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1000 2 100 12 Chapter 1

Next, these Cultivators started to talk about some rumored top secrets. Qin Nan also listened with keen interest pleasure.

In Demigod’s Country, in addition to the inconvenience of traveling, there are no special intelligence forces like Hidden Shadow Building, many major event items, the Great Emperor battle, the Great Emperor fall, etc., only a few people know , Most people don’t know.

Unless it is Emperor Emperor, and beyond the rules of martial arts, the battle of Martial God and other heavens-frightening major events can make the whole Demigod’s Country sensation.

Suddenly, a powerful aura surged in front of the restaurant door.

Many Cultivators, including Qin Nan, all looked up.

After all, in this restaurant, fish and dragons mixed in together, there are many Powerhouses, most people dare not be so high-profile.

I only saw that the person who issued the aura was a young man wearing a gold silk robe with a one piece of wooden token around his waist. In the eyes of the young man, he was proud and unabashed.

Behind the youth, there are five other people, and the aura radiating from each of them is extremely distinctive.

In addition to this youth, the remaining 5 people are all disciples from the Eight Ancient Clan.

“Who is this young man?”

“I haven’t heard of it, but the people behind him are all the inner sect disciple of the Big 8 Ancient Clan.”

“This young man is walking ahead, so it seems that his status is more noble, no wonder so high-profile.”

Cultivator at restaurant all around is whispering. Although some people are quite upset, they don’t say much.


Qin Nan’s eyes were surprised.

Among the five people behind this youth, one of them is Zhan Xiaoxian.

“Duan Qing big brother? Are you here too?”

Zhan Xiaoxian turned his head and looked surprised.

“Well, why are you here now?”

Qin Nan Asking Dao, Zhan Xiaoxian’s status in War Clan is middle-grade. In theory, he can enter Upper Profound Mystical Place.

“Hehe, father didn’t allow me to participate, let me retreat, I was not happy, and I sneaked out.”

The smile on Zhan Xiaoxian’s face grew brighter.

“Xiaoxian, what is this?”

The youth who released Aura before, frowns Asking Dao, glanced at Qin Nan’s eyes with a hint of hostility.

Originally, in his capacity, he could follow clansman and go directly to Upper Profound Mystical Place, but in order to be with Zhan Xiaoxian, he came here intentionally in advance.

What makes the youth uncomfortable is that he paid such a great price for Zhan Xiaoxian. Zhan Xiaoxian is neither cold nor warm to him, and Zhan Xiaoxian is so affectionate to the stranger in front of him.

“Guys, this is Duan Qing big brother, a very powerful pump technique Grandmaster. Duan Qing big brother, this is Huo Dun, this is the son of Elder of Lost Herb Garden, this is Ao Sha of Blood Clan, Ghost Clan’s … “

Zhan Xiaoxian one after another introduced.

“People at Lost Herb Garden? Under Duan Qing.”

Qin Nan hearing this the eyes shines, hug his fist in front of Huo Dun.

This was his first encounter with Lost Herb Garden in Demigod’s Country.

I don’t know why. After knowing that Huo Dun is a disciple of Lost Herb Garden, he doesn’t have much aversion to Huo Dun.

“Awesome pump technique Grandmaster? I don’t know Duan Qing Grandmaster. Who is the teacher? And in what forces?”

Huo Dun looked at Qin Nan’s fist and turned a deaf ear, but instead opened the mouth to ask, and his words were stingy.

“No Sect, no Faction, under Azure Dragon Saint Lord.”

Qin Nan lightly said with a smile.

“No Sect, no Faction? Not even Three Great Influences? Xiaoxian, it ’s not me who says you. When you make friends, you must be cautious. Otherwise, you will lose a lot!”

Huo Dun looked towards Qin Nan’s eyes with a moment of disdain.

no Sect, no Faction that’s all. As for the Azure Dragon Saint Lord, he has never heard of it, and there is no Great Emperor 2 in the name. It can be seen that this Azure Dragon Saint Lord is by no means a Great Emperor giant.

In this way, Huo Dun naturally cannot look at Qin Nan because of his identity.

The five Ancient Clan’s disciple, who heard these words, were also indifferent, and did not say hello to Qin Nan.

Qin Nan expression is as usual, but he has only a little affection for Huo Dun and disappears.

“Huo Dun, give me less talk nonsense, otherwise I will be blamed.”

Zhan Xiaoxian complexion turned cold.


Huo Dun was furious, didn’t expect Zhan Xiaoxian’s attitude towards him in order to make a duan Qing.

“That’s all, don’t say no more, let’s go to the 4th-layer elegant room, today I treat.

Huo Dun suppressed the fire, coldly glanced at Qin Nan, and said with a smile.

“Duan Qing big brother, shall we go together?”

Zhan Xiaoxian asked hastily.

Huo Dun heard this, and his chest was again blocked.

“I won’t go, you play.”

Qin Nan waved.


Zhan Xiaoxian still wanted to say something, but when he saw Qin Nan’s eyes, he had to be nodded.

Anyway, after entering 亘 Ancient Battlefield, it’s still a long time, and she can go to Duan Qing big brother.

“It’s fair to know you.”

Huo Dun was lightly relaxed, gave Qin Nan a glance, and whispered sound transmission. After speaking, he and Zhan Xiaoxian and the others went to the restaurant’s 4th-layer.

Qin Nan is quite speechless. Didn’t expect this Huo Dun, so arrogant and despotic, just because of this little detail, just like him.

“But I don’t know if princess will come this time?”

Qin Nan thought what was happening, and he felt instantly, with a touch of expectation.

What does princess look like today?

Later, Qin Nan left the restaurant and found an ancient tree, sitting cross-legged, and cultivation.

Time passed slowly, the closer the 亘 Ancient Battlefield opened, the more Cultivator came from all directions.

Even during this period, some Cultivators were upset with each other, and they even fought.

Finally, at the dawn of the 2nd day, the Mysterious white gate on the Great Mountain suddenly made a slight trembling sound.

This made the Great Mountain all around thousands of Cultivators instantly aware of what was happening, spiritual thought simultaneously.

“亘 Ancient Battlefield is about to start.”

“Tsk tsk, it will be a while before the real start, and now we have to start fighting for the picture?”

one after another sounded.

Qin Nan, who is in retreat cultivation, is also eyes opened at this time, looking towards the giant gate on the mountain top.

It was at this instant that mutation emerged.

From the distant woods, a huge white mist blew, a black bird, making a weird hissing sound, flying all around the sky.

A silhouette of a cricket came slowly from this white mist.

For some reason, the silhouette’s footsteps are obviously very light, but they are clearly introduced into everyone’s ears.

“Time is in a hurry, 50 years have passed.”

“Fellow daoist, here at Ugly Crow Daoist, there are 100 maps prepared. Are you interested in competing? If you are interested, please pay 2 1000 Divine Stone, 2 1000 Divine Stone …”

Qin Nan was also quite interested in this Ugly Crow Daoist, and immediately ran the left pupil, ready to see.

However, at the next moment, Qin Nan’s face suddenly stunned.

Just now, the 9 Martial Trees in his body seemed to feel something, and they trembled.

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