everyone in the audience reacted, and moved towards Qin Nan.

“Hahaha! Duan Qing Grandmaster, thank you Ah! How could I have won two golden maps without you? But to be honest, your actions today really opened my eyes to Ah!”

Huo Dun, excited, looked towards Qin Nan, and laughed, his eyes full of ridicule.

Now in his eyes, Qin Nan is a complete fool.

Although Qin Nan may think that the ordinary ancient map has any mystery or is very important, it cannot be compared with 5 golden maps anyway.

“It is truly a generation of Grandmaster, admired and admired.”

Ao Sha’s eyes were full of mockery, and his words were stingy.

“Is this person mentally sick?”

“What’s Duan Qing, isn’t it? Really a fucking fool!”

“Shhh, whisper, isn’t this person sick? If you scold him, he will be desperate for you!”

“I’m speechless, and I don’t even grab 5 golden maps?”

“Well, if you give me this chance, how good it is, 5 golden maps are definitely mine!”

At this moment, not only the two people, but also those who did n’t grab the golden map, had a rest qi in their hearts, and all around those who looked at the lively Cultivator, could n’t help yelling, looking towards Qin Nan ’s eyes , Full of contempt and disdain.

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